verb [ T ] uk/ˌdiː.kənˈstrʌkt/ us/ˌdiː.kənˈstrʌkt/
to break something down into its separate parts in order to understand its meaning, especially when this is different from how it was previously understood
We should deconstruct the Western myth of human rights. 我们应该对西方人权迷思进行解构。
literature specialized(对文本)解构,拆析(以显示含义不是一成不变的,而是因读者不同或理解角度不同而变化)
to examine a text in detail in order to show there is no fixed meaning but that it can be understood in a different way by each reader
He likes to deconstruct obscure religious texts. 他热衷于拆析晦涩费解的宗教文本。