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单词 check
verb uk/tʃek/ us/tʃek/
A2 [ I or T ]检查;核查,核对
to make certain that something or someone is correct, safe, or suitable by examining it, him, or her quickly
You should always check your oil, water, and tyres before taking your car on a long trip. 你每次开车长途旅行前都应当检查一下油箱、水箱和轮胎。
Customs stopped us and checked (= searched) our bags for alcohol and cigarettes. 海关人员让我们停了下来,检查我们的包里有没有烟酒。
After I'd finished the exam, I checked my answers for mistakes. 我做完考卷后检查答案有没有错误。
The doctor will call next week to check on your progress. 下星期医生会来检查你恢复得怎么样。
I check on (= visits) our elderly neighbour every few days to make sure that he's alright. 我每过几天就去看望我们年迈的邻居,看他是否一切都好。
[ + (that) ] I always check (that) I've shut the windows before I leave the house. 离开家前我总要检查一下,看窗户是否都已关好。
He double-checked all the doors (= checked them all twice) before leaving the house. 他离开这幢房子前又把所有的门都检查了一遍。
See also: crosscheck
B1 [ I or T ]得到信息;核实
to find out about something
[ + question word ] I called them yesterday to check when they were arriving. 我昨天给他们打了电话,核实他们什么时候到达。
[ + to infinitive ] If you're near the garage, could you check to see (= ask) if the car's ready? 要是你离修理厂不远,能去看一下车是否修好了吗?
If you're unsure of your legal rights, I would check with (= ask) a lawyer. 如果你不清楚自己的合法权利,我可以去请教律师。
    More examples
  • It's a good idea to check the flight departure time before you leave for the airport.
  • I'd like to check my bank balance, please.
  • Patricia has checked the reports and can vouch for the accuracy of the information.
  • You should have your teeth checked by a dentist at least twice a year.
  • Remember to go over your essay checking for grammar and spelling mistakes before you hand it in to me.
[ T ]阻碍制止抑制
to stop someone from doing or saying something, or to prevent something from increasing or continuing
They have begun to vaccinate children in an attempt to check the spread of the disease. 为了控制疾病的蔓延,他们开始给孩子们注射疫苗。
[ T ] mainly US (UK usually check in)(在机场)托运行李
to give your bags to airport employees to be put on a plane for you, rather than carrying them on and off the plane yourself
I got my boarding pass and checked my suitcase. 我已经办理了登记手续,也托运了行李。
Many airlines charge extra for checked bags/baggage/luggage. 很多航空公司对托运行李收取额外的费用。
[ T ] mainly US寄存,寄放
to leave something with someone at a particular place, so that they can take care of it for a short time
It was hot so we checked our coats before going round the gallery. 天气太热了,所以我们先寄存了大衣再去参观画廊。
[ I ] mainly US信息)符合,吻合
If information checks, it agrees with other information.
Her statement checks with most of the eye-witness reports. 她的陈述与大多数目击证人的报告相吻合。
A1 [ I or T ] mainly US (UK usually tick)给…标记号,勾去
to mark something with a check
Check (off) each item on the list as you complete it. 每完成一项就在清单上把该项勾去。
[ T ] games specialized国际象棋)攻王棋,将军
in the game of chess, to put the other player's king under direct attack, so that he or she is forced to defend against the attack in the next move
[ T ] sports mainly US specialized(冰球等)阻截
in some sports such as ice hockey, to try to make another player lose the ball or puck, for example, by pushing them
Phrasal verbs
check inB1 (在机场)办理登机手续
to show your ticket at an airport so that you can be told where you will be sitting and so that your bags can be put on the aircraft
Passengers are requested to check in two hours before the flight. 乘客应在飞机起飞前两小时办理登机手续。
You can save time by checking in online. 你可以用网上签到以节省时间。
to contact someone by making a phone call, short visit, etc., usually in order to make sure there are no problems or to tell them that there are no problems
My son checks in regularly with me when he's travelling. 我儿子在外旅游的时候会经常打电话给我报平安。
check in/check into somethingB1 (在酒店等)办理入住手续;登记,报到
to say who you are when you arrive at a hotel so that you can be given a key for your room
Please would you check in at the reception desk and sign your name in the book. 请您在接待处报到,并在登记簿上签名。
check something in (在飞机场)托运行李,交付行李
to give your bags to airport employees to be put on a plane for you, rather than carrying them on and off the plane yourself
Will you be checking in any luggage, madam? 女士,您有行李要托运吗?
Those who need to check in bags must be patient and prepared for security searches. 需要托运行李的人一定要有耐心,为安全检查做好准备。
check something off 查讫,在…上打钩(表示正确或已处理)
to mark names or things on a list as correct or as having been dealt with
He checked off their names on the list as they got on the bus. 他们上车的时候他在他们的名字上打了钩。
check outB1 (在酒店)办理退房手续,结账离开
to leave a hotel after paying and returning your room key
We checked out (of/from our hotel) at 5 a.m. to catch a 7 a.m. flight. 我们凌晨5点办理了退房手续去赶早上7点的班机。
check something outC1 informal查证;核实,证实
to examine something or get more information about it in order to be certain that it is true, safe, or suitable
We'll need to check out his story. 我们需要核实一下他的话。
C1 informal去…查看;了解…的情况
to go to a place in order to see what it is like
I'm going to check out that new club. 我打算去那家新俱乐部看看。
mainly US(在图书馆)登记借
to borrow books from a library
check up on someoneC1 监督督促检查
to try to discover what someone is doing in order to be certain that that person is doing what they should be doing
My mum checks up on me most evenings to see that I've done my homework. 我妈妈大多数晚上都要检查我是否完成了家庭作业。
noun uk/tʃek/ us/tʃek/
[ C ](cheque的美式拼写)
US spelling of cheque UK
B1 [ C ]检查;核对,查核
an examination of something in order to make certain that it is correct or the way it should be
The soldiers gave their equipment a final check before setting off. 出发前士兵们对他们的装备做了最后一次检查。
"I can't find my keys." "Have another check in/through your jacket pockets." “我找不到钥匙了。”“在你夹克衫口袋里再找一找。”
Security checks have become really strict at the airport. 机场的安全检查变得十分严格。
The police are carrying out spot checks on (= quick examinations of a limited number of) drivers over the Christmas period to test for alcohol levels. 圣诞节期间,警察对司机们进行了酒精度抽检。
It's my job to keep a check on stock levels. 随时检查库存量是我的工作。
I'll just run a check on (= find information about) that name for you in the computer. 我这就在电脑里给你查询这个名字。
    More examples
  • We make a fortnightly check on supplies.
  • They carried out the pre-flight checks.
  • I made one last check that we had not forgotten anything.
  • Can you have a check in the kitchen to see if my keys are in there?
[ C or U ](彩色)方格图案
a pattern of squares formed by lines of different colours crossing each other
a shirt with a pattern of blue and yellow checks 蓝黄相间的格子衬衫
a grey check suit 灰色格子西服
A2 [ C ] US账单
a bill in a restaurant, etc.
Can I have the check, please? 请给我结账,好吗?
hold/keep something in check 控制限制抑制
to limit something
We need to find ways of keeping our expenditure in check. 我们必须想办法限制我们的开销。
checks and balances (组织内部的)制约与平衡,制衡原则
rules intended to prevent one person or group from having too much power within an organization
A system of checks and balances exists to ensure that our government is truly democratic. 制衡制度的存在是为了确保我们的政府真正民主。
A2 [ C ] mainly US (UK usually tick)钩号
a mark (✓) that shows that something is correct or has been done
Put a check by/against the names of the people who have accepted the invitation. 在接受邀请的人的姓名上打钩。
[ U ] games specialized(下国际象棋时)攻王,将(对方的)
in chess, the act of directly attacking the other player's king
I think I should have given check (= attacked my opponent's king) at move 23 instead of trying to find a safer square for the rook. 我觉得下一步不应该把车移到安全位置,走到23步直接将他的军会比较好。
in checkgames specialized 被将军的局面
If your king is in check in chess, it is being directly attacked by the other player.
Your king is in check from my knight. 你的王被我的马将死了。
Compare: checkmate
[ C ] sports mainly US specialized(冰球等)阻截
in some sports such as ice hockey, a defensive move (= trying to prevent scoring) in which a player tries to make another player lose the ball or puck, for example, by pushing them
exclamation uk/tʃek/ us/tʃek/
mainly US(用于确认所列事项已完成)是的,已照办
used to say yes to someone who is making certain that all the things on a list have been dealt with or included
"Did you bring your sleeping bag?" "Check." "Pillow?" "Check." “你带睡袋了吗?”“带了。”“枕头呢?”“带了。”
games specialized将军!杀棋!
something you say in chess, if you directly attack the other player's king
Compare: checkmate




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