noun [ U ] uk/ˈaɪ.dəl.nəs/ us/ˈaɪ.dəl.nəs/
the state of not working or being used
They live in an enforced idleness. 他们整日无所事事。
Jumping into an exercise routine after weeks of idleness can cause muscle soreness. 懒散数周后突然进入常规锻炼会引起肌肉酸痛。
the state of being without work
After a year of forced idleness, she found work. 在被迫无所事事一年后,她找到了工作。
Hundreds were thrown into idleness when the factory closed. 工厂的关闭导致几百人失业。
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- The forced idleness of the men on the street corners seemed like a prison sentence to them.
- A little idleness could indeed be a fine thing.
the state of being lazy and not willing to work
He seemed to be dozing out of sheer idleness. 他似乎纯粹因懒惰而打起了瞌睡。
They argued that welfare assistance encouraged idleness. 他们争辩说,福利援助鼓励懒惰。
See: idle
- More examples
- Her retirement did not mean idleness.
- We are warned of the evils of idleness.
- He has a tendency to idleness and day-dreaming.