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单词 go
verb uk/ɡəʊ/ us/ɡoʊ/ going | went | gone
A1 [ I usually + adv/prep ]去;走
to travel or move to another place
We went into the house. 我们走进了那座房子。
I went to Paris last summer. Have you ever been there? 去年夏天我去了巴黎,你去过那儿吗?
We don't go to the cinema very often these days. 近来我们不大常看电影。
Wouldn't it be quicker to go by train? 坐火车去不是更快一些吗?
Does this train go to Newcastle? 这趟火车去纽卡斯尔吗?
Where do you think you're going? Shouldn't you be at school? 这是到哪去啊?你现在应该在学校里,不是吗?
A1 [ I usually + adv/prep ]移动;行走
to be in the process of moving
Can't we go any faster? 我们能不能走得再快点儿?
We were going along at about 50 miles an hour. 我们正在以每小时50英里左右的速度行进。
to go down the road 沿着这条路走
to go up/down stairs 上/下楼梯
to go over the bridge 过桥
to go through a tunnel 穿过隧道
UK figurative I've got a tune going around/round in my head (= I am continually hearing it) and I just can't remember the name of it. 一支曲调时时在我脑海萦绕,但我就是想不起它的名字。
A1 [ I ](做…);参加);从事
to move or travel somewhere in order to do something
[ + -ing verb ] We go shopping every Friday night. 我们每周五晚上去购物。
I've never gone skiing. 我从来没去滑过雪。
They've gone for a walk, but they should be back soon. 他们去散步了,但是应该很快就会回来。
[ + to infinitive ] She went to meet Blake at the station. 她去火车站接布雷克了。
There's a good film on at the Odeon. Shall we go? 奥登影院正在放映一部好片子,我们去看吧?
where has/have something gone? (用于找不到东西时)…跑哪去了?
said when you cannot find something
Where have my keys gone? 我的钥匙跑哪去了?
    More examples
  • You won't be able to go swimming tomorrow if your cold hasn't cleared up.
  • You should change trains at Peterborough if you're going to Newcastle.
  • We went dancing at a nightclub.
  • I was thinking we might go on a shopping trip on Saturday.
  • Simon and Jo have gone to visit their grandmother this weekend.
B1 [ I ](尤指为了去别的地方)离开,离去,出发
to leave a place, especially in order to travel to somewhere else
Is it midnight already? I really must go/must be going. 都已经到半夜了?我真的得走了。
She wasn't feeling well, so she went home early. 她感到不舒服,所以提前离开回家了。
mainly UK What time does the last train to Bath go? 去巴斯的最后一趟火车什么时侯开?
I'm afraid he'll have to go (= be dismissed from his job) - he's far too inefficient to continue working for us. 恐怕他得走人了——他实在太不称职,没法继续在这儿干下去。
This carpet's terribly old and worn out - it really will have to go (= be got rid of). 这张地毯破旧不堪,磨损严重——必须得换了。
to goUS (将在饭店所点食物)带走,外带
If you ask for some food to go at a restaurant, you want it wrapped up so that you can take it away with you instead of eating it in the restaurant.
I'd like a cheeseburger and strawberry milkshake to go, please. 我要外带一个奶酪汉堡包,一份草莓奶昔。
See also: takeaway (FOOD)
[ I ]去世,离开人世
polite word for to die
She went peacefully in her sleep. 她在睡眠中安详辞世。
    More examples
  • You can stay if you want, but I'm going to go.
  • The next train for Manchester goes in ten minutes.
  • Get your coat, we're going.
  • He was here a minute ago, but he must have just gone.
  • He was disappointed to find they'd already gone.
B1 [ I + adv/prep ]);延伸
If a road, path, etc. goes in a particular direction, it leads there.
This road goes to Birmingham. 这条路通向伯明翰。
A huge crack went from the top to the bottom of the wall. 墙上裂了一条很大的裂缝,从房顶一直延伸到地面。
[ I usually + adv/prep ]延展,延伸(一段距离)
to continue for a particular length
The tree's roots go down three metres. 这棵树的根一直到地下3米。
    More examples
  • Their friendship goes back to when they were at school together.
  • The M4 goes from London to Bristol.
  • The tunnel goes right underneath the city.
  • The cable went from the video into the back of the TV.
  • The scratch goes along the entire length of the vehicle.
be going to do/be somethingA2 将要做/成为;打算做/成为
to intend to do or be something in the future
Are you going to go to Claire's party? 你打算去参加克莱尔的聚会吗?
He wants me to mend his shirt for him, but I'm not going to! 他想让我给他补衬衫,我才不干呢!
I'm going to be a famous pop star when I'm older. 我长大了想做一个有名的流行歌星。
B1 [ L only + adj ]变得,变成,成为
to become
The idea of going grey doesn't bother me, but I'd hate to go bald. 我不在乎我的头发会变灰白,但是我真的很受不了变成个秃头。
Her father's going senile/blind/deaf. 她父亲变老了/失明了/变聋了。
If anything goes wrong, you can call our emergency hotline free of charge. 如出现任何问题,你可以拨打我们的免费紧急热线。
After twelve years of Republican presidents, the US went Democratic in 1992. 在共和党人做了12年的总统后,美国在1992年进入了民主党执政的时代。
    More examples
  • Paul will go mad when he finds out you've broken his watch.
  • Because the book's so old, the pages are going yellow.
  • The cars pull away when the lights go green.
  • Many small businesses went broke during the recession.
  • He goes all misty-eyed whenever he hears that song.
C2 [ I usually + adv/prep ]做特定的动作
to move a part of the body in a particular way or the way that is shown
Go like this with your hand to show that you're turning left. 这样伸出手,示意你要往左转弯了。
    More examples
  • Can you go like this with your tongue?
  • The player went like this to show that his wasn't hurt.
  • His face went like this when he tasted the soup.
  • Go like this with your arm to stretch the muscle.
C2 [ I ]正常地)运转,运行,工作
to operate (in the right way)
Have you any idea why this watch won't go? 你知道为什么这块手表不走了吗?
Can you help me get my car going? 你能帮我把车发动起来吗?
Our company has been going (= has been in business) for 20 years. 我们公司已经有20年的历史了。
    More examples
  • My watch stopped going after I dropped it.
  • That radio has been going all morning.
  • She received a grant to get her business going.
  • I can't get the vacuum cleaner to go.
  • The driver of the getaway car kept the engine going.
B2 [ I ]时间)过去,流逝,消逝
If a period of time goes, it passes.
I had a wonderful weekend but it went very quickly. 我周末过得很愉快,可就是时间过得太快了。
Time seems to go faster as you get older. 随着年龄变大,时间也好像过得更快了。
There's only a week to go before (= until) I get my exam results. 只要再过一个星期我的考试结果就出来了。
    More examples
  • The final hour of the exam went very quickly.
  • There are only ten days to go before Christmas.
  • Two hours went by before they reported the child missing.
  • Time goes quickly when you're having fun.
  • The afternoon was going very slowly.
[ L only + adj ]处于(尤指令人不快的状况)
to be or stay in a particular condition, especially an unpleasant one
In spite of the relief effort, thousands of people continue to go hungry. 尽管提供了救济,仍有数以千计的人继续处于饥饿状态。
Why do so many rapes go unreported? 为什么有那么多人被强奸后没有报案呢?
as...go 就某类…而言,和一般…相比(尤指认为此类事物不太好)
in comparison with most other things of a particular type, especially when you do not think that type of thing is very good
It was quite a good film, as horror films go. 就恐怖片而言,这片子还算不错。
I suppose the concert was OK, as these things go. 就此类演出而言,我想这次音乐会还可以。
go to prove/show 验证,证明,说明
to prove that something is true
Your daughter's attitude only goes to prove how much society has changed over the last 30 years. 你女儿的态度恰恰证明了过去30年里社会的变化有多大。
[ I ]开始
to start doing or using something
I'll just connect the printer to the computer and then we'll be ready to go. 我只要把打印机和电脑连接上,我们就可以开始了。
[ I ](游戏中轮到的时候)
to use your opportunity to play in a game
It's your turn to go now. 轮到你来玩了。
[ I not continuous ]除;(尤指)整除
(of a number) to fit into another number especially resulting in a whole number
5 into 11 won't go. 5除11除不尽。
3 goes into 15 fives times. 3除15等于5。
[ + speech ] informal(尤指讲故事时)
to say, especially when a story is being told
"I never want to see you ever again," he goes, and storms out the house. “我一辈子都不想再见到你,”他说着,怒气冲冲地冲出了房子。
[ I ](尤指因为过度使用)变薄弱,衰退,损坏,垮掉
to become weak or damaged, especially from being used (too much), or to stop working
After a gruelling six months singing on a world tour, it is hardly surprising that her voice is starting to go. 经过6个月紧张劳累的世界巡演,她的音质开始变差,这不足为奇。
I really must get a new jacket - this one's starting to go at the elbows. 我真的得去买件新外套了——这一件肘部都快磨坏了。
Her hearing is going, but otherwise she's remarkably fit for a 95-year-old. 她的听力开始下降,但除此以外,对于一个95岁高龄的老人来说,她还是很健康的。
C2 [ I or T ]发出声音);响;鸣
to produce a noise
I think I heard the doorbell go (= ring) just now. 我觉得刚才听到门铃响了。
I wish my computer would stop going "beep" whenever I do something wrong. 我希望我的电脑不要我一出错误就“嘟嘟”响。
B2 [ I not continuous ]用某种措词表达;(音乐)有某种调子;(以特定方式)
to be expressed, sung, or played
I can never remember how that song goes. 我永远也记不住怎么唱那首歌。
"Doesn't it go something like this?" said Joan, and played the first couple of bars on her guitar. “它是不是这个调子?”琼说着,用吉他奏出开头几个小节。
[ + (that) ] The story goes (= people say) (that) he was fireds after he was caught stealing company property. 据说他盗窃公司的财物被抓住后就被开除了。
A headless ghost walks the castle at night - or so the story goes (= so people say). 一个无头鬼晚上在城堡中游荡——反正人们都是这样说的。
[ I usually + adv/prep ](…)同时存在;(…)相伴而生
to happen or be found regularly or typically with each other or another
Wisdom and maturity don't necessarily go together. 智慧不在年高,年成未必有智。
She knows all about the health problems that go with smoking. 抽烟引起的所有健康问题她都很清楚。
Great wealth often goes hand in hand with meanness. 巨富者常悭吝。
[ I usually + adv/prep, not continuous ]被放置,被置于(尤指通常的位置)
to be put in a particular place, especially as the usual place
The sofa went against that wall before we had the radiator put in. 安装暖气片前沙发是靠着那面墙放的。
I'll put it all away if you tell me where everything goes. 你告诉我所有这些东西该放哪儿,我会放好的。
[ I ]被卖掉,被出售;现成可用
to be sold or be available
The shop is having a closing-down sale - everything must go. 那家商店正举行停业甩卖——一切货物都得售完。
The painting will go to the highest bidder. 这幅油画将会卖给出价最高的人。
I bought some flowers that were going cheap. 我买了一些减价出售的花。
"Going... going... gone! (= Sold!)" said the auctioneer, banging down the hammer. “要卖出了——要卖出了——成交!”拍卖人边喊边敲下了拍卖槌。
B1 [ I not continuous ]可以接受匹配适合相称
to look or be acceptable or suitable
That picture would go well on the wall in the living room. 那幅画挂在客厅墙上正合适。
The TV would go nicely in that corner, wouldn't it? 电视放在那个角落正好,是不是?
If I wear the orange hat with the blue dress, do you think it will go? 我穿那件蓝色连衣裙戴这顶橘红色的帽子,你觉得相配吗?
Just remember that I'm the boss and what I say goes (= you have to accept what I say). 请记住我是老板,我说一不二。
My parents don't worry too much about what I am up to, and most of the time anything goes (= I can do what I want). 我做什么我父母都不是太担心,所以大多数情况下我都能做自己想做的事。
[ I usually + adv/prep ]被叫做,被称为(某个名字或名称);名叫
to be known (by a particular name)
He had a scruffy old teddy bear that went by the name of Augustus. 他有个肮脏破旧的玩具熊,名字叫奥古斯塔斯。
In Britain, this flour usually goes under the name of maize meal. 在英国,这种面粉一般被称为玉米面。
B1 [ I usually + adv/prep ]进行,进展;发生
to develop or happen
"How did the interview go?" "It went very well, thanks." “面试进行得怎么样?”“很好,多谢。”
Things have gone badly for him since his business collapsed. 他的公司倒闭后,他的生活变得一团糟。
    More examples
  • Everything was going smoothly until suddenly disaster struck.
  • "I hear things aren't going too well at work." "You don't know the half of it!"
  • Everything went swimmingly until Peter started talking about money.
  • The party went like clockwork.
  • Did it all go according to plan?
go about your businessidiom 继续从事日常事务
to continue doing what you usually do
In spite of last night's terrorist attack, most people seem to be going about their business as if nothing had happened. 尽管昨晚发生了恐怖袭击,大多数人似乎还是像平常一样生活工作,好像什么事情也没有发生过。
go and...idiom informal (表示不赞成)居然做了…,竟然做出…
used to express disapproval of something that is done
He's gone and lost (= he has lost) that wallet I gave him for his birthday. 他竟然把我作为生日礼物送给他的钱包给弄丢了。
Mike's really gone and done it now - he'll be in terrible trouble for breaking that window. 迈克居然把窗户玻璃给打碎了——他得吃不了兜着走了。
go for itidiom informal 尽力争取不遗余力去做
to do anything you have to in order to get something
"I'm thinking of applying for that job." "Go for it!" “我正在考虑去应聘那份工作。” “努力去争取吧!”
go it aloneidiom 独自做;(离开团体)单飞
to do something without other people
He's decided to leave the band and go it alone as a singer. 他已经决定离开乐队,单飞去做一名歌手。
have something going for youidiom 有…的有利条件
If you have something going for you, or if something has something going for it, there are certain advantages that will make the end result successful.
They've got a happy marriage, great careers, wonderful kids - in fact they've got everything going for them. 他们婚姻美满、事业有成、儿女聪慧——实际上他们的一切都完美无缺。
not go thereidiom 不想不讨论置之不理
to not start to think about or discuss a subject
"Then there's the guilt I feel about leaving her for seven hours every day." "Don't even go there!" “还有,每天得有7个小时抛下她让我感到十分歉疚。”“你就别想这事儿啦!”
the same/that goes for someone/somethingidiom 同样适用于…;和…也有关;对…来说也是如此
what I have said about one person or thing is also true for or relates to another person or thing
You really need to take more care with your appearance, Chris - and the same goes for the rest of you. 克里斯,你真的需要打扮得整洁些——你们其他人也一样。
what are you going to do?idiom US informal (用于无计可施时)你又能有什么办法?
used to say that there is nothing you can do to make a situation better
Phrasal verbs
go about something 着手做开始做
to begin to do something or deal with something
What's the best way of going about this? 这事儿怎么做才最好呢?
[ + -ing verb ] How can we go about solving this problem? 我们怎么着手来解决这个问题呢?
go after someone 追赶 某人);跟在(某人)后面;追捕(某人
to chase or follow someone in order to catch them
The police went after him but he got away. 警察对他展开了追捕,但是被他逃脱。
go after something 追逐追求谋求
to try to get something
Are you planning to go after Paul's job when he leaves? 你打算在保罗离职后取而代之吗?
go against someone 某人不利
If a decision or vote goes against someone, they do not get the result that they wanted.
The judge's decision went against us. 法官的判决对我们不利。
The vote went against her (= she lost the vote). 投票选举的结果是她输了。
go against something/someone 反对;违背;违反
to oppose or disagree with something or someone
Public opinion is going against the government on this issue. 在这个问题上,公众舆论与政府的立场背道而驰。
What you're asking me to do goes against everything I believe in. 你现在要求我所做的事情违背了我的所有原则。
go aheadB2 开始做;着手干
to start to do something
We've received permission to go ahead with the music festival in spite of opposition from local residents. 尽管遭到当地居民反对,我们还是获准开始着手筹备音乐节。
I got so fed up with waiting for him to do it that I just went ahead and did it myself. 我等他等得实在不耐烦了,所以就干脆自己动手把事做完了。
B2 informal(用于给别人许可)进行,开始,做
said to someone in order to give them permission to start to do something
"Could I ask you a rather personal question?" "Sure, go ahead." “我可以问您一个私人问题吗?”“当然,问吧。”
If an event goes ahead, it happens.
The festival is now going ahead as planned. 庆祝活动现在正按计划进行。
go along UK(通常指未经仔细计划)某个地方),参加(某个活动)
to go to a place or event, usually without much planning
I might go along to the party later. 我晚些时候或许会去参加聚会的。
as you are doing a job or activity
We have a flexible approach to what we're doing that allows us to make any necessary changes as we go along. 我们的工作方式很灵活,这使我们在工作中可以作出必要的改进。
I'll explain the rules as we go along. 我会在进行过程中解释规则。
go along with something/someone 赞同;支持;和(某人)观点一致
to support an idea, or to agree with someone's opinion
Kate's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Mike to go along with it. 凯特已经同意了,但是要说服迈克也同意就难多了。
go around mainly US(同 go round)
→  go round UK
go at someone 攻击某人
to attack someone
Suddenly, he went at me with a knife. 突然,他手持一把刀子向我扑来。
More phrasal verbs
go at something 开始卖力干着手拼命干
to start doing something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm
He went at (= ate eagerly) his dinner as if he hadn't had anything to eat for weeks. 他狼吞虎咽地吃着晚饭,好像饿了几星期似的。
go awayB1 走开,离开,离去
to leave a place
Go away and leave me alone! 走开,别烦我!
B1 (通常指为了度假)离家外出
to leave your home in order to spend time somewhere else, usually for a holiday
We usually go away for the summer. 我们夏天通常到外地去度假。
He goes away on business a lot. 他经常在外出差。
to disappear
It was weeks before the bruises went away. 过了好几个星期青肿才消下去。
go backB1 返回,回到
to return
That restaurant was terrible - I'm never going back there again. 那家饭店糟透了——我再也不会到那里去吃饭了。
I'll have to go back for my umbrella. 我得回去拿我的伞。
Do you think you'll ever go back to London? 你认为你还会回到伦敦去吗?
When do you go back to school? 你什么时候返校上课?
Let's go back to the beginning and start again. 让我们从头再来吧。
We can always go back to the original plan if necessary. 如果有必要的话,我们随时可以回头采用最初的计划。
to be returned
When are these library books supposed to go back ? 这些从图书馆借的书应该何时归还?
That TV will have to go back to the shop - it hasn't worked properly ever since I bought it. 那台电视得退给商店——从我买回来到现在老出故障。
to have existed since a time in the past
Their relationship goes back to when they were at college together. 他们早在一起上大学时就开始交往了。
Our house goes back to (= has existed since) the 18th century. 我们的房子建于18世纪。
go back on something 违背(承诺或协议);改变(决定
to fail to keep a promise, or to change a decision or agreement
The government looks likely to go back on its decision to close the mines. 看来政府可能会出尔反尔,推翻原先关闭矿井的决定。
She's gone back on her word and decided not to give me the job after all. 她说话不算话,竟然决定不再给我那个工作了。
go back to someone 回到(爱人或恋人的)身边,与(某人)破镜重圆
to start a relationship again with a person you had a romantic relationship with in the past
I hear he's ended the affair and gone back to his wife. 我听说他结束婚外恋与妻子破镜重圆。
go back to something 重新开始(做某事);重操旧业
to start doing something again that you were doing before
It's time to go back to work. 是时候回去工作了。
go byB2 (在空间上)经过;(时间逝去
to move past, in space or time
You can watch the trains going by from this window. 你可以从这个窗口看过往的火车。
You can't let an opportunity like that go by - it's too good to miss. 你不能放过这样一个机会——良机不容错过。
Hardly a day goes by when I don't think about her. 我没有一天不想她。
in the past
The house was a train station in days gone by. 从前这座房屋是个火车站。
go by something 遵守,依照,按照
to follow something or be shown the way by something
I'm sorry, madam, but we have to go by the rules. 对不起,女士,但是我们必须照章办事。
to base an opinion, decision, or judgment on something
What do you go by when you're deciding whether or not to employ someone? 你决定雇用谁或者不雇用谁的依据是什么?
Going by what she said yesterday, I would say she's about to resign. 从昨天她说的话来判断,我敢说她要辞职了。
If past experience is anything to go by, he'll completely ignore our suggestions and then change his mind at the last minute. 根据以往的经验来看,他肯定会把我们的建议全然置之脑后,在最后一刻改变主意。
go down (UK also go down something)下去,下降,下沉(到某种水平或某个地方)
to move down to a lower level or place
He went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness. 他双膝跪倒请求原谅。
He first went down the mines when he was 17. 他第一次下矿井的时候是17岁。
The plane went down (= fell to the ground because of an accident, bomb, etc.) ten minutes after take-off. 飞机在起飞10分钟后就坠落了。
Everyone took to the lifeboats when the ship started to go down (= sink). 轮船开始下沉时,所有人都上了救生艇。
Could I have a glass of water to help these pills go down (= to help me swallow them)? 你能给我杯水让我把药丸吞服下去吗?
to reach or go as far as
Its roots can go down three metres. 它的根可以扎到地下3米。
This path goes down to the river. 这条路一直通到河边。
Go down to (= read as far as) the bottom of the page. 一直读到这一页的最后一行。
go down (UK also go down something)下去,下降,下沉(到某种水平或某个地方)
to move down to a lower level or place
He went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness. 他双膝跪倒请求原谅。
He first went down the mines when he was 17. 他第一次下矿井的时候是17岁。
The plane went down (= fell to the ground because of an accident, bomb, etc.) ten minutes after take-off. 飞机在起飞10分钟后就坠落了。
Everyone took to the lifeboats when the ship started to go down (= sink). 轮船开始下沉时,所有人都上了救生艇。
Could I have a glass of water to help these pills go down (= to help me swallow them)? 你能给我杯水让我把药丸吞服下去吗?
to reach or go as far as
Its roots can go down three metres. 它的根可以扎到地下3米。
This path goes down to the river. 这条路一直通到河边。
Go down to (= read as far as) the bottom of the page. 一直读到这一页的最后一行。
go down on someone 某人)进行口交
to use the tongue and lips to touch someone's sexual organs in order to give pleasure
go down with somethingB2 (传染病),感染上(…病)
to start to suffer from an infectious disease
Half of Martha's class has gone down with flu. 玛莎班上有一半的学生得了流感。
go for someone UK袭击某人);攻击(某人
to attack someone
Their dog had to be put to sleep after it went for the postwoman. 他们家的狗咬了那个女邮递员,他们只好对它实施了安乐死。
go for somethingB1 UK选择
to choose something
Instead of butter, I always go for margarine or a low-fat spread. 我总是选择人造黄油或低脂肪的面包酱以代替黄油。
to like or admire
I don't go for war films in a big way (= very much). 我不大喜欢战争片。
What sort of men do you go for (= are you attracted to)? 你喜欢什么类型的男人?
B2 试图得到,努力争取
to try to have or achieve something
She tripped me as I went for the ball. 我在拼抢球的时候,她把我绊倒了。
The Russian relay team will again be going for the gold medal at the Olympic Games. 俄罗斯接力赛跑队将会再次为夺得奥运会金牌而拼搏。
If something goes for a certain amount of money, it is sold for that amount.
The painting is expected to go for at least a million dollars. 这幅油画预计至少要卖100万美元。
go inA2 进入,进去
to enter a place
I looked through the window, but I didn't actually go in. 我透过窗户往里面看了看,但是并没有进去。
If the sun goes in, it becomes hidden from view by clouds.
mainly UK informal被理解,被领会;被记住
If a fact or piece of information goes in, you understand it or remember it.
No matter how many times you tell him something, it never seems to go in. 一件事不管你告诉他多少次,他好像就是永远也听不明白。
go in for something 从事;爱好,喜欢
to do something regularly, or to enjoy something
I've never really gone in for classical music, but I love jazz. 我从来没有真正对古典音乐产生过兴趣,但是我喜欢爵士乐。
to take part in a competition
Are you planning to go in for the 100 metres race? 你打算参加100米赛跑吗?
go in on something (与他人一起)做,参加
to be involved in an activity that involves others
He bought a jet for personal use, inviting three friends to go in on it. 他买了一架喷气飞机供个人使用,请他的朋友们一起来玩。
go into somethingC1 开始从事(某职业),进入(某行业)
to start doing a particular type of work
My son's planning to go into journalism. 我儿子打算从事新闻业。
She's decided to go into business as a freelance computer programmer. 她已决定从事自由职业,当一名计算机程序师。
to start an activity, or start to be in a particular state or condition
The drug is still being tested and will not go into commercial production for at least two years. 这种药物仍处于试验阶段,至少两年内还不会投入商业生产。
How many companies have gone into liquidation/receivership during the current recession? 在当前的经济衰退形势下,已有多少家公司破产/处于破产在管状态?
Repeated death threats have forced them to go into hiding. 他们一再收到死亡威胁,只好躲藏起来。
Her baby was born three hours after she went into labour. 她分娩了3个小时生下了孩子。
Some of the fans seemed to go into a trance when she appeared on stage. 当她出现在舞台上时,她的一些崇拜者好像着了魔一样。
C2 (认真仔细地)讨论研究描述解释
to discuss, examine, describe, or explain something in a detailed or careful way
This is the first book to go into her personal life as well as her work. 这是第一本不仅深入研究她的作品而且还详细叙述她的个人生活的书。
I'd rather not go into that now. Can we discuss it later? 我现在不想详细谈论那个问题,我们以后再讨论好不好?
I'm unable to go into detail(s) at this stage because I still have very little information about how the accident happened. 现在我不能作详细说明,因为对于事故发生的原因我还知之甚少。
C1 mainly UK(时间、金钱、精力等)花在…上,投入…,用于…
If time, money, or effort goes into a product or activity, it is used when producing or doing it.
A considerable amount of time and effort has gone into this exhibition. 相当多的时间和精力被投入到这次展会上。
If a vehicle goes into something such as a tree or a wall, it hits it.
Their car was travelling at 50 miles an hour when it went into the tree. 他们的车撞到树上的时候,车速是每小时50英里。
Compare: collide
go offB1 电灯熄灭;(机器)停止运行,停止运转
If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working.
The lights went off in several villages because of the storm. 这场暴风雨造成了几个村庄停电。
C1 爆炸
If a bomb goes off, it explodes.
The bomb went off at midday. 炸弹在中午爆炸。
C1 )走火,开火
If a gun goes off, it fires.
His gun went off accidentally. 他的枪不小心走火了。
B2 UK(食物、饮料等)变质,变坏,腐败
If food or drink goes off, it is not good to eat or drink any more because it is too old.
This bacon smells a bit funny - do you think it's gone off? 这熏猪肉闻起来有点怪怪的——你觉得它是不是变质了?
See also: off adjective (BAD)
B2 (警报器等)突然发出巨响
If a warning device goes off, it starts to ring loudly or make a loud noise.
The alarm should go off automatically as soon as smoke is detected. 警报器一旦测出有烟就会自动鸣响。
Didn't you hear your alarm clock going off this morning? 今天早晨你没听到你的闹钟响吗?
B1 离开
to leave a place and go somewhere else
She's gone off on holiday with Tony. 她和托尼一块去了酒吧。
to happen in a particular way
The protest march went off peacefully. 抗议示威游行是和平进行的。
to become worse in quality
That paper's really gone off since they got that new editor. 那份报纸自从换了那个新主编后,可读性大大降低。
go off someone/somethingB2 UK不再喜欢,对…不再感兴趣
to stop liking or being interested in someone or something
I went off beefburgers after I got food poisoning from a takeaway. 我吃外卖食品食物中毒后就不再对汉堡包感兴趣了。
I went off Peter when he said those dreadful things about Clare. 我不再喜欢彼得了,因为他说了克莱尔那些坏话。
go off with someone 移情别恋于某人
to leave a wife, husband, or partner in order to have a sexual or romantic relationship with someone else
Did you know that Hugh had gone off with his sister-in-law? 你知不知道休跟他的嫂子好上了?
go off with something 擅自拿走
to take something without getting permission from the owner first
I wish you'd stop going off with my car without asking me beforehand. 你连个招呼都不打就开走我的车,我真希望你不要再这样了。
go onB1 进行发生
to happen
I'm sure we never hear about a lot of what goes on in government. 我肯定,政府内部发生的很多事情我们永远也不会听说。
This war has been going on for years. 这场战争已经持续好几年了。
B1 继续干; (做完一件事)接下来继续做(另一件事)
to continue
Please go on with what you're doing and don't let us interrupt you. 请继续做你的事情,不要因为我们而中断。
[ + -ing verb ] We really can't go on living like this - we'll have to find a bigger house. 我们真的不能再这样生活下去——我们必须要找个大些的房子。
If you go on (= continue behaving) like this, you won't have any friends left at all. 如果你继续这样,你一个朋友都留不住。
to start operating
The spotlights go on automatically when an intruder is detected in the garden. 当探测到有人闯入花园时,聚光灯会自动打开。
When does the heating go on? 什么时候开始供暖?
B2 (停顿后)继续说,接着讲
to start talking again after a pause
She paused to have a sip of coffee and then went on with her account of the accident. 她停下来又点了一支烟,然后继续述说她对那次事故的印象。
[ + speech ] "What I want more than anything else," he went on, "is a house in the country with a large garden for the children to play in." “我最想要的,”他接着说,“是一座乡村宅院,里面有个大花园能让孩子们在里面玩。”
something that you say to encourage someone to say or do something
Go on, what happened next? 继续说,接着又发生了什么呢?
C2 唠叨;没完没了地讲
to talk in an annoying way about something for a long time
He went on and on until I finally interrupted him and told him I had to go. 他唠叨个没完,最后我只能打断他,说我要走了。
I just wish he'd stop going on about how brilliant his daughter is." "Yes, he does go on (a bit), doesn't he?" “我真希望他不要再喋喋不休地说他女儿有多聪明。”“对,他是(有点儿)唠叨,是不是?”
I wish you'd stop going on at me (= criticizing me repeatedly) about my haircut. 我希望你不要再没完没了地数落我的发型了。
used when encouraging someone to do something
Go on, have another drink. 来,再来一杯饮料。
"I don't really feel like seeing a film tonight." "Oh go on. We haven't been to the cinema for ages." “我今晚真的不想去看电影。”“哎呀,来吧。我们都好长时间没去过电影院了。”
something that you say in order to agree to do or allow something that you did not want to do or to allow before
"Are you sure you don't want another slice of cake?" "Oh go on then, but just a small one." “你真的不想再吃一块蛋糕了吗?”“那好吧,但是就来一小块。”
to continue or pass
Tomorrow will start cold but it should get warmer as the day goes on. 明天就开始冷了,但是随着日子一天天过去,又会转暖一些。
As the evening went on, it became clear that we should never have agreed to see each other again. 那个晚上,随着时间一分分过去,我们都明白了,我们真不应该答应对方再次见面的。
(表示不相信)行了! 得了!
used when you do not believe someone
go on something 凭…作出判断;以…为依据
to use a piece of information in order to help you discover or understand something
I'm only going on what I overheard him saying to Chris, but I think he's planning to leave next month. 我是仅凭无意中听到他跟克里斯说的一些话作出的判断,但是我觉得他打算下个月离开。
The investigation has only just started so the police don't have much to go on at the moment. 调查才刚刚开始,所以现在警方还没有找到多少线索。
go outA1 (尤指为了去娱乐)外出,出门参加社交活动
to leave a room or building, especially in order to do something for entertainment
Please close the door as you go out. 你出去玩的时候请把门关上。
Do you want to go out for a drink after work? 你下了班想不想到外面喝一杯?
It's terribly smoky in here - I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air. 这里面乌烟瘴气的——我只是出去呼吸一下新鲜空气。
[ + -ing verb ] She goes out partying with her friends every weekend. 她每个周末都出去跟朋友聚会。
B1 (与某人)谈恋爱(通常有性关系)
to have a romantic and usually sexual relationship with someone
How long have you been going out with him? 你跟他恋爱有多长时间了?
They'd been going out (together/with each other) for almost five years before he moved in with her. 在他搬过来和她同居之前,他们已经恋爱了将近5年。
If the tide goes out, it moves back and covers less of the beach.
Compare: come in (SEA/OCEAN)
B1 熄灭
If a light or something that is burning goes out, it stops producing light or heat.
When I woke up the fire had gone out. 当我醒来时,火已经熄了。
to lose when you are playing in a sports competition, so that you must stop playing in the competition
England went out to France in the second round of the championship. 锦标赛第二轮比赛中英格兰队被法国队淘汰出局。
go out for something 试图加入(体育队伍)
to try to become part of a sports team
Unable to play ball with his hand in a cast, he went out for track. 因为手上打着石膏不能玩球,他参加了径赛。
go out to someone 同情某人
If your thoughts or sympathies go out to someone in a difficult or sad situation, you think of that person and feel sorry for them.
Our deepest sympathies go out to her husband and children. 我们向她的丈夫和孩子表示深切地同情。
go over US接受引起某种反应
→  go down
go over somethingB2 仔细检查;仔细审查;仔细察看
to examine or look at something in a careful or detailed way
Forensic scientists are going over the victim's flat in a search for clues about the murderer. 法医学家正在仔细检查受害人的公寓,以搜寻杀人凶手的蛛丝马迹。
Remember to go over your essay for grammar and spelling mistakes before you hand it in to me. 记住在把论文交给我之前,要仔细检查一下语法和拼写错误。
I've gone over the problem several times, but I can't think of a solution. 这个问题我研究了好几遍题,可就是想不出怎么解决。
to study or explain something
I always go over my notes just before I go into an exam. 我在参加考试前总是会把复习笔记重温一遍。
Could you go over the main points of your argument again, Professor? 教授,您可否重述一下您的主要论点?
go over to something 采用,改用(新的事物或做法)
to change to something new or to a new way of doing things
Many firms are going over to new technologies. 许多公司开始采用新科技。
She went over (= changed her support) to the Democrats during the last election. 上次大选中她倒向了民主党。
to change to a different person speaking or a different place during a television or radio programme
We're now going over to Kate Smith speaking live from Baghdad. 下面我们来看凯特‧史密斯从巴格达发回的现场报道。
Later in this segment we will be going over to our Westminster studio for an update on the situation. 稍后本节目将切换到威斯敏斯特演播室,在那里为您报道事态的最新消息。
go round 旋转,转动
to spin like a wheel
Compare: revolverotate
If there is enough of something to go round, there is enough for everyone in a group of people.
Are there enough pencils to go round? 铅笔够分吗?
to spend your time behaving in the stated way
[ + -ing verb ] You can't go round being rude to people. 你不能老是对人这样粗暴。
to visit someone in their home
I'm just going round to Martha's for half an hour. 我正要到玛莎家去坐上半小时。
I'll go round later and see how he is. 我一会儿过去,看看他怎么样。
go round (somewhere) (在某些人之间或某些地方)传递,流传,传播
to go or be given from one person to another, or to move from one place to another
A nasty flu bug is going round (the school) at the moment. 眼下一种传染性很强的流感病毒正在(学校)传播。
There's a rumour going round (the village) that they're having an affair. (村里)有传言说他们之间关系暧昧。
go round something 参观
to travel to all, or the main, parts of a place that you are visiting in order to find out what it is like or to learn about it
For a few weeks in the summer, visitors are able to go round the palace. 每年夏季有几个星期游人可以进入皇宫参观。
go through 获得正式认可;被批准;被通过
If a law, plan, or deal goes through, it is officially accepted or approved.
A city council member said that the proposals for the new shopping centre were unlikely to go through. 市政务委员会的一位人士说,修建新购物中心的计划不可能获得通过。
go through somethingB2 遭受,经历,经受(苦难等)
to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation
I've been going through a bad patch recently. 近来这一段时间我日子很不好过。
You'd think his children would be more sympathetic towards him after all he's gone through (= the many bad things he has experienced). 也许你会觉得,在他经历过这一切苦难后,他的子女们会对他多些同情。
B2 仔细察看;仔细检查;仔细审查
to examine something that contains a collection of things carefully in order to organize them or find something
I'm going through my wardrobe and throwing out all the clothes I don't wear any more. 我要把衣柜彻底清理一下,把不穿的衣服都找出来扔掉。
Remember to go through the pockets before you put those trousers in the washing machine. 在把裤子放进洗衣机之前,要记着仔细翻翻裤兜。
to do something in order to practise or as a test
Why don't we go through the whole demonstration once more? 我们把整个示范再做一遍,好吗?
to use a lot of something
Before I gave up coffee, I was drinking five cups a day. 我没戒咖啡时一天要喝五杯。
I went through a hundred quid on my last trip to London. 我上一次去伦敦旅游花掉了100英镑。
go through with somethingC2 照原先答应(或承诺)的去做;做完(令人不快或困难的事情);将…进行到底
to do something unpleasant or difficult that has already been agreed or promised
He'd threatened to divorce her but I never thought he'd go through with it. 他曾经威胁要和她离婚,但是我从不认为他真的会付诸行动。
The company has decided not to go through with the takeover of its smaller rival. 这家公司已经决定放弃收购较小竞争对手的计划。
go to someone 授予某人);由(某人)得到;出售给(某人
to be given or sold to someone
Who did the award for Best Actress go to? 谁获得了最佳女演员奖?
All the money raised will go to charity. 所有筹款都将用于慈善事业。
The painting went to the highest bidder. 这幅油画被出价最高的人买下。
go togetherB1 相配;协调;搭配
to look good together
Do you think the cream dress and the blue jacket go together? 你认为这条米色的连衣裙和这件蓝色的短上衣搭配吗?
Compare: match noun (SUITABLE)suit verb (BE RIGHT)
to happen or be found together
Wisdom and maturity don't necessarily go together. 智慧不在年高,年成未必有智。
Researchers have discovered that short-sightedness and high IQs seem to go together in children. 研究人员发现好像近视儿童智商高。
If two people are going together, they have a romantic or sexual relationship with each other.
go under 沉下去,沉没
to sink
The ship went under just minutes after the last passenger had been rescued. 最后一名乘客获救后仅几分钟轮船就沉没了。
If a company goes under, it fails financially.
The charity will go under unless a generous donor can be found within the next few months. 除非能在今后几个月中找到一位捐赠者慷慨解囊,否则这家慈善机构将会倒闭。
go upB1 升高上升上涨增长
to move higher, rise, or increase
The average cost of a new house has gone up by five percent to £276,500. 每套新房的平均成本上涨了5%,达到了26500英镑。
C2 爆炸
to suddenly explode
There's a gas leak and the whole building could go up at any moment. 发生了煤气泄漏,整座大楼随时都有爆炸的危险。
If a sign goes up, it is fixed into position.
The new "No Parking" signs went up yesterday. 昨天刚立了一批“禁止吸烟”的告示牌。
If a building goes up, it is built.
A new factory is going up at the site of the old airport. 在旧机场的位置正在兴建一座新工厂。
UK old-fashioned上大学;(假期结束后)返回大学(尤指牛津大学或剑桥大学)
If you go up to a college or university, especially Oxford University or Cambridge University, you begin studying there, or continue studying after a holiday.
go up to something 到达;延伸到
to reach as far as something
The path going up to the back door is very muddy. 通向后门的小路很泥泞。
This edition's somewhat out-of-date and only goes up to 1989. 这个版本相当过时了,它的内容仅覆盖到1989年。
go with somethingB1 与…相配;与…协调;与…和谐
If one thing goes with another, they suit each other or they look or taste good together.
This wine goes particularly well with seafood. 喝这种葡萄酒吃海鲜最合适。
I'm not sure that those shoes really go with that dress. 我说不准这双鞋是不是真的配这条连衣裙。
Compare: match noun (SUITABLE)suit verb (BE RIGHT)
If a problem, activity, or quality goes with another one, they often happen or exist together and the first thing is often caused by the second.
[ + -ing verb ] What are the main health problems that go with smoking? 抽烟引起的主要健康问题是什么?
go with someone 某人)谈恋爱;与(某人有性关系
to have a romantic or sexual relationship with someone
Did he ever go with anyone else while they were living together? 他们在一起生活的时候,他有没有和别人发生过关系?
go with someone/something 同意;接受;与…意见一致
to accept an idea or agree with a person
I think we can go with the advertising agency's suggestions, don't you? 我觉得我们可以采纳广告商的建议,你觉得呢?
go without (something)C2 没有…而勉强应付;没有…也行;不享受;放弃
to not have something or to manage to live despite not having something
They were poor as children, and sometimes had to go without. 他们童年时非常贫困,有时候只能勉强度日。
I'd rather go without food than work for him. 我宁可饿肚子也不为他工作。
noun uk/ɡəʊ/ us/ɡoʊ/ goes
B2 [ C ] (US also try)尝试
an attempt to do something
I've never done this before but I'll give it a go. 我以前从来没有做过,但是我会尝试一下。
"This jar is impossible to open." "Here, let me have a go." “这个罐子没法打开。”“来,让我试一试。”
I want to have a go at finishing my essay tonight. 我想试试看今晚能不能把论文写完。
We can't do the work all in one go (= all at the same time). 我们不可能一蹴而就,一下子完成工作。
make a go of somethingUK (US usually try)C2 (通常指通过努力工作)使成功
to try to make something succeed, usually by working hard
She's really making a go of her new antique shop. 她新开的古玩店经营得还真挺不错。
I can't see him ever making a go of accountancy. 我觉得会计这工作他永远也做不好。
    More examples
  • I can't do the crossword. Do you want to have a go?
  • After several goes at the puzzle, she eventually gave up.
  • They each had a go at lifting the box, but neither of them could move it.
  • If you fail the test this time, you can have another go at it in August.
  • I don't know if I can fix the taps but I'll have a go.
B1 [ C ] (US usually turn)(游戏等中)轮到的机会
an opportunity to play in a game, or to do or use something
Hey, it's Ken's go now! You've just had your go. 嗨,现在轮到肯了!你刚玩过。
Please can I have a go (= can I ride) on your bike? 我能骑骑你的自行车吗?
I'll have a go at driving for a while if you're tired. 你要是累了,我来替你开会儿车。
    More examples
  • Is it my go yet?
  • May I have a go on your computer?
  • We can have two goes each.
  • You have to miss a go if you land on that square.
  • Whose go is it?
have a go at someoneUK 指责,数落
to criticize someone
My Dad's always having a go at me about getting a proper job. 我爸爸总是指责我不找个正儿八经的工作干。
[ U ] UK劲头精力活力
the condition of being energetic and active
You're full of go this morning. 今天早晨你精力充沛。
He doesn't have much go about him, does he? 他无精打采的,不是吗?
See also: get-up-and-go
be (a) no goidiom informal 不可能;没有用;办不到;不成功
to be impossible or not effective, or to not happen
They tried for hours to get her to come down from the roof, but it was a no go. 他们费了好几个小时的工夫想把她从房顶上弄下来,还是没成功。
be on the goidiom 总是繁忙(或活跃)
busy and active all the time
Like most working mothers, she is always on the go. 和大部分需要上班工作的母亲一样,她总是非常忙碌。




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