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单词 off
adverb uk/ɒf/ us/ɑːf/
B1 (尤指离开当前所在地点或位置)离开,远离
away from a place or position, especially the present place, position, or time
He drove off at the most incredible speed. 他以令人难以置信的速度开车走了。
Keep the dog on the lead or he'll just run off. 牵好狗,不然它就会跑掉的。
Someone ran off with (= took) my pen. 有人拿走了我的钢笔。
She's off to Canada next week. 她下周去加拿大。
I saw her off (= said goodbye) at the station. 我去火车站为她送行。
Finals are so far off that I'm not even thinking about them yet. 决赛还远着呢,我甚至连想都没想过。
UK I'm off now - see you tomorrow. 我要走了——明天见。
UK If we can get off (= leave) early tomorrow morning we'll avoid most of the traffic. 如果我们明天早上早点出发就能避开交通高峰时段。
    More examples
  • When we heard she'd got the job, we all went off for a celebratory drink.
  • The horses set off at a canter.
  • The dog trotted off to bury its bone.
  • I'm jetting off to New Zealand next week.
  • The gang drove off, with the police in hot pursuit.
A2 (与表示动作的词连用)去掉,除掉,移开
used with actions in which something is removed or removes itself from another thing
Take your jacket off. 把你的夹克衫脱掉。
One of my buttons has come off. 我的一粒纽扣掉了。
She had all her hair cut off. 她把头发全剪掉了。
    More examples
  • Two of his fingers were chopped off in the accident.
  • I hope these bloodstains will clean off my shirt.
  • Take your clothes off and get in the bath.
  • He licked the chocolate off his fingers.
  • The parcel had only been loosely wrapped, and the paper had come off.
A2 (尤指机器、电器设备、灯等)切断,停止运转;断电
(especially of machines, electrical devices, lights, etc.) not operating because of not being switched on
Make sure the computers are all off before you go home. 回家之前一定要把电脑都关掉。
Turn/Switch the light/engine/television off. 关掉灯/发动机/电视。
    More examples
  • At the top of the hill I switched off the engine and we just coasted down the other side.
  • Switch off the electric current before touching that machine.
  • I can turn the television off if you find it a distraction.
  • Please turn mobile phones off in the library.
  • This sort of heater turns off at the mains.
B1 )(从…)扣掉,减去
(of money) taken away from the original price
You can get some money off if you pay cash. 如果你付现金的话,可以给你打折。
There's 40 percent off this week on all winter coats. 本周冬季外套一律打6折。
There was $40 or $50 off most jackets in the store. 这家商店大多数夹克都减价40或50美元。
    More examples
  • This coupon allows you to claim 10% off all DVDs.
  • I'll knock £20 off if you pay by cash.
  • She asked for some money off because the book was slightly damaged.
  • There's up to 50% off everything in our massive sale which starts next week.
  • The card entitles you to 30% off all rail fares.
A2 没上班(的); 在家休息(的),在休假(的)
not at work; at home or on holiday
I'm going to take/have some time off to work on my house. 我打算休假一段时间,整修一下我的房子。
She was off sick last week. 她上星期休病假了。
He's off at the moment - can I get him to call you back? 他现在不在——要我叫他给你回电话吗?
    More examples
  • If you can get some time off work, we could finish the decorating.
  • I need to get it finished before Friday because I'm off next week.
  • He asked the boss if he could have some time off.
  • How much time do you get off?
  • She's been off since Monday with a cold.
in such a way as to be separated
The police have shut/closed off all streets leading to the city. 警方封闭了所有通往这座城市的道路。
The area in the park where the kids play is fenced off for safety reasons. 为安全起见,公园里用围栏把孩子们玩的场所隔开。
    More examples
  • The pitch has been roped off to stop people from walking over it.
  • They've cordoned off the whole area because of a suspected bomb.
  • The scene of the crime has been closed off by the police.
  • She marked off the amount of fabric she needed.
  • An area of the factory has been sealed off while the asbestos is removed.
in such a way as to be completely absent, especially because of having been used or killed
It says on the bottle that it kills off all known germs. 瓶子上说它可以杀灭所有已知的病菌。
It'll take some time before she manages to pay off all her debts. 她要花一段时间才能偿清所有的债务。
The good thing about exercise is that it burns off calories. 锻炼的好处在于能消耗卡路里。
Between us we managed to finish off several bottles of wine. 我们俩喝光了好几瓶酒。
    More examples
  • He could spar well enough but he couldn't seem to finish off his opponents.
  • The decorating is as good as finished - I just need to finish off the painting.
  • In a normal winter, the frost penetrates deeply enough to kill off insect eggs in the soil.
  • Running is an excellent way to burn off excess calories.
  • Things are back to normal now that we've paid off all our debts.
in such a way as to get rid of something
We went out for a while to walk off some of our dinner. 我们出去走了走,消化一下晚餐吃的东西。
He's gone to sleep off a headache. 他头疼,去睡了。
There's no point in getting upset about what he said - you just have to laugh it off. 犯不着为这些话感到难过——你只需一笑了之。
(also -off)(用于组成名词)竞赛,比赛
used to form nouns referring to a situation in which two or more people or teams compete against each other to see who is the winner
the BBC series, the Great British Bake Off 英国广播公司的系列节目《大英烘培比赛》。
Audience applause determines the winner of each dance-off. 观众的掌声决定每场舞蹈比赛的获胜者。
be/go off on oneidiom UK informal 突然愤怒地讲话(或喊叫)
to suddenly start talking or shouting in an angry way
He went off on one and started accusing me of stealing his girlfriend. 他声色大变,指责我抢了他的女朋友。
off with somethingidiom (命令某人)去掉,除去
used as a way of ordering someone to remove something
Off with his head! 砍下他的头!
Off with your jacket! 脱掉你的夹克!
preposition uk/ɒf/ us/ɑːf/
B1 (尤指离开当前所在地点或位置)离开,远离
down or away from a place, position, or time, especially the present place, position, or time
There was a "Keep off the grass" sign. 有个告示牌上写着“请勿践踏草坪”。
All the berries had dropped off the tree. 所有的莓子都从树上掉了下来。
He fell off his bike. 他从自行车上摔了下来。
We're still a long way off our target of $30,000. 我们离三万美元的目标还差得很远。
I hope she knows where to get off (= leave) the bus/train. 我希望她知道在哪儿下公交车/火车。
How far off finishing the project are we? (= How much more is there to do?) 我们距完成这个项目还差多远?
UK We've been working on the flat for six months now but we're still a long way off finishing. 到现在我们已经花了6个月的时间整修这套公寓房,但我们离完工还差得很远。
UK We're not far off (= we are quite near) London now. 我们现在离伦敦不远了。
    More examples
  • I've gone off seafood after I was sick the last time I had it.
  • She's much better now, and she's off the medication.
  • I'm going off Richard. He's so arrogant these days!
  • It was enough to make anyone go off fast food.
  • I went off meat after I saw that documentary.
B1 (与表示动作的词连用)去掉,除掉,移开
used with actions in which something is removed or removes itself from another thing
I can't get the lid off this jar. 我取不下这个罐子上的盖子。
Has anyone taken a book off my desk? 是不是有人从我桌上拿走了一本书?
Could you cut me a small piece off that big white cheese? 你能从那一大块白色奶酪上给我切下一小片来吗?
Take your feet off that seat, young man! 年轻人,把你的脚从座位上拿开!
I don't like taking money off you (= asking you for money)! 我不喜欢从你那儿要钱!
Get off me! (= Stop touching me!) 别碰我!
not standard I got the knife off of him before he ran away. 他逃走前,我夺下了他的刀。
not liking or taking something or someone
He's been off his food ever since he had the stomach upset. 自从他得了胃病后,就对食物失去了兴趣。
She's well enough to be off the medicine now. 她现在身体很好,不必吃药了。
She's been off drugs for a year now. 至今她已戒毒一年了。
UK The doctor says he can come off the tablets. 医生说他可以不吃这些药片了。
UK I used to love coffee but I've gone off it (= stopped liking it) recently. 我过去喜欢喝咖啡,可是最近不爱喝了。
B2 靠近,离…不远
near to
He lives just off the main road. 他住得离大路不远。
It's an island off the east coast of Spain. 它是西班牙东海岸附近的一个岛屿。
adjective uk/ɒf/ us/ɑːf/
C2 [ after verb ](安排好的活动)终止的,取消的
(of an arranged event) stopped or given up
The wedding's off - she's decided she's too young to settle down. 婚礼取消了——她觉得自己还太年轻,不想这么早就安定下来。
informal It's all off (= the relationship is over) between Kim and Mike. 金和迈克吹了。
    More examples
  • The game's off, due to a waterlogged pitch.
  • Lack of interest led to the event being called off.
  • The search for survivors has been called off.
  • Tomorrow's game has been called off because of the bad weather.
  • The search was called off for the sailors who disappeared in the storm.
having a particular amount or number, especially of money
Andrew must be so well-off (= rich) by now. 安德鲁如今一定很富有了。
I think they're fairly badly-off (= poor) now that David has lost his job. 既然戴维丢了工作,我想他们现在经济上很窘迫。
UK I'm quite well off for (= have a lot of) sweaters. 我有很多毛衣。
UK How are you off for money? (= do you have enough?) 你有多少钱?
below the usual standard or rate
I'm having an off day today - I just can't seem to do anything right! 我今天状态不佳——好像什么事都做不好!
B2 [ after verb ] mainly UK(食物和饮料)坏了的,不新鲜的,变质的
(of food and drink) no longer fresh or good to eat or drink because of being too old
This milk smells off. 这牛奶有馊味了。
I'd better eat this cheese before it goes off. 我最好在这块奶酪变质之前吃了它。
    More examples
  • Do you think this meat is off?
  • The milk has gone off because you left it out of the fridge.
  • That bacon look off to me.
  • The fruit will go off quickly if it's not stored at the right temperature.
  • That cheesecake must have already been off when you bought it.
[ after verb ] UK(餐馆的食物)售完了的,不供应的
(of food in a restaurant) not available at that particular time
I'm sorry, sir, the salmon is off. 先生,很抱歉,鲑鱼卖完了。
[ after verb ] UK informal漠不关心的,冷漠的,无情的;粗鲁的
not thinking or worrying about other people's feelings; rude
He didn't even call her on her birthday - I thought that was a bit off. 他甚至在她生日那天也没有给她打个电话——我觉得这有点不尽人情。
noun [ S ] UK informal uk/ɒf/ us/ɑːf/
the off 走,离开
the act of leaving somewhere
Are we ready for the off, then? 那么,我们准备好要走了吗?
verb [ T ] US slang uk/ɒf/ us/ɑːf/
to kill someone
They offed him and dumped his body in the swamp. 他们杀死了他,然后把尸体抛弃在沼泽里。




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