adjective uk/ˈmɑːk.sɪst/ us/ˈmɑːrk.sɪst/
relating to or supporting a social, political, and economic theory that is based on the writings of Karl Marx
a Marxist government 一个信奉马克思主义的政府
Marxist ideology 马克思主义思想体系
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- He was a revolutionary ready to kill for the Marxist revolution.
- Che Guevara was a Marxist jungle fighter.
- As a writer with Marxist tendencies, Fred is obsessed with inequality.
- A combination of the Great Depression and Marxist ideology led to widespread state ownership of productive enterprises in the post-1945 era.
See: Marxism
noun [ C ] uk/ˈmɑːk.sɪst/ us/ˈmɑːrk.sɪst/
a supporter of a social, political, and economic theory based on the writings of Karl Marx
A 1978 coup brought Marxists to power. 1978年的一场政变让马克思主义者掌握了政权。
He branded the Senator a "Marxist" for his economic ideas.
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- He was a lifelong Marxist, blacklisted during the 1950s.
- Some die-hard Marxists see his decision as a betrayal of the party's roots.