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单词 rest
verb uk/rest/ us/rest/
B1 [ I or T ]使)暂停,(使停止;(使休息
to (cause someone or something to) stop doing a particular activity or stop being active for a period of time in order to relax and get back your strength
The doctor told him that he should rest for a few days. 医生告诉他应该休息几天。
He looked away from the computer screen to rest his eyes. 他把视线从电脑显示屏上移开,让眼睛休息一下。
She promised that she would not rest (= would not stop looking) until the murderer of her son was caught and imprisoned. 她发誓杀害她儿子的凶手不被捕入狱,她就不会善罢甘休。
See also: rest up
be restinginformal 演员没有接到戏而呆在家里
to be an actor who does not have any work
Over 90 percent of professional actors are resting at any given time. 任何时候都有超过90%的职业演员无戏可演。
I rest my caselaw specialized (also my case rests) (律师出庭用语)陈述完毕。
said by lawyers in a law court when they have finished the explanation of their case
    More examples
  • "You look tired - you should go home and rest." "I'm going to do precisely that."
  • My doctor said I was looking run-down and ought to take some time to rest.
  • We travelled by night and rested by day.
  • She was told to stay in bed to rest her injured back.
  • Feeling tired-out is Nature's way of telling you to rest.
[ I or T, usually + adv/prep ]
to lie or lean on something, or to put something on something else so that its weight is supported
She rested her head on my shoulder. 她把头靠在我的肩膀上。
The bicycle was resting against the wall. 自行车靠墙放着。
    More examples
  • She sat behind the table, her chin resting in her hands.
  • They rested the mirror against the wall.
  • The dome rests on four marble columns.
  • He rested his head on the cushion.
  • The elephants were standing in a line with their front legs resting on each other's backs.
[ I ] formal保持不变
to remain in a particular state or place
We cannot allow the matter to rest here (= to remain as it is)- further action has to be taken. 我们不能允许这件事保持现状,一定要继续采取行动。
let something restidiom informal 不再讨论不再提
to not talk about or mention a particular subject
After he had told his friends he was writing a novel, they wouldn't let the subject rest. 自从他告诉他的朋友们他正在写一本小说后,他们就没完没了地提起这事。
rest easyidiom (also rest assured) (用于安慰某人)请放心,别担心
used to tell someone not to worry and that you are in control of the situation
"Rest assured, Mrs Cooper," said the police officer. "We will find your son for you." “您放宽心,库珀太太,”警察说:“我们会为您找到儿子的。”
I rest my caseidiom (用于表示相信刚发生的事情或表明你说的是真话)还用我多说吗?
said when you believe that something that has just happened or been said proves that you are right or telling the truth
When told of Smith's angry response to her claim, she said simply, "I rest my case." (= his response proves that what I say is true) 当被告知史密斯对她的说法的恼怒反应时,她只是说:“还用我多说吗?”
law specialized (also my/the case rests)(律师出庭用语)陈述完毕。
said by lawyers in a law court when they have finished the explanation of their case
rest in peaceidiom (表示对死者的祝愿)安息
said to express the hope that someone's spirit has found peace after death
She was a decent and compassionate woman: may she rest in peace. 她生前为人正直、富有同情心:愿她安息。
(abbreviation RIP)(常刻于墓碑上)安息
often written on a gravestone
rest on your laurelsidiom 满足于既得成就;吃老本;不求进步
to be satisfied with your achievements and not to make an effort to do anything else
Just because you've got your degree doesn't mean you can rest on your laurels. 你不能仅仅因为得了个学位就心满意足裹足不前了。
Phrasal verbs
rest on someone/something (目光在环顾四周后)落在…上;注目于,凝视
If your eyes rest on something or someone when you are looking around an area, you start looking only at that particular object or person.
Her eyes rested on a small wooden box at the back of the shop. 她的目光落在商店最里面的一个小木盒子上。
rest on/upon something 基于;以…为基础
If something rests on a particular idea, belief, or fact, it is based on it or needs it in order for it to be true.
Christianity rests on the belief that Jesus was the son of God. 基督教的基本教义信奉耶稣是上帝之子。
rest on/upon someone/something 有赖于取决于依赖
to depend on someone or something
Our success rests on an increase in sales. 我们的成功取决于销售量的增加。
rest up 得到充分休息养足精神
to relax in order to have strength for something
Why don't you take a nap to rest up for the party? 你为什么不睡一会儿,养足精神去参加聚会?
rest with someone 某人)的责任;某人负责
If a responsibility or decision rests with someone, they are responsible for it.
The authority to call an emergency meeting rests with the president. 召集紧急会议的权力在总统手中。
rest with someone/something 依靠依赖寄托于
to depend on someone or something
Our hopes rest with you. 我们的希望寄托在你身上。
noun uk/rest/ us/rest/
the rest[ S, + sing/pl verb ]A2 剩余部分其余其余的人
the other things, people, or parts that remain or that have not been mentioned
I've got two bright students, but the rest are average. 我班上有两个特别聪明的学生,但是其他人都表现平平。
I'll keep a third of the money and the rest is for you. 钱我留下1/3,其余的归你。
Do you have anything planned for the rest of the day? 这天剩余的时间你安排什么事了吗?
A2 [ C or U ]暂停,停止;休息
a period of time in which you relax, do not do anything active, or sleep
After they had carried the piano up the stairs, they stopped for a rest. 他们把钢琴搬到楼上后,停下来休息了一会儿。
The doctor prescribed some pills and told her to get/have a week's rest. 医生开了些药,并嘱咐她休息一周。
[ C ] music specialized音乐的)休止,休止符
a period of silence between musical notes, or a symbol that represents this
a minim rest 二分休止符
at rest 静止不动休息
not doing anything active, or not moving
Her heartbeat is only 55 at rest. 她在安静状态下心跳每分钟只有55次。
come to rest (通常在某个地方)停止,停下来,静止下来
to stop, usually in a particular place
The car hit the kerb, rolled over and came to rest in a ditch. 汽车撞到马路边石上,翻滚到路沟里停了下来。
    More examples
  • It's not a good idea to drive for hours without a rest.
  • Chris phoned to say they'd arrived safely, so that really put my mind at rest.
  • After six hours work in the garden, we sat down for a much-needed rest.
  • I'm not tired at the moment but I will need a rest at some stage during the walk.
  • The elderly generally need far less rest than the young, and tend to sleep in several short stretches.
[ C ]支撑物;支架;基座
an object that supports the weight of something
I used a pile of books as a rest for my telescope. 我用一摞书作望远镜支架。
See also: headrestarmrest
(and) all the restidiom informal 诸如此类,以及其他,等等
used at the end of a phrase or list to refer to other things or people that belong to the same set or group and that you have not had time to mention
Karen and Laura and all the rest are coming to dinner tonight. 凯伦、劳拉和其他人今晚要来参加晚宴。
for the restidiom (表示说完重要的事情后对不重要的事情的补充)至于其他,除此以外
used when you have already mentioned the important parts of something and you now want to mention the other less important parts
The salary in my new job is great, but (as) for the rest, I'm not impressed. 我的新工作薪水挺高,但是其他方面嘛,我觉得就没有什么特别的了。
give it a restidiom informal 不要说了;别再做了
said when you want someone to stop talking about or doing something that is annoying you
Oh, give it a rest, can't you? 得了,别再说了,好不好?
the rest is historyidiom 后来的事是尽人皆知的
everything that happened since then is well known
The Beatles had their first hit record in 1962 and the rest is history. 甲壳虫乐队于1962年推出了他们的第一张畅销唱片,后来的事就不用赘述了。




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