presumed consent
noun [ U ] uk/prɪˌzjuːmd kənˈsent/ us/prɪˌzuːmd kənˈsent/
the idea that someone is believed to have given permission for something unless they say they do not, used, for example, in some countries for organ donation (= allowing your body parts to be used after you die)
At present, Britain rejects presumed consent for organ donors. 目前,英国拒绝接受假定同意的器官捐献。
- More examples
- Perhaps we should consider presumed consent unless they (the person dying) explicitly has said no.
- He is a pledged organ donor who favours presumed consent.
- We have an "opt-in" system of donation, under which those willing to give their organs on death must sign up as donors, as opposed to the "presumed consent" or "opt-out" systems.
- There's an argument that presumed consent damages the vital relationship of trust between dying patients and their doctors.