noun [ U ] uk/ˈklʌt.ər/ us/ˈklʌt̬.ɚ/
(a lot of objects in) a state of being untidy
Sorry about the clutter in the kitchen. 对不起,厨房里杂乱不堪。
My desk is covered in/full of clutter. 我书桌上堆得乱七八糟。
verb [ T ] uk/ˈklʌt.ər/ us/ˈklʌt̬.ɚ/
to fill something in an untidy or badly organized way
The kids always clutter the hall (up) with school bags and coats and stuff. 孩子们总是在厅里乱放书包、外套和乱七八糟的东西。
Every shelf is cluttered with ornaments. 每层架子上都塞满了装饰品。
figurative I try not to clutter (up) my mind with useless information. 我尽量不往脑子里装那些无用的东西。