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单词 drive
verb uk/draɪv/ us/draɪv/ drove | driven
A1 [ I or T ]),驾驶
to move or travel on land in a motor vehicle, especially as the person controlling the vehicle's movement
I'm learning to drive. 我在学开车。
"Are you going by train?" "No, I'm driving." “你乘火车去吗?”“不,我开车去。”
She drives a red sports car. 她开一辆红色跑车。
They're driving to Chicago on Tuesday. 星期二他们要开车去芝加哥。
We saw their car outside the house and drove on/past/away. 我们看见他们的车在房子外面,然后就开车往前走/过去/离开了。
I drove my daughter to school. 我开车送女儿上学。
Compare: ride verb
driving while intoxicatedlaw US specialized (abbreviation DWI) 酒后驾驶
the crime of operating a motor vehicle after having drunk more alcohol than you are legally allowed to
Smith was arrested and charged with DWI. 史密斯已被捕并被指控酒后驾驶。
    More examples
  • I asked him to drive more slowly, but he didn't take any notice.
  • The police fined her for driving through a red light.
  • The police spotted him driving a stolen car.
  • We drove along a narrow, bumpy road.
  • She drives the kids to school every morning.
C1 [ T ]驱赶,赶走;迫使,驱使
to force someone or something to go somewhere or do something
They used dogs to drive the sheep into a pen. 他们用狗把羊赶进圈里。
A post had been driven (= hit hard) into the ground near the tree. 一根柱子被砸进了那棵树旁边的地里。
By the end of the year, most of the occupying troops had been driven from the city. 到年底时大部分占领军都被赶出了这个城市。
[ + to infinitive ] In the end, it was his violent behaviour that drove her to leave home. 最终是他的暴力行为让她离开了家。
C1 [ T ]强迫,迫使,逼迫
to force someone or something into a particular state, often an unpleasant one
In the course of history, love has driven men and women to strange extremes. 在历史的进程中,爱情曾经迫使男人和女人做出荒谬极端的事情。
Recent events have driven the stock market to lows not seen in ten years. 近期的一系列事件在十年中第二次使经济陷入严重衰退。
drive someone mad, crazy, etc.B2 informal 使…发疯/恼怒等
to make someone extremely annoyed
My mother-in-law has been staying with us this past week and she's driving me crazy. 上周我婆婆一直和我们住在一起,她快把我给逼疯了。
He leaves dirty clothes all over the floor and it's driving me mad. 地板上到处都是他扔的脏衣服,真要把我给气疯了。
drive someone wildinformal (尤指在性方面)使…极其兴奋
to make you very excited, especially sexually
When he runs his fingers through my hair, it drives me wild! 当他的手指掠过我的头发时,我兴奋极了!
    More examples
  • Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
  • His family could not understand how this quiet, well-adjusted man could have been driven to this terrible deed.
  • Self-hatred apparently drove her to mutilate her own face.
  • Her husband's violent and abusive behaviour drove her to the verge of despair.
  • She had her demons and, later in life, they drove her to drink.
C2 [ T ]驱动;推动
to provide the power to keep a machine working, or to make something happen
The engine drives the wheels. 发动机驱动车轮。
Water drives the turbines that produce electricity. 水驱动涡轮机发电。
[ T ]猛抽,猛击(球等)
If you drive a ball, especially in golf or baseball, you hit it hard so that it travels a long way.
Slater drove the ball down the fairway. 斯莱特沿着球道奋力击球。
be in the driving seatidiom UK (US be in the driver's seat) 负责,处于控制(或管理)地位
to be in charge or in control of a situation
drive your message/point homeidiom 充分表达想法,透彻说明观点
to state something in a very forceful and effective way
The speaker really drove his message home, repeating his main point several times. 演讲者数次重申他的主要观点,充分表达了自己的想法。
drive someone to drinkidiom humorous 使人焦虑,让人心烦
to make someone extremely worried or unhappy
You guys will drive me to drink! 你们快把我给烦死了!
drive a coach and horses through somethingidiom UK 驳倒论据);彻底挫败,破坏(规章或计划)
to completely destroy a rule, an argument or a plan
drive a hard bargainidiom informal 极力讨价还价
to expect a lot in exchange for what you pay or do
drive a wedge between someoneidiom 损害…之间的关系
to damage the good relationship that two people or groups of people have
It doesn't make sense to let things that happened in the past drive a wedge between us now. 让过去发生的事情损害我们之间现在的关系是很愚蠢的。
Phrasal verbs
drive at something 意思是,想说明
If you ask someone what they are driving at, you ask that person what they really mean.
I don't see what you're driving at. 我不明白你的意思。
drive off 驱车离去,驶离
to leave in a car
I got in the car and drove off. 我上车后把车开走了。
noun uk/draɪv/ us/draɪv/
[ C ](尤用于沿途有房屋的道路名称)路,大道
used in the names of some roads, especially roads containing houses
12 Maple Drive 枫树路12号
[ C ] mainly UK (also driveway)(住宅通往大路的)私人车道
a short private road that leads from a public road to a house or garage
I parked in the drive. 我把车停在私人车道上。
[ C ]有计划的努力运动
a planned effort to achieve something
The latest promotional material is all part of a recruitment drive. 最新的宣传材料只是征兵运动的一部分。
UK I'm meant to be on an economy drive at the moment, so I'm trying not to spend too much. 现在我打算勤俭节约,所以正在尽量控制花销。
B1 [ C ]驱动器
a device for storing computer information
a hard drive 软/硬盘驱动器
a DVD drive DVD驱动器
a CD drive CD驱动器
B1 [ C ]驱车出行;驾车路程
a journey by car
It's a long drive from Auckland to Wellington. 从奥克兰到惠灵顿开车要走很长时间。
Shall we go for a drive this afternoon? 我们下午开车去兜风好吗?
[ U ]车辆的传动系统
the system used to power a vehicle
a car with left-hand/right-hand drive (= in which the driver sits in the seat on the left/right). 左/右座驾驶的汽车
a four-wheel drive vehicle 四轮驱动的车辆
C1 [ U ]干劲魄力决心欲望
energy and determination to achieve things
We are looking for someone with drive and ambition. 我们在寻找有干劲、有抱负的人。
[ + to infinitive ] He has the drive to succeed. 他有取得成功的决心。
Later on in life the sex drive tends to diminish. 人到晚年性欲往往会逐步减退。
[ C ](体育运动中,尤其高尔夫球或棒球的)大力击球
(in sport, especially golf or baseball) a powerful hit that sends a ball a long way




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