“SAD”是“Stroke And Distance”的缩写,意思是“行程和距离”

    英语缩略词“SAD”经常作为“Stroke And Distance”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“行程和距离”。本文将详细介绍英语缩写词SAD所代表英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度。此外,还有关于缩略词SAD的分类、应用领域及相关应用示例等。
  • 英文缩写词:SAD
  • 英文单词:Stroke And Distance
  • 缩写词中文简要解释:行程和距离
  • 中文拼音:xíng chéng hé jù lí
  • 缩写词流行度:359
  • 缩写词分类:Sports
  • 缩写词领域:-1

    以上为Stroke And Distance英文缩略词SAD的中文解释,以及该英文缩写在英语的流行度、分类和应用领域方面的信息。
  1. The Relationship of Stroke Rate and Distance Per Stroke and It's Influence on Boat Velocity of Rowing in Elites
  2. Under the situation of having no precision requirements about ( advance - ) to return-time ratio, slider stroke and offset distance etc., a useful method was provided in order to improve the effective force transmission performance of slider-crank mechanism.
  3. Age, sex, stroke specialty and what distance you swim, along with your physical makeup, are all incredibly important factors in determining how much yardage you should do in practice.

    上述内容是“Stroke And Distance”作为“SAD”的缩写,解释为“行程和距离”时的信息,以及英语缩略词SAD所代表的英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度和相关分类、应用领域及应用示例等。