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单词 best
adjective uk/best/ us/best/
A1 最好的最出色的最优秀的
of the highest quality, or being the most suitable, pleasing, or effective type of thing or person
This is the best meal I've ever had. 这是我吃过的最好的一餐。
He's one of our best students. 他是我们最优秀的学生之一。
Are you sure this is the best way of doing it? 你肯定这是做这事的最佳方法吗?
What's the best (= shortest or quickest) way to get to their house? 哪条路去他们家最方便?
Your parents only want what is best for you. 你父母只想把最好的给你。
She was my best friend (= the friend I liked most). 她是我最好的朋友。
It's best (= it is wise) to get to the supermarket early. 最好早点儿赶到超市。
    More examples
  • This type of nursery care may well be the best choice for your child.
  • Some of the best wines come from France.
  • He won the award for best actor, and deservedly so .
  • Everyone has their own ideas about the best way to bring up children.
  • That's the best piece of news I've heard for a long time!
be on your best behaviouridiom 举止得体;以最好的表现示人
to behave extremely well and be very polite on a particular occasion
I'd just met his parents for the first time so I was on my best behaviour. 我刚刚第一次见了他的父母,做出了最好的表现。
best betidiom informal最安全可靠的办法
Your best bet is the action that is most likely to be successful.
If you want to get to the station before ten o'clock, your best bet would be to take a cab. 如果你想在10点之前到达车站,最保险的方法是乘出租车。
be the best thing since sliced breadidiom informal 是很不错的人是非常好的事物
to be an excellent person or thing
may the best man/person win!idiom 但愿最佳选手获胜。
said before a race or competition, meaning that you want the person who is the fastest, strongest, or most skilled to win or succeed
put your best foot forwardidiom 全力以赴
to try as hard as you can
with the best will in the worldidiom UK (用于表示无法做某事)尽管我真心愿意
used to mean "I would like to if I possibly could", in a situation where you cannot do something
With the best will in the world, I can't employ him in the shop unless I can trust him. 除非我能信任他,否则不管我多想,我都不能雇他到店里工作。
adverb uk/best/ us/best/
B1 最好地最高程度地
in the most suitable, pleasing, or satisfactory way, or to the greatest degree
Which evening would suit you best for the party? 晚会哪天晚上举行对你最合适?
The Grand Canyon is best seen at sunset. 大峡谷日落时最美。
He couldn't decide which one he liked best (= preferred). 他不知道自己最喜欢哪一个。
(以 good 或 well 开头的形容词的最高级)
to the greatest degree when used as the superlative of adjectives beginning with "good" or "well"
They were the best-dressed couple at the party. 他们是舞会上衣着最华丽的一对。
He was voted the best-looking (= most attractive) actor in Hollywood. 他被选为好莱坞最英俊的男演员。
as best you can mainly UK 尽力
as well as you can
It is a difficult passage, but just translate it as best you can. 这段文章确实很难,不过你尽力翻译就可以了。
We're just ordinary people trying to raise our family as best we can.
They keep up their cultural traditions as best they can.
He began, as best he could, to rebuild his life.
I explained the situation to her as best I could.
    More examples
  • For reasons best known to himself he's decided to leave his job.
  • "The table that I liked best was about so wide," she said, holding her arms out a metre and a half.
  • We could go now or this afternoon - whatever time suits you best.
  • I'll have to do some thinking about how best to arrange the books.
  • Under what conditions do plants grow best?
do as you think bestidiom (also do what you think is best) 你认为怎么好就怎么做
to choose the action that you judge to be most suitable
"Do you think I should take this job or try for another?" "You should do as you think best." “你认为我应该接受这份工作呢,还是另找一份试试?”“你认为怎么好就怎么做吧。”
had bestidiom UK 最好
used to suggest an action or to show that it is necessary
You had best tell her (= it would be wise if you told her) that you won't be able to come to her party. 你最好告诉她你不能参加她的聚会。
We'd best be going now (= we should go now). 我们最好现在就走。
noun [ S ] uk/best/ us/best/
B1 最好的人(或事物)
the most excellent in a group of things or people
My tastes are simple - I only like the best. 我的品位很简单——我只喜欢最好的。
He wanted the best for his children - good schools, a nice house, and trips abroad. 他想让自己的孩子们享受到最好的一切——上好学校,住漂亮房子,还有去国外旅行。
I like all of Hitchcock's films, but I think "Notorious" is the best. 我喜欢希区柯克所有的电影,不过我认为《美人计》是最棒的一部。
Chris and I are the best of friends (= we are very close friends). 克里斯和我是最好的朋友。
Best, ...informal 祝好,
used at the end of a friendly message or letter before writing your name
I'll call you early next week to set up a lunch date. Can't wait to meet you. Best, Beth Morris 我下周初来电约你吃午饭。迫不及待地想见到你。祝好,贝斯·莫里斯
all the best A2 informal (用于告别或信末祝福)祝一切顺利!
used to say goodbye, or to end a letter to someone you know well, or to send good wishes to someone
All the best to your parents! 祝你父母万事如意!
Hope to see you soon. All the best, Rod.
I wish you all the best with your new job.
All the best, then! It was nice to meet you.
Wish Penny all the best from us, won't you?
Many thanks again for looking after us so well! All the best, Lucy and Dave.
at bestC2 最多,充其量
even when considered in the most positive way
The food was bland at best, and at worst completely inedible. 这种食品往好了说,是清淡无味,往差了说,则根本不能吃。
These treatments will bring only moderate pain relief at best.
Her novels were considered lowbrow at best, positively tacky at worst.
The idea that people will accept these proposals is naive at best.
Investing in these shares will give you a minimal return at best.
at its bestB1 最高水平的
at the highest standard that can be achieved
The documentary was an example of investigative journalism at its best. 这部纪录片是调查性新闻报道的最佳范例。
To watch these films is to see animation at its best.
At its best, architecture can transform lives.
To me, his two terms in office represented conservative politics at its best.
His performance of Rachmaninov's third piano concerto was virtuosity at its best.
be at your best 处于最好状态
to be as active or intelligent as you can be
I'm not at my best in the morning. 上午我不在最佳状态。
You're not at your best when you try to take on too much at once.
She is at her best when she is writing about life in the Scottish Highlands.
Bob is always at his best when there's a real crisis on.
With so little sleep, the troops certainly weren't at their best.
best of allB2 最棒的
this is the most pleasing thing
There was wonderful food, good company, and, best of all, a jazz band. 那儿有丰盛的食物,热情的伙伴,最棒的是还有一支爵士乐队。
This flashlight is extremely bright and, best of all, it doesn't need batteries.
The pay is good and my co-workers are nice, but best of all, I get free burgers every day!
His work was extremely accurate, and best of all, he was quick.
I love my new, simpler life. Best of all, my depression has lifted.
best of luck 祝你好运
used to wish someone success before a test, etc. or a difficult activity
US Best of luck on your finals! 祝你期终考试好运!
UK Best of luck with your finals! 祝你期终考试好运!
We would like to wish you the (very) best of luck on/with your move to France. 我们祝你搬到法国之后一切顺利。
Best of luck to you, Josh! I hope everything goes well for you.
We continue to wish Katie the best of luck in everything she does.
It's a hard job and I wish you the best of luck with it.
the best of …场比赛中的大部分胜利
In a sport such as tennis, if you play the best of a particular number of games, you play that number of games and the winner is the player who wins the greatest number of those games.
Shall we play the best of five? 我们打五局三胜好吗?
We don't have time for a whole tennis match, so let's play the best of three games.
It's best of five, and Miami and Denver are tied at two each for the series.
We usually play the best of nine rounds of card games like rummy.
We take turns to take a shot at goal and it's the best of six.
do/try your (very) bestB1 尽力
to make the greatest effort possible
It doesn't matter if you fail, just do your best. 即使失败了也没关系,只要你尽了力就行。
I did my best to ignore all the shouting.
He was doing his best to avoid situations that stressed him.
We tried our very best to develop good working relationships with other members of the team.
His fans leaned over the barriers, trying their best to touch him.
have had the best of 享受最佳部分
If you have had the best of something, you have enjoyed the most pleasant part of it, and everything that is left is worse.
I think we've already had the best of the hot weather this summer. 我想我们已经度过了今年夏天最舒服的日子。
It looks as if it might rain soon - I think we've had the best of the day.
With the pitch deteriorating, it looks as though the England team will have had the best of the weather.
It's pretty clear that he's had the best of his presidency now.
to the best of your ability (also to the best of your abilities) 尽力
as well as you can
Just do the job to the best of your ability. 只要你尽力工作就行了。
I wanted to support her research to the best of my ability by making the papers available to her.
Most people want to perform to the best of their ability at work.
I've played to the best of my abilities with the club, and I'm crushed that they've let me go.
We will work to the best of our ability to make sure that the educational needs of all the children are met.
He is trying, to the best of his ability, to help other people who have suffered from similar types of addiction.
to the best of my knowledge/beliefB2 据我所知
from what I know and understand from the information that I have
To the best of my knowledge, the chemicals which were found are not dangerous. 据我所知,那些被发现的化学品没有危险性。
He didn't speak to us and nor, to the best of my knowledge, did he speak to any of our friends or family.
To the best of my knowledge, there have been no cases of poisoning caused by consumption of these fish.
To the best of my belief, these letters were written by my aunt.
The man I saw was, to the best of my belief, the accused.
He told police that, to the best of his belief, she hadn't been by since Tuesday.
for the bestC2 终究有好处
If an action is for the best, it is done to improve a situation or produce a good result, although it might seem unpleasant at the time.
Ending a relationship is always hard but in this case it's for the best. 结束一段感情总是很难的,但这样做终究会对你有好处的。
She is finding it hard to persuade teachers that these changes in classroom practice are for the best.
The last thing I wanted was for my parents to go into a nursing home, but in the end even I could see it was for the best.
The cast didn't attempt a Spanish accent, which was definitely for the best.
Most people thought it was for the best that the senator stood down.
make the best ofB2 尽可能善用(不令人满意的处境)
to make an unsatisfactory situation as pleasant as possible
We'll have to spend the night here, so we might as well make the best of it. 我们得在这地方住一夜,所以还是将就一下吧。
We'll just have to make the best of a bad situation.
It was in her nature to make the best of whatever came along.
He had to do the worst jobs, but he made the best of it.
It was a matter of pooling our resources and making the best of it.
    More examples
  • He's one of our best salesmen - in fact I'd say he's the best.
  • Her latest film, by common consent, is her best yet.
  • The judges will select the best from this year's crop of first novels.
  • It's only human nature to want the best for your children.
  • Our hotel is the best in town.
at the best of timesidiom C2 即使在最好的情况下
when everything is going well
Our car is slow even at the best of times. 我们的车即使在最佳状态下也开不快。
the best of a bad bunch/lotidiom informal矬子里面拔将军;差中选优
the person or thing of a group that is not as bad as the others, although none of the group is good
the best of both worldsidiom C1 两全其美各取其长
a situation in which you can enjoy the advantages of two very different things at the same time
She works in the city and lives in the country, so she gets the best of both worlds. 她在城市工作却住在乡村,可以尽享两种生活的好处。
the best of British (luck)idiom UK informal (尤指当其成功的希望不大时)祝某人好运
used to wish someone luck, especially when you do not think they have much chance of success or happiness
You're going to ask her father for money? Best of British, mate! 你打算向她父亲要钱?祝你好运,老兄!
with the best of themidiom informal 不亚于任何人
as well as anyone
He can dance with the best of them. 他舞跳得不比别人差。
verb [ T ] formal uk/best/ us/best/
to defeat someone in a fight or competition
He bested his opponent in just two rounds. 仅仅两个回合他就击败了对手。
Synonyms: outdooutflanktrump




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