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单词 clash
verb uk/klæʃ/ us/klæʃ/
C2 [ I usually + adv/prep ]打斗,打架;发生冲突;争论,争辩
to fight or argue
Students clashed with police after demonstrations at five universities. 学生们在5所大学示威之后与警察发生了冲突。
The government and the opposition parties have clashed over the cuts in defence spending. 政府与反对党派在削减国防开支的问题上发生了激烈的争执。
[ I ](两种意见、声明或品质)有分歧,不相容,相抵触
If two opinions, statements, or qualities clash, they are very different from each other.
This latest statement from the White House clashes with important aspects of US foreign policy. 白宫的最新声明与美国外交政策的重要方面相抵触。
[ I ](在比赛中)激烈竞争
If two people or teams clash in a sports competition or race, they compete seriously against each other.
C2 [ I not continuous ](颜色或风格)不协调,不搭配,不和谐
If colours or styles clash, they look ugly or wrong together.
I like red and orange together, though lots of people think they clash. 我喜欢红色和橙色相搭配,尽管许多人认为这两种颜色不协调。
C2 [ I not continuous ] UK(时间上)相冲突,相矛盾
If two events clash, they happen at the same time in a way that is not convenient.
Her party clashes with my brother's wedding, so I won't be able to go. 她的聚会与我哥哥的婚礼冲突了,所以我不能参加。
[ I or T ](使金属)砰地相碰撞;(使碰撞作响
to make a loud noise like metal hitting metal, or to cause something to make this noise
The saucepans clashed as he piled them into the sink. 他把那些煮锅堆放进水槽时,锅子相互碰撞当啷作响。
She clashed the cymbals together. 她敲响铙钹。
noun uk/klæʃ/ us/klæʃ/
C2 [ C ]冲突;打斗;争论,争执
a fight or argument between people
Rioters hurled rocks and bottles in clashes with police at the weekend. 暴乱分子在周末与警方发生了冲突,投掷了石块和玻璃瓶。
There were violent clashes between the police and demonstrators in the city centre. 在市中心,警察和示威者之间发生了暴力冲突。
C2 [ C usually singular ](观点或品质等的)分歧,抵触,冲突,巨大差异
a situation in which people's opinions or qualities are very different from and opposed to each other
a clash of opinions/loyalties/personalities 观点分歧/在效忠问题上的冲突/性格不合
    More examples
  • The final will be a clash of the titans.
  • There was a violent clash between rival supporters after the match.
  • The fear is that these minor clashes may develop into all-out confrontation.
  • Border clashes have led to increased friction between the two countries.
  • 30 demonstrators were killed in clashes with the security forces over the weekend.
[ C ]竞争,竞赛
a sports competition or race between two people or teams
[ C ](颜色或风格)不协调,不搭配,不和谐
the fact of colours or styles looking ugly or wrong together
[ C ] UK(时间上的)冲突,矛盾
the situation when two events happen at the same time in a way that is not convenient
In the new timetable, there's a clash between history and physics. 新课程表中,历史课和物理课时间上冲突了。
[ C ]金属相碰撞的声音
a loud noise that sounds like metal hitting metal
a clash of cymbals 铙钹的锵锵声




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