noun uk/sæn/ us/sæn/
the San [ plural ]桑人(南部非洲,尤其是卡拉哈里沙漠地区最早的居民之一,过去以狩猎采集为生,现在主要务农)
one of the first groups of people to live in southern Africa, especially in the Kalahari desert, who used to live as hunter-gatherers but are now mainly farmers
The San were also referred to as Bushmen, but this term has since been abandoned as it is considered derogatory. 桑人过去也被称为布须曼人,但因为这个词带贬义,后来不再使用。
Researchers discovered the DNA of the San people was more diverse than any other group. 研究人员发现,桑族人的DNA比其他任何群体都要多样化。
Compare: Bushman