adjective uk/ˈræm.blɪŋ/ us/ˈræm.blɪŋ/
too long and confused
a long rambling speech 冗长而不着边际的讲话
large and spreading out in many different directions
a rambling rose 蔓生的蔷薇
a rambling old house 一座格局凌乱的老宅
noun [ U ] uk/ˈræm.blɪŋ/ us/ˈræm.blɪŋ/
the activity of going for long walks in the countryside
ramblings [ plural ] 杂乱无章的话(或文字);冗长芜杂的文字;漫无边际的闲扯
long and confused speech or writing
We were then subjected for fully half an hour to the ill-informed ramblings of a delusional old has-been.
At the time, the essay was largely dismissed as the confused ramblings of an old woman.
Please forgive my incoherent ramblings over dinner last night.
Aren't these just the ramblings of a self-important loner?
You then get three pages of tedious ramblings about local government.