adjective uk/ʌnˈiː.vən/ us/ʌnˈiː.vən/
C2 不平整的;参差不齐的;不平等的;不平坦的;不连续的
not level, equal, flat, or continuous
Be careful on that path - the paving stones are uneven. 走那条路时要小心——铺路石很不平。
There is an uneven distribution of wealth across the country from the north to the south. 全国的财富分配南北很不均衡。
The contest was very uneven - the other team was much stronger than us. 比赛很不平等——对方参赛队的实力比我们强很多。
- More examples
- The patient's breathing was quick and uneven.
- The uneven floorboards creaked when you walked across them.
- His teeth were yellow and uneven.
- an uneven distribution of financial resources
- Their rates of development are uneven.
different in quality; often used to avoid saying bad
Your work has been a little uneven this term, Matthew. 马修,你的功课这学期很不稳定。