noun [ C ] trademark uk/ˌeɪtʃ.es.iː.ˈdiː/ us/ˌeɪtʃ.es.iː.ˈdiː/
(美国)高中同等学历文凭(High School Equivalency Diploma 的缩写)
abbreviation for High School Equivalency Diploma: an official document in the US that is given to someone who did not complete high school (= school for students aged 15 to 18) but who has passed an exam of a similar standard as well as completing some other work
The HSED is a good option for students who haven't had the chance to earn a traditional high school diploma. 对于没有机会获得传统高中文凭的学生来说,HSED是一个不错的选择。
Compare: GED
- More examples
- Employers and colleges may prefer the HSED over the GED because the HSED's requirements are more extensive.
- To earn an HSED, you will need to fulfill requirements in the subjects of health, civic literacy, and employability skills in addition to taking a core subject exam like the GED test.
- Receiving your High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) will transform your life.
- You cannot take the GED or HSED tests online; you must go to a certified testing center.