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单词 big
adjective usuk/bɪɡ/ bigger | biggest
A1 (尺寸或数量)大的,巨大的
large in size or amount
He's a big man. 他是个身材高大的人。
Could I try these shoes in a bigger size? 这双鞋我能试一双大一点儿的吗?
They have a big house in the country. 他们在乡下有一幢大房子。
She has blonde hair and big blue eyes. 她头发金黄,有一双大大的蓝眼睛。
She had a big pay rise. 她的工资涨了很多。
I had a great big slice of chocolate cake for dessert. 我甜点吃了一大块巧克力蛋糕。
A thousand people took part in the region's biggest ever cycle race. 1000人参加了本地区有史以来规模最大的自行车赛。
informal You write August with a big (= capital) "a". August 这个单词的首字母 a 要大写。
informal She's always been a big spender (= she has always spent a lot of money). 她花钱总是大手大脚。
informal You're not a very big eater, are you? (= You do not eat a lot.) 你吃得并不多,对吗?
A2 informal年龄较大的;长大的
older or more like an adult
Her big (= older) sister/brother told her to go away. 她姐姐/哥哥让她走开。
I'm ashamed of you. You're big enough to know better (= at an age where you should know that your behaviour is not acceptable). 我为你感到害臊。你这么大了,该知道好歹了。
C2 [ before noun ] informal(用于强调)
used to add emphasis
You're a big bully! 你真是一个大恶霸!
He fell for her in a big way (= was greatly attracted to her). 他被她深深吸引了。
    More examples
  • What happened to your jacket? There's a big rip in the sleeve.
  • The big windows make the room feel wonderfully light and airy.
  • There's a big sports hall for tennis and badminton and such like.
  • We made a big profit on that deal.
  • That jacket looks a bit big for you.
A2 重要的影响大的严重的
important, because of being powerful, or having a lot of influence or a serious effect
He had a big decision to make. 他要作一个重要的决定。
There's a big difference between starting up a business and just talking about it. 真正创办一个企业和只是口头讲讲是有很大区别的。
The big story in the news this week is the mayor's resignation. 本周的重要新闻是市长的辞职。
The four biggest banks are all planning to cut their service charges. 四大银行都在计划降低服务费用。
be big somewhere/in somethinginformal 重要名气大
to be important or famous in a particular place or type of work
They're big in Japan, but no one's heard of them here. 他们在日本的名气很大,但这里的人并没听说过他们。
C1 informal流行的,受欢迎的
If a product or activity is big, it is extremely popular.
Hip-hop is still big today. 嘻哈音乐现在仍然流行。
    More examples
  • She'll be in big trouble if she crashes Sam's car.
  • Her big opportunity came when she was offered a role in a Spielberg film.
  • His height and reach give him a big advantage over other boxers.
  • I must get some sleep - I've got a big day tomorrow.
  • Exercise can make a big difference to your state of health.
a big askidiom informal令人为难的请求
something you ask someone to do that will be difficult for them
It's a big ask, I know, but we need the project finished by June. 我知道这个要求令你为难,但是我们需要在六月之前完工。
be big of someoneidiom informal disapproving 某人)真好心,好慷慨(通常用作反语,表示幽默或气愤)
If an action is big of someone, it is kind, good, or helpful. This phrase is usually used humorously or angrily to mean the opposite.
You can spare me an hour next week? That's really big of you! 下周你能为我抽出1个小时?你可真慷慨!
be big on somethingidiom informal 很喜欢…
to like something very much
I'm not very big on classical music. 我不太喜欢古典音乐。
be no big dealidiom informal 没有关系,没什么了不起
to not be a serious problem
We'll have to pay a little more - it's no big deal. 我们将不得不多付点钱——这没什么关系的。
big deal!idiom informal 没什么了不起!
said when you do not think that what someone has said or done is important or special
"I ran five miles this morning." "Big deal! I ran ten." “今天早晨我跑了5英里。”“没什么了不起!我跑了10英里。”
big fish/gun/noise/shot/wheelidiom informal大人物,要人
a person who has an important or powerful position in a group or organization
She's a big gun in city politics. 她是市政要人。
He's a big shot in advertising. 在广告界他是个大腕儿。
the big/bigger pictureidiom 最重要的部分全局
the most important facts about a situation and the effects of that situation on other things
In my political work I try to concentrate on the big picture and not be distracted by details. 在我的政治工作中,我试着着眼大局,而不是为枝节而分心。
the bigger the betteridiom 越大越好
how much you value or want something is decided by how big it is
He likes getting big presents - the bigger the better as far as he's concerned. 他喜欢得到大礼物——他认为礼物越大越好。
the bigger they are, the harder they fallidiom saying 爬得越高,摔得越重。
said to emphasize that the more important or powerful a person is, the more difficult it is for them when they lose their power or importance
the big I amidiom UK informal disapproving 自大
If someone is acting the big I am, or giving it the big I am, they are behaving as if they are very important.
He was always giving it the big I am with his little gang. 他总是在他的小团伙里表现得狂妄自大。
More idioms
have big ideasidiom informal 有远大理想,有抱负
to have plans that need great effort, skill, and luck to achieve
She's got big ideas about starting up her own company. 她的远大理想是创办自己的公司。
make it bigidiom informal 功成名就,飞黄腾达
to become famous or successful
too big for your bootsidiom UK informal (US too big for your britches) 自以为是;摆架子
behaving as if you are more important than you really are
He's been getting a bit too big for his boots since he got that promotion. 自从那次晋升后,他变得越来越自大了。
what's the big idea?idiom informal 你这是什么意思?
used to ask someone why they have done something annoying
What's the big idea? I was watching that programme! 你怎么回事?我正在看那个节目呢!




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