noun [ C ] informal (also Down-easter) uk/daʊnˈiː.stər/ us/daʊnˈiː.stɚ/
a name for someone from the US state of Maine, especially the area on the coast
Kevin is a Downeaster from Farmington, Maine. 凯文是一位来自缅因州法明顿的人。
Many Downeasters are annoyed that Maine's smoking ban has been extended to the ski area. 很多对缅因州人对禁烟令延伸到滑雪场感到恼火。
- More examples
- I'm a regular Downeaster myself - a Maine man.
- The fee could strain low-income Downeasters faced with higher fuel costs and grocery bills.
- What would you Downeasters think of that?