(also fl)
written abbreviation for floruit : used in writing before a date to show when a person lived or was active
The reference is found in a treatise written by Bernard Ollerius (fl. 1375—83). 该参考资料可在勃纳德·奥勒瑞乌斯 (Bernard Ollerius)(著述期 1375-83 年)所撰写的论文中找到。
The painting, entitled "Peasant Family", is by the Lenain Brothers (fl. circa. 1625-77). 这幅名为“农民家庭”的画作出自勒南三兄弟之手,三位画家的创作全盛期为1625-1677年。[指安东·勒南(Antoine Le Nain, 1588 — 1648)、路易·勒南(Louis Le Nain, 1593 — 1648)与马修·勒南(Mathieu Le Nain, 1607 — 1677)三兄弟,均为法国画家,经常采取合作的方式,一般作品不署名。]
written abbreviation for fluid
See: fl oz
- More examples
- She recently published a study on the works of Caelius Aurelianus (fl. around AD 400).
- The auctioneer's catalogue includes a rare Japanese woodblock print by Tawaraya Sori (fl. circa 1790 - 1800).