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单词 fall
verb uk/fɔːl/ us/fɑːl/ fell | fallen
A2 [ I ]突然)跌倒,摔落
to suddenly go down onto the ground or towards the ground without intending to or by accident
The path's very steep, so be careful you don't fall. 小路很陡,当心别摔倒。
He fell badly and broke his leg. 他重重跌倒,摔断了腿。
Athletes have to learn how to fall without hurting themselves. 运动员必须学会跌倒时不伤到自己。
The horse fell at the first fence. 那匹马在跳跃第一道障碍物时就摔倒了。
I fell down the stairs and injured my back. 我跌下楼梯,后背受了伤。
The object appeared to have fallen from a great height. 这件物体似乎是从很高的地方落下来的。
The water's deep here, so don't fall in! 这里的水很深,别掉进去了!
She slipped and fell on the ice. 她滑了一下,摔倒在冰上。
He fell into the river and had to be rescued. 他掉进了河里,需要救援。
I fell off my bike and scraped my knee. 我从自行车上掉下来,摔坏了膝盖。
He was leaning out of the window and almost fell out. 他从窗户探身出去,差一点摔下去了。
She fell under a bus and was killed instantly. 她跌到公共汽车下面,当场被轧死了。
She fell five metres to the bottom of the ravine. 她跌进了5米深的沟底。
He fell to his death climbing the Matterhorn. 他在攀登马特峰时摔死了。
fall flat on your faceinformal 脸朝下跌倒,趴倒在地
to fall and land with your face down
Poor Kathy fell flat on her face in the mud. 可怜的凯茜脸朝下跌进了泥里。
    More examples
  • Keep away from the edge of the cliff - you might fall.
  • Hold onto the rail so that you don't fall.
  • They were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike.
  • She knocked her head against the wall as she fell.
  • We heard a splash and then saw that Toni had fallen in the river.
B1 [ I ](规模、数量或力量)减少,降低
to become lower in size, amount, or strength
Demand for new cars has fallen due to the recession. 由于经济衰退,对新车的需求减少了。
The standard of his work has fallen during the year. 这一年中他的工作水平下降了。
Salaries in the public sector are expected to fall by 15 percent this year. 今年国有企业的工资预计下降15%。
The temperature could fall below zero overnight. 气温可能一夜间突降到零度以下。
Average temperatures fell by ten degrees. 平均气温下降了10度。
The pound has fallen to its lowest-ever level against the dollar. 英镑对美元的汇率下跌到历史最低水平。
When the teacher walked in, the children's voices fell to a whisper (= they became very quiet). 老师一走进来,孩子们便压低了声音小声讲话。
Share prices fell sharply this week. 本周股价骤跌。
    More examples
  • The temperature has fallen below zero recently.
  • Inflation has fallen below 2%, and that's official.
  • The flood waters fell, depositing mud over the whole area.
  • Many economists expect unemployment to fall over the next couple of months.
  • If your bank account balance falls below the minimum, you'll be nicked for a $5 service charge.
A2 [ I ]落下降落
to come down onto the ground or from a high position to a lower position
The snow had been falling steadily all day. 雪持续下了一整天。
It was October and the leaves had started to fall. 十月了,树叶开始掉落。
She fell into bed, completely exhausted. 她筋疲力尽,倒在床上。
A bomb fell on the church and destroyed it. 一颗炸弹落在教堂上,把教堂炸毁了。
A huge meteor fell to Earth in the middle of the desert. 一颗巨大的流星陨落到地球上,落在沙漠中央。
He begged for mercy as the blows fell on him (= as he was being hit). 他挨打时求饶了。
fall to your knees(also fall down on your knees) 下跪(表示尊敬)
to go down on your knees to show respect
The people all fell to their knees and began to pray. 人们都跪了下来,开始祈祷。
[ I ]落幕;(戏剧或演出)结束
When the curtain falls in the theatre, it comes down because the play or performance has ended.
The audience was still laughing as the curtain fell. 演出结束时观众们仍在大笑。
    More examples
  • Although the curtain has now fallen on the Republican era, many of its values still remain.
  • The fact that aircraft don't fall out of the sky always seems to me to defy the law of gravity.
  • The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the earth's atmosphere.
  • Her luxuriant hair fell around her shoulders.
  • Rain had been falling steadily all day and the ground had become a marsh.
[ I usually + adv/prep ]属于(某一群体、学科或领域)
to belong to a particular group, subject, or area
The material falls into three categories. 这种材料分为3类。
Matters of discipline fall outside my area of responsibility. 纪律方面的事不是我负责的。
    More examples
  • They believe that all the outstanding issues should fall within the ambit of the talks.
  • What genre does the book fall into - comedy or tragedy?
  • This case falls outside the purview of this particular court.
  • The matter falls outside his area of jurisdiction.
  • This research paper falls outside my own area of expertise.
B1 [ I + adv/prep, L ]变成(某状态)
to change to a particular condition from a different one
He always falls asleep after drinking red wine. 他喝完红酒总是会睡着。
She suddenly fell ill. 她突然病倒了。
The book fell open (= opened by chance) at a picture of Venice. 碰巧翻开书上关于威尼斯的那一页。
The president has fallen strangely silent on the issue of gun control. 在控枪问题上,总统奇怪地变得十分沉默。
UK Your rent falls due (= must be paid) on the first of the month. 你的房租每月1号须缴付。
Silence fell on the group of men (= they became silent) as they received the news. 听到这个消息,他们沉默了。
She fell under the influence of (= began to be influenced by) an older student. 她开始受到一名高年级学生的影响。
    More examples
  • They let the palace fall into ruin.
  • The buildings had started to fall into decay.
  • He fell unconscious shortly after the accident.
  • Sophia fell ill while on holiday.
  • After we'd explained about the change of plan, the children fell strangely quiet for a minute or two.
C2 [ I ]被打败被击垮
to be beaten or defeated
The president fell from power during the military coup. 在军事政变中总统被推翻。
UK The government finally fell after losing the support of the centre parties. 失去中间党派支持之后,这届政府最终垮台了。
C2 [ I ]沦陷,失守;落败
If a place falls in a war or an election, an enemy army or a different political party gets control of it.
Rome fell to the Vandals in AD 455. 罗马在公元455年被汪达尔人攻陷。
UK The constituency fell to Labour at the last election, after ten years of Conservative rule. 在保守党主导10年之后,这个选区在上届选举中落入了工党手中。
[ I ] literary阵亡,战死
If soldiers fall while fighting, they are killed.
Many brave men fell in the fight to save the city. 为保卫这座城市,许多勇士战死了。
During the war, he saw many of his comrades fall in battle. 战争中他目睹了许多战友的阵亡。
[ I ] UK板球击球手被杀出局
In cricket, when a wicket falls, the turn of the player who is hitting the ball ends.
Ten wickets fell in 22 overs. 在22次连续投球中,10名击球手被淘汰出局。
C2 [ I ]落,降临;发生
to come at a particular time or happen in a particular place
Easter falls late this year. 今年的复活节来得迟。
My birthday will fall on a Friday this year. 今年我的生日在星期五。
Night/Darkness had fallen by the time we got back to the camp. 我们返回营地时夜幕已经降临。
In the word "table", the accent falls on the first syllable. table这个词的重音落在第一个音节上。
The Treasury has still not decided where the cuts will fall. 财政部尚未决定削减哪些开支。
C2 [ I usually + adv/prep ]下垂,低垂
to hang down loosely
The boy's hair fell around his shoulders in golden curls. 男孩的金色卷发垂在肩上。
The veil fell almost to her waist. 面纱几乎垂到她的腰际。
your face/spirits fall 脸色变阴沉/情绪变低落
If your face falls, you suddenly look unhappy or disappointed, and if your spirits fall, you suddenly feel unhappy or disappointed.
His spirits fell when he saw the distance he still had to go. 一看到还要走的路程距离,他立刻情绪低落起来。
As she read her exam results, her face fell. 看到考试成绩,她的脸阴沉下来。
fall between two stoolsidiom 两头落空
If something falls between two stools, it fails to achieve either of two aims.
The grammar guide falls between two stools - it's too difficult for a beginner but not detailed enough for an advanced student. 这本语法指南对初学者和水平高的学生都不适用——对初学者太难,对水平高的学生又不够详细。
fall by the waysideidiom 中途退出;半途而废
If someone falls by the wayside, they fail to finish an activity, and if something falls by the wayside, people stop doing it, making it, or using it.
So why does one company survive a recession while its competitors fall by the wayside? 那么为什么一家公司度过了经济衰退期,而其他竞争对手都中途倒闭了呢?
fall flatidiom C1 (笑话、想法或建议)未达到预想效果
If a joke, idea, or suggestion falls flat, it does not have the intended effect.
He made several jokes and each of them fell flat. 他讲了几个笑话,但每个都不好笑。
fall foul of somethingidiom (尤指无意识地)违反(规则或法律)
to break a rule or law, especially without intending to
Manufacturers may fall foul of the new government guidelines. 生产厂商们可能会违反政府的新指导方针。
fall foul of someoneidiom 与…产生分歧
to have a disagreement with someone
Things were going well for her till she fell foul of the director. 与主管产生分歧之前,她的工作进展得很顺利。
fall in lineidiom (also fall into line) 行为变规范;遵章守纪
If a person in an organization falls in/into line, he, she, or it starts to follow the rules and behave according to expected standards of behaviour.
Teachers are expected to fall in line with the new regulations. 教师们应该遵守新的规章制度。
fall in loveidiom B1 相爱,坠入情网
to be very attracted to someone and begin to love them
They met and fell madly in love. 他们相遇并疯狂地坠入爱河。
He fell in love with a young German student. 他爱上了一个年轻的德国学生。
I thought I was falling in love. 我想我堕入情网了。
fall into someone's armsidiom literary (相爱的人)紧紧相拥
When people fall into each other's arms, they hold each other tightly with both arms, to show their love for each other.
fall into placeidiom 有条不紊地进行,按部就班
When things fall into place, they happen in a satisfactory way, without problems.
If you plan the project well, then everything should fall into place. 如果你项目计划得当,那么一切都应有条不紊地进行。
C2 变得清楚;明朗化
When events or details that you did not understand before fall into place, they become easy to understand.
Once I discovered that the woman was his sister, everything fell into place. 一旦我发现那个女人是他姐姐,一切都变得清楚起来。
fall into the wrong handsidiom 落入敌手;陷入敌人的控制中
If something falls into the wrong hands, a dangerous person or an enemy starts to own or control it.
There are fears that the weapons might fall into the wrong hands. 有人担心武器可能会落入危险人物手中。
More idioms
fall into the/someone's trapidiom 落入陷阱
to make a mistake or get into a difficult situation by doing something or by trusting someone
Don't fall into the trap of thinking you can learn a foreign language without doing any work. 不要以为什么都不做就能学会一门外语。
We fell right into the enemy's trap. 我们正中敌人的圈套。
fall prey/victim to something/someoneidiom 深受…之害;成为…的牺牲品
to suddenly begin to suffer as a result of something or someone bad
Police fear that more senior citizens could fall prey to the thieves. 警方担心会有更多退休人员成为小偷的目标。
fall shortidiom C1 未达到数量(或要求)
to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped for, causing disappointment
August car sales fell short of the industry's expectations. 8月汽车销量未达到业界的期望。
nearly/almost fall off your chairidiom informal 极为惊讶
to be extremely surprised
She nearly fell off her chair when she heard the news. 她听到这个消息时极为惊讶。
fall on deaf earsidiom C2 (建议或警告)未被理睬,被置若罔闻
If a suggestion or warning falls on deaf ears, no one listens to it.
Their appeals to release the hostages fell on deaf ears. 他们释放人质的要求未被理睬。
fall on hard timesidiom 经济困难,生活艰难
to lose your money and start to have a difficult life
The scheme is designed to help kids whose parents have fallen on hard times. 这个计划旨在帮助父母经济上有困难的孩子。
Phrasal verbs
fall about 笑得前仰后合;捧腹大笑
to laugh without being able to stop
We fell about when we heard her reply. 听到她的回答,我们笑得前仰后合。
fall apartB2 破碎散架
to break into pieces
My poor old boots are falling apart. 我可怜的旧靴子快散架了。
B2 破裂;解体,瓦解
If an organization, system, or agreement falls apart, it fails or stops working effectively.
The deal fell apart because of a lack of financing. 由于缺乏资金,这笔交易告吹了。
Their marriage fell apart when she found out about her husband's affair. 她发现丈夫有婚外情后,他们的婚姻破裂了。
to experience serious emotional problems that make you unable to think or act in the usual way
After his wife died, he began to fall apart. 妻子过世后,他精神开始垮掉。
fall away 脱落;剥落
If parts of something fall away, they break off and drop to the ground.
On the bathroom ceiling, some pieces of plaster had fallen away. 浴室顶上几块灰泥已经脱落了。
The rear sections of the rocket fell away. 火箭后部已分离。
If a period of time falls away, it seems as if it has not happened.
As she looked at him, the years fell away, and she saw him again as a young boy. 她望着他,多年的时间仿佛不曾存在,她又看见了他小孩时的模样。
If land falls away, it slopes down suddenly.
On the other side of the hill, the land falls away sharply. 另一面山坡地势陡降。
UK(同fall off)
→  fall off
The quality of his work has fallen away a little. 他的工作质量下降了一些。
fall back literary(常指因恐惧而)后退,后撤
to move back suddenly from someone or something, often because you are frightened
She fell back in horror/disgust. 她惊恐地/厌恶地往后退。
If an army falls back, it moves away from an enemy army in order to avoid fighting.
The infantry fell back in disarray. 步兵仓皇撤退。
fall back on somethingC2 借助于;依赖,依靠
to use something, especially a form of financial support, when other things have failed
When the business failed, we had to fall back on our savings. 公司倒闭后,我们只得靠积蓄度日。
If I lose my job, I'll have nothing to fall back on. 我要是丢了工作,就什么指望都没有了。
fall behind 落在后面落后
to fail to do something fast enough or on time
He was ill for six weeks and fell behind with his schoolwork. 他病了6个星期,落下了学校功课。
I've fallen behind on the mortgage payments. 我拖欠了按揭贷款。
fall downB1 倒下,倒地
to fall to the ground
Our apple tree fell down in the storm. 我们的苹果树在暴风雨中被刮倒了。
He stumbled and fell down. 他绊了一下,摔倒在地。
If a building is falling down, it is in a very bad condition and there is a risk that it will break into pieces and drop to the ground.
Many buildings in the old part of the city are falling down. 老城区的许多建筑都快坍塌了。
to fail
Where do you think the plan falls down? 你认为这个计划的失败之处在哪里?
fall down on something UK在…方面不够好
to not be good at something in comparison with another thing
I'm quite good at speaking Chinese, but I fall down on the written work. 我的中文讲得很好,但是笔头不行。
fall for someoneB2 对…倾心,迷恋…
to suddenly have strong romantic feelings about someone
She always falls for older men. 她总是爱上年纪比较大的男人。
He's fallen for her in a big way. 他完全被她迷住了。
fall for something 对…信以为真
to be tricked into believing something that is not true
He told me that he owned a mansion in Spain and I fell for it. 他告诉我他在西班牙有一座庄园,我信以为真。
said when you recognize a trick and refuse to be deceived by it
"Lend me a fiver and I'll buy you a drink." "Oh no, I'm not falling for that one." “借我5英镑,我就请你喝一杯。”“噢,得了吧,我才不上那个当呢。”
More phrasal verbs
fall from something 说话;发声
When words or sounds fall from your lips, you speak or make sounds.
Not a single sound fell from her lips. 她没有说一个字。
fall in (屋顶或天花板)坍塌,塌陷
If a roof or ceiling falls in, it drops to the ground because it is damaged.
Ten miners were trapped underground when the roof of the tunnel fell in. 坑道顶部坍塌,10名矿工被困地下。
If soldiers fall in, they form a line or move in a line, one behind the other.
"Company, fall in!" shouted the sergeant-major. “全连集合!”军士长喊道。
He started to march away, and the others fell in behind him. 他开始大步前进,其他人列队紧随其后。
Compare: fall out (SOLDIERS)
fall in with someone UK与…交好
to become friendly with someone
She fell in with a strange crowd of people at university. 她在大学里结交了一群奇怪的人。
fall in with something 同意,赞成(计划或建议)
to accept and support a plan or suggestion
It seemed like a good idea so we just fell in with it. 这似乎是个不错的主意,所以我们都同意了。
fall into something 开始做
to start doing something, often without intending to
We've fallen into the habit of getting up late on Saturday mornings. 我们开始习惯周六早晨睡懒觉。
I fell into my job quite by accident. 我从事这份工作很大程度上是出于偶然。
She fell into a conversation with the taxi driver. 她和出租车司机交谈起来。
to gradually get into a particular condition, especially to get into a bad condition as a result of not being taken care of
Over the years the house had fallen into disrepair. 过了这么多年这幢房子已破败不堪。
The old school fell into disuse (= people stopped using it). 老校舍废弃不用了。
fall off 数量减少;(比率下降;(质量降低
If the amount, rate, or quality of something falls off, it becomes smaller or lower.
Sales have been falling off recently. 销量最近一直下滑。
Membership of the club has fallen off in recent months. 最近几个月俱乐部的会员人数减少了。
fall on/upon someone 袭击,突袭…
to attack someone suddenly and unexpectedly
The soldiers fell on the villagers and seized all their weapons. 士兵们袭击了村民,并缴获了所有武器。
fall on/upon something (目光)落在…上
If your eyes fall on something, or your sight, eyes, etc. fall on something, you see and notice it.
Her gaze fell upon a small box at the back of the shop. 她的目光落在商店最里面的一个小盒子上。
to start to eat food eagerly
They fell on the bread as if they hadn't eaten for days. 他们扑向面包大吃起来,就好像好多天没吃过东西似的。
fall on someone 怀疑到…的头上
When suspicion falls on a particular person, people think that they may be guilty of doing something bad.
He was the last person to see the woman alive, and suspicion immediately fell on him. 他是那个女人生前最后见到的人,所以一下就怀疑到他头上。
fall out (牙齿或头发)脱落,掉落
If a tooth or your hair falls out, it becomes loose and separates from your mouth or head.
Her baby teeth are starting to fall out. 她婴孩的乳牙开始掉落了。
A side effect of the treatment is that your hair starts to fall out. 这种治疗的一个副作用是头发开始脱落。
B2 informal吵架;失和
to argue with someone and stop being friendly with them
He left home after falling out with his parents. 和父母吵了一架后,他离开了家。
She'd fallen out with her boyfriend over his ex-girlfriend. 她为了男友前女友的事和男友闹翻了。
If soldiers fall out, they move out of a line.
"Fall out, men!" shouted the sergeant-major. “原地解散!”军士长喊道。
Compare: fall in (SOLDIERS)
fall overB1 跌倒,摔倒
If someone falls over, they fall to the ground.
She tripped and fell over. 她绊了一下,摔倒了。
B1 倒塌
If something falls over, it falls onto its side.
If you make the cake too high, it'll fall over. 如果蛋糕做得太高,会塌下来的。
fall over something/someone 遮住;覆盖
to cover something or someone
A shadow fell over her work and she looked up to see who was there. 一道影子落在她手头的活儿上,她抬起头来看看是谁。
fall throughB2 未发生失败落空
to fail to happen
We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale fell through. 我们给房子找了个买家,结果买卖没成。
fall to someone (职责、任务)落在…身上,由…承担
to be or become the duty or job of someone
The worst job fell to me. 最糟的活儿落在了我头上。
it is your duty
It falls to me to thank you for all you have done for the association. 我应该感谢你为这个组织所做的一切。
fall to 积极做起来
to begin doing something energetically
There was a lot of work to do, so they fell to immediately. 有许多工作要做,因此他们立即着手做起来。
noun uk/fɔːl/ us/fɑːl/
B1 [ C usually singular ](规模、数量或力量的)减少,降低
the fact of the size, amount, or strength of something getting lower
a fall in the price of petrol/the unemployment rate 汽油价格的下跌/失业率的降低
We could hear the rise and fall of voices in the other room. 我们能听见另一间屋里忽高忽低的讲话声。
There was a fall in support for the party at the last election. 上届选举时,该党的支持率下跌了。
    More examples
  • The last ten years have seen a dramatic fall in the number of adoptions.
  • The City acted swiftly to the news of a fall in the value of sterling.
  • Yesterday the company announced its first ever fall in profits.
  • The fall in interest rates is excellent news for borrowers.
  • There was a larger-than-expected fall in unemployment last month.
[ C or U ] US (UK autumn)秋季,秋天
the season after summer and before winter, when fruits and crops become ready to eat and the leaves fall off the trees
I'm starting college in the fall. 我秋天开始上大学。
Next fall we'll be back in New York. 我们明年秋天回纽约。
a fall day/morning 一个秋日/秋天的清晨
fall colours/foliage 秋日的色彩/秋叶
    More examples
  • In the fall, everyone is out raking up the dead leaves.
  • The garden is a blaze of colour in the fall.
  • They plan to get married in the fall.
  • Check out our new catalog for all the latest fall and winter fashions.
  • We were planning a trip to Europe next fall.
B2 [ C usually singular ]跌倒;跌落;倒下
the act of falling down to the ground, usually without intending to or by accident
He had/took a nasty fall and hurt his back. 他重重跌了一跤,伤了脊背。
the fall of the Berlin Wall (= when the Berlin Wall was destroyed) 柏林墙的倒塌
    More examples
  • The soft grass cushioned his fall.
  • I was in no mood for heroics after my fall and skied very slowly down the mountainside.
  • The horse broke its front leg in the fall.
  • He spent the last ten years of his life in a wheelchair after a fall which left him paralysed from the waist down.
  • After her fall she complained that she couldn't bend her leg properly.
[ C usually singular ]降落
an amount of something that moves down onto the ground or from a higher position to a lower position
a heavy fall of snow 一场大雪
See also: rainfall
falls[ plural ] 瀑布
often used in place names to mean a very wide waterfall, often made of many separate waterfalls
Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布
C1 [ C usually singular ]沦陷灭亡;垮台,失势
the fact of being defeated or losing your power
the fall of Rome 罗马的陷落
The army took control of the city after the president's fall from power. 总统垮台后,军队控制了这座城市。
take a/the fall for someoneidiom US informal 替…承担责任
to accept the blame for something another person did
I wasn't going to take the fall for him. 我不打算替他背黑锅。
fall from graceidiom 失宠;失去人心
a situation in which you do something that makes people in authority stop liking you or admiring you
The finance minister's fall from grace gave his enemies great satisfaction. 财政部长的失势令他的政敌幸灾乐祸。




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