adjective [ before noun ] (also multiclient) uk/ˌmʌl.tiˈklaɪ.ənt/ us/ˌmʌl.tiˈklaɪ.ənt/ /ˌmʌl.taɪˈklaɪ.ənt/
involving several clients (= customers who receive a service)
He works at the company's multi-client logistics centre . 他在该公司的多客户物流中心工作。
The company provides specialized industry expertise through multiclient market research.
- More examples
- a multi-client agency
- The research looks at two multi-client outsourced call centres in South Africa and the United Kingdom.
- The firm publishes multi-client market research studies.
computing specialized(计算机)多客户端的
involving several computers that are connected to a server (= a large central computer)
This updated software offers multi-client support, import and export functionality.
a multi-client driver 多客户端驱动程序
See also: client
- More examples
- In this way we can provide secure data aggregation, and multi-client access.
- To perform this task, you'll need a multi-client MIDI driver.