adjective uk/ˈəʊ.pən/ us/ˈoʊ.pən/
A2 开着的,未关的
not closed or fastened
an open door/window 开着的门/窗
An open suitcase lay on her bed. 一只打开的手提箱摆在她的床上。
You left the container open. 你没把包装袋口封上。
Someone had left the window wide (= completely) open. 有人把窗户敞开着。
He had several nasty open wounds (= those which had not begun to heal). 他有几处严重的未愈合的伤口。
- More examples
- His shirt was open to the waist revealing a very hairy chest.
- We could hear him cursing and swearing as he tried to get the door open.
- My jaw dropped open when she told me how old she was.
- I keep the bedroom door open in case the children call for me in the night.
- The thieves broke the safe open and stole the diamonds.
A1 [ after verb ]可用的;开放的;营业的
ready to be used or ready to provide a service
The supermarket is open till 8.00 p.m. 这家超市一直营业到晚上8点。
The road is open now, but it is often blocked by snow in the winter. 这条路现在可以通行,不过在冬天它经常被雪封住。
The new hospital was declared open by the mayor. 市长宣布新医院开始启用。
- More examples
- The museum is open daily except Monday(s).
- The Royal Apartments are open to the public.
- The hotel bar is open to non-residents.
- The west wing of the house is still lived in by Lord and Lady Carlton, while the rest of the house is open to the public.
- As both a teacher and parent, she had a vested interest in seeing the school remain open.
B1 没有围上的,敞开的;开阔的;无遮盖的
not closed in or covered
It's not a good idea to camp in the middle of an open field (= one which is not covered with trees, bushes, etc.). 在旷野之中宿营可不是个好主意。
Suddenly we had left the city behind and were out in open country. 忽然我们离开了都市,进入了开阔的乡野。
The survivors were adrift on the open sea (= far from land). 幸存者在外海上漂流。
- More examples
- The road goes through several miles of open countryside.
- The open road stretched out in front of us.
- The house was surrounded by open fields.
- The fishing boat made its way out of the harbour and into the open sea.
- The soldiers were marching across open country.
If a computer document or program is open, it is ready to be read or used.
Make sure you have both files open at the same time. 确保你同时打开两个文档。
C1 [ after verb ]可利用的;可得到的;没有限制的
available; not limited
There are still several possibilities open to you. 你还有几个不同的选择。
The competition is open to anyone over the age of 16. 16岁以上的人都可以参加这场竞赛。
Is the library open to the general public? 这座图书馆向公众开放吗?
Their whole attitude to these negotiations is open to criticism (= can be criticized). 他们对这些谈判的整个态度应该受到批评。
I'd like to think I'm open to (= willing to consider) any reasonable suggestion. 我认为自己是愿意接受任何合理的建议的。
An accident would lay the whole issue of safety open (= cause it to be considered). 一起事故会使整个安全问题凸显出来。
- More examples
- The company's accounts are open to scrutiny.
- The current system is open to abuse.
- He laid himself open to ridicule.
- The success of the project is open to question.
- The publisher is open to book proposals from new authors.
C2 不保密的;公开的;毫不掩饰的
not secret
There has been open hostility between them ever since they had that argument last summer. 自从去年夏天他们发生了那场争吵后,两人就一直处于公开的敌对状态。
C2 坦诚的;坦率的;毫不隐讳的
honest and not trying to keep things secret
He's very open about his weaknesses. 他对自己的弱点毫不隐瞒。
I wish you'd be more open with me, and tell me what you're feeling. 我希望你对我更坦诚一些,把你的感受告诉我。
She has an honest, open face. 她有一张真诚坦率的面孔。
- More examples
- I like her open and direct manner.
- The deal was completely open and above board.
- Despite a commitment to more open government, the public are still being kept in the dark about the inner machinations of the Cabinet.
- They showed open contempt for their new neighbours.
- The minister hasn't been entirely open about his business interests.
not decided or certain
We don't have to make a firm decision yet. Let's leave it open. 我们还不必作出明确的决定,先考虑考虑吧。
We can leave our offer open for another week, but we have to have your decision by then. 我们可以再给你一周时间考虑我们的出价,不过到时候我们必须知道你的决定。
I want to keep my options open, so I'm not committing myself yet. 我想保留我的选择权,所以暂且不作决定。
greet/welcome someone with open armsidiom 张开双臂迎接(某人),热情地欢迎(某人)
to show someone that you are very pleased to see them
verb uk/ˈəʊ.pən/ us/ˈoʊ.pən/
B2 [ I or T ](使)开始
to (cause to) begin
I would like to open my talk by giving a brief background to the subject. 正式开始讲话之前,我想先简短地介绍一下这个主题的背景。
I'm going to open an account with another bank. 我打算在另一家银行开一个账户。
The Olympic Games open tomorrow. 奥运会明天开幕。
A new radio station is due to open (up) next month. 一家新电台预定下个月开播。
The film opens (= will be shown for the first time) in New York and Los Angeles next week. 这部电影下周将在纽约和洛杉矶开始上映。
- More examples
- The Chairperson opened the proceedings with a short speech.
- I've opened an account with a building society.
- The show will open with a firework display.
- The album opens with his most famous song.
- Let's open with a reminder of what we did last week.
A1 [ I or T ]开;开放;打开
to move something to a position that is not closed, or to make something change to a position that is not closed
Could you open the window, please? 请打开窗户好吗?
You can open your eyes now - here's your present. 你现在可以睁开眼睛了——这是你的礼物。
The flowers open (out) in the morning but close again in the afternoon. 这种花早上开,但是到了下午又会合拢。
From the kitchen there is a door that opens (out) into the garden. 有一道门从厨房通向花园。
That door opens (out) onto the patio. 那扇门通往露台。
informal "Open up (= open the door) - it's the police!" shouted the police officer, banging on the door. “开门——警察!”警察一边猛敲门一边喊道。
A2 [ T ]开,开启,打开,揭开(包装或容器)
to remove or separate part of a container or parcel so that you can see or use what it contains
Don't open a new bottle just for me. 不要为我一个人新开一瓶酒。
I couldn't wait to open the letter. 我迫不及待要把信拆开。
- More examples
- I can't open my bag - the zip has stuck.
- I just opened the drawer as usual and the handle came away in my hand.
- The customs officials made us go through the whole rigmarole of opening up our bags for inspection.
- We must open the channels of communication between the two countries.
- The door opens outwards.
A2 [ I or T ]开门,开始营业;开始办公
If a shop or office opens at a particular time of day, it starts to do business at that time.
The coffee shop opens at ten o'clock. 这家咖啡馆10点钟开门。
He opens (up) his coffee shop at ten o'clock. 他的咖啡馆10点钟开始营业。
B2 [ T ](通常指要人)宣布开业,宣布投入运营,为…揭幕
If someone, usually someone important, opens a building, event, etc., they officially say that it is ready to be used or to start operating.
The new hospital will be officially opened by the mayor on Tuesday. 这家新医院将在星期二由市长正式宣布投入使用。
- More examples
- The box office opens at ten.
- The Queen will open the new visitors' centre.
- The opening of the superstore will sound the death knell for hundreds of small independent shops.
- The factory opened last November.
- The corner shop opens at five o'clock in the morning.
[ T ]提供;使有…;开放,取消限制
to make something available
This research opens (up) the possibility of being able to find a cure for the disease. 这项研究为找到医治这种疾病的方法提供了可能。
The country is planning to open (up) its economy to foreign investment. 该国正计划开放经济,欢迎外国投资。
- More examples
- The market has been opened up to private investors.
- By denying responsibility for the matter, the minister has opened himself up to criticism.
- Deregulation has opened the rail industry to competition.
- The chairman opened up the meeting to questions from the audience.
- Organizers have been urged to open the race up to international runners.
B1 [ T ]打开,启动(计算机文件或程序)
If you open a computer document or program, you make it ready to read or use.
To open a new document, click "File" and then click "New". 建立新文件时,先点击“文件夹”,然后再点击“新建”。
Click the desktop icon to open the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. 点击桌面图标,打开《剑桥高阶学习词典》。
the earth/ground/floor opensidiom (指尴尬得希望)地面裂开(使自己消失)
You say that you wish the earth/floor/ground would open (up) if you are so embarrassed that you want suddenly to disappear.
At that moment the boss walked in, and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. 正在那时老板走了进来,我只希望地上裂条缝让我钻进去。
open someone's eyesidiom 使(某人)认清,使(某人)了解
to make someone realize something surprising or shocking that they had not known about or understood before
She really opened my eyes to how stupid I'd been. 她确实使我看清了自己过去多愚蠢。
open your heart to someoneidiom 向(某人)敞开心扉
to tell someone about your problems and secrets
She's very understanding - you feel you can really open your heart to her. 她十分善解人意——让你觉得确实可以向她敞开心扉。
open your mouthidiom 开口,开始讲话
to speak or start to speak
I don't know how she heard about it - I never opened my mouth. 我不知道她是从哪里听说这件事的——我从来没有开口说起过。
open the door to somethingidiom 使…成为可能
to make something possible
These discussions may well open the door to a peaceful solution. 此番讨论或许可以完全打开和平解决问题的大门。
Phrasal verbs
open something out/up 扩展,拓展;打开,开通
to make a space larger or less closed in
We're going to open up our kitchen by taking out a couple of walls. 我们打算拆除几面墙,把厨房打通。
open (something) up 打开(建筑物的门)
to open the lock on the door of a building
The caretaker opens up the school every morning at seven. 看门人每天早晨7点钟开学校大门。
open something up 减少对…的限制
to improve a situation by making it less limited
The government has announced plans to open up access to higher education. 政府宣布了增加人们接受高等教育机会的计划。
to show something that was hidden or not previously known
The debate could open up sharp differences between the countries. 辩论可能会使两国之间的尖锐分歧公开化。
open someone up 给(某人)动手术,给(某人)开刀
to do a medical operation on someone to see inside their body
When they opened her up, they couldn't find anything wrong with her. 他们给她开了刀之后,查不出她有什么毛病。
open upC2 倾吐心声;打开心扉
to start to talk more about yourself and your feelings
I've never opened up to anyone like I do to you. 我从没有像对你一样,对任何人诉说过心事。
noun [ S ] uk/ˈəʊ.pən/ us/ˈoʊ.pən/
the open 室外,户外;露天;野外
somewhere outside, rather than in a building
It's good to be (out) in the open after being cooped up in an office all day. 在办公室里关了一整天后来到户外感觉真好。
bring something out into the open 公开(秘密); 把…公之于众
to tell people information that was secret
It's time this issue was brought out into the open. 是该把这件事公开的时候了。