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单词 converted
adjective uk/kənˈvɜː.tɪd/ /kənˈvɝː.t̬ɪd/
[ before noun ]经改造的;已转换的
having changed in form or character, or been made suitable for a different use
Their homes are converted shipping containers. 他们的住房是由集装箱改造而成的。
    More examples
  • The restaurant is a converted warehouse with long wooden tables.
  • You can stay in a converted monastery.
  • He rides a converted road bike.
having changed to a new religion, belief, or opinion
He's a converted Muslim. 他已皈依成为穆斯林。
I was sceptical about the changes but a year later, I'm completely converted. 我原本对这些变化持怀疑态度,但一年之后我彻底转变了观点。
the converted 改信(某宗教)的人;(信仰、观点等)已改变的人
people who have changed their religion, belief, or opinion
I use this product, not because I'm paid to, but because I'm simply one of the converted. 我使用这个产品,不是因为有人付钱给我,而是出于我自己观念的转变。
See also: preach to the converted
    More examples
  • The converted Jews and Moors who remained in Spain were viewed with suspicion by the Inquisition.
  • The rebellion over welfare reform suggests that many party members are far from converted.
In some sports, when a try, free throw, or penalty shot is converted, extra points are scored after it.
Griffin's converted try sealed victory for his team. 格里芬的附加得分尝试为球队赢得了胜利。




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