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- Quebecois
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- Queen Anne's lace
- Queen Anne's lace
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- reset (button)
- reset button
- resettle
- resettlement
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- re-shoe
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- reshoring
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- 灶王爷
- 灶王爺
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- 灶神星
- 灶間
- 灶间
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- 灶马
- 灸
- 灸法
- 灺
- 灼
- 灼伤
- 灼傷
- 灼急
- 灼热
- 灼熱
- 灼痛
- 灼見
- “AD VAL”是“Ad Valorem (according to value)”的缩写,意思是“Ad Valorem (according to value)”
- “AD INT”是“Ad Interim (meanwhile)”的缩写,意思是“临时广告(同时)”
- “AD INF”是“Ad Infinitum (to infinity)”的缩写,意思是“无穷大(到无穷大)”
- “AD”是“Ante Diem (before the day)”的缩写,意思是“Ante Diem (before the day)”
- “AD”是“A Dato (from date)”的缩写,意思是“A DATO(开始日期)”
- “DR”是“Dokter”的缩写,意思是“多克特”
- “CIA”是“Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori”的缩写,意思是“Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori”
- “CV”是“Cavalli Vapore”的缩写,意思是“卡瓦利蒸气”
- “SIP”是“Società Idroelttrica Piemontese”的缩写,意思是“Societ Idroelttrica Piemontese”
- “GSDEIF”是“Gott Sei Danke Es Ist Frietag”的缩写,意思是“Gott Sei Danke Es Ist Frietag”
- “DZKK”是“Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanl???”的缩写,意思是“德尼兹·库韦特勒”
- “AKFA”是“Algeria-DPRKorea Friendship Association”的缩写,意思是“Algeria-DPRKorea Friendship Association”
- “ASPAVA”是“Allah Saglik, Para, Afiyet, Versin, Amin”的缩写,意思是“阿拉·萨里克,帕拉,阿菲耶,弗森,阿明”
- “CCCP”是“Soyuz Sovyetskikh Sotsyialistichyeskikh Respublik (Russian spelling of USSR)”的缩写,意思是“Soyuz Sovyetskikh Sotsyialistichyeskikh Respublik(苏联俄语拼写)”
- “RCHTG”是“RiCHTiG”的缩写,意思是“里奇蒂”
- “BQP”是“Bonus Qualité Pédagogique”的缩写,意思是“Bonus Qualit_P dagogique”
- “TASS”是“Telegrafnoye Agentstvo Sovyetskogo Soyuza (Telegraphic Agency of the Soviet Union)”的缩写,意思是“苏维埃通讯社”
- “APHF”是“Association des Pilotes Hélicoptère du Finistère”的缩写,意思是“Association des Pilotes H licoptre Du Finistre”
- “ARAB”是“Arabic”的缩写,意思是“阿拉伯语的”
- “?????”是“???, ???, ????, ???, ?????”的缩写,意思是“Ubiquitous, Ubiquitous, Ubiquitous, Ubiquitous, Ubiquitous, Ubiquitous, Ubiquitous, Ubiquitous, Ubiquitous, Ubiquitous”
- “AMG”是“Aufrecht Melcher Grossaspach”的缩写,意思是“Aufrecht Melcher Grossaspach”
- “N”是“Noir”的缩写,意思是“黑色的”
- “RT”是“Recueillis Temporaires”的缩写,意思是“Recueillis Temporaires”
- “OD”是“Omne in Die”的缩写,意思是“死亡之谜”
- “DOKA”是“Do?u Karadeniz Kalk?nma Ajans? (Eastern Black Sea Development Agency)”的缩写,意思是“Do_u Karadeniz Kalk_nma Ajans_(东黑海开发署)”