noun uk/pleɪs/ us/pleɪs/
A1 [ C ]地方;场所
an area, town, building, etc.
Her garden was a cool pleasant place to sit. 坐在她的花园里真是凉爽宜人。
What was the name of that place we drove through on the way to New York? 我们开车去纽约的路上穿过的那个地方叫什么名字?
They decided to go to a pizza place. 他们决定去比萨饼店。
There are several places of interest to visit in the area. 该地区有一些旅游胜地值得游览。
It's important to feel comfortable in your place of work. 在工作单位感觉舒心是很重要的。
A2 [ C ] informal家
a home
I'm looking for a place to live. 我在找个住的地方。
We'll have the meeting at my place. 我们将在我家开会。
[ S ]适当的地点(或建筑物、场合等)
a suitable area, building, situation, or occasion
University is a great place for making new friends. 大学是结交新朋友的好地方。
[ + to infinitive ] This meeting isn't the place to discuss your problems, I'm afraid. 恐怕这个会议不是谈论个人私事的场合。
- More examples
- The school was a cold, unwelcoming place.
- The mixture of flour, water and yeast is then left in a warm place for four hours.
- New York is reportedly a very exciting place to live.
- I wonder if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area?
- The new law will outlaw smoking in public places.
[ C ]位置
a position in relation to other things or people
His leg was broken in two places. 他腿上有两处骨折。
When you've finished, put the book back in its place on the shelf. 你看完之后把书放回书架上原来的位置。
This plant needs a warm, sunny place. 这株植物需要放在一个温暖而有阳光的地方。
Will you keep my place (in the queue) (= allow me to come back to the same position)? 你帮我占着(排队的)位置好吗?
She spoke to me and I lost my place in the book (= I forgot where I had been reading). 她和我说话,我忘了书看到哪里了。
See also: decimal place
B1 [ C ]座位
the seat you will sit in on a particular occasion, or the seat where you usually sit, in the theatre, a class, a train, etc.
My ticket says 6G but there's someone sitting in my place. 我的票上印的座位号是6G,但已经有人坐在我的座位上了。
The children collected their prizes and then went back to their places. 孩子们领了奖品,回到座位上。
Save me a place (= keep a seat for me until I arrive) near the front. 在靠前面的地方给我留个座位。
[ C ](餐桌旁的)位子
the space at a table where one person will sit and eat, usually with a plate and knives, forks, and spoons arranged on it
The waiter showed us to our places and gave us each a menu. 侍者把我们领到我们的位子上,给了我们每人一份菜单。
He laid six places at the table. 他给这一桌设了6个位子。
B1 [ C ](机构、系统中的)职位,席位;(竞赛的)名次
a position in an organization, system, or competition
She's got a place at university 她在大学里谋到一个职位。
UK She's got a place on a fine-arts course. 她被一个教美术课程录取了。
US She's got a place in a fine-arts course. 她被一个教美术课程录取了。
Our team finished in second place. 我们队获得了第二名。
He took third place (= was the third to finish) in the marathon last year. 他在去年的马拉松比赛中获得了季军。
[ C ] US(用于 any,some 等词后)任何地方,某个地方
used after words such as "any" and "some" as a different way of saying "anywhere", "somewhere", etc.
I know I left that book some place - now, where was it? 我知道我把书放在某个地方了,但是在哪儿呢?
That bar was like no place I'd ever been before. 那酒吧和我去过的任何地方都不同。
take placeB1 发生
to happen
The concert takes place next Thursday. 音乐会下星期四举行。
out of placeC2 错位,不协调
in the wrong place or looking wrong
The boy looked uncomfortable and out of place among the adults. 在大人们中间那个男孩显得很不自在,手足无错。
in placeC2 处于通常(或正确)的位置
If something is in place, it is in its usual or correct position.
The chairs are all in place. 椅子都摆在合适的地方。
He screwed the shelf in place. 他把架子钉在合适的位置。
in place of someone/somethingB2 代替,取代
instead of someone or something
You can use margarine in place of butter in some recipes. 有些菜谱里,你可以用人造黄油代替黄油。
take the place of someone/somethingB2 代替,取代
to be used instead of someone or something
- More examples
- To divide by ten, move the decimal point one place to the left.
- Their 2-0 victory today has ensured the Italian team a place in the Cup Final.
- I lost my place in my book when the pages flipped over in the wind.
- I just get on with my job and do as I'm told - I know my place.
- There will be a brief pause in the proceedings while the piano is moved into place.
[ U ]职责;权限
what a person should do or is allowed to do, especially according to the rules of society
[ + to infinitive ] It's not your place to tell me what to do. 你无权告诉我该怎么做。
I'm not going to criticize his decision - I know my place (= I know that I am of lower rank or have less authority). 我不准备批评他的决定——我知道自己的地位。
all over the placeidiom B2 凌乱,杂乱
put or left in a lot of different places in an untidy way
There were dirty dishes and clothes all over the place. 脏餐具和脏衣服到处都是。
in every place
You can buy T-shirts like this all over the place. 你在哪儿都能买到这样的T恤。
not correct or suitable
His drumming was all over the place. 他的鼓敲得乱七八糟的。
change placesidiom (US also trade places) 交换位置;交换处境
to be in another person's situation
I wouldn't change places with him for the world! 我无论如何也不愿意和他交换位置!
go placesidiom informal 可能获得成功
to be likely to be successful in the future
They said that the group was clearly going places. 他们说那个小组很明显会获胜。
in the first/second placeidiom B2 第一/第二,首先/其次
used to separate and emphasize reasons or opinions
I don't want to go yet - in the first place I'm not ready, and in the second place it's raining. 我还不想走——首先,我没有准备好,其次,正在下雨。
a place for everything and everything in its placeidiom saying 物归其所就会干净整洁。
This means that the best way to stay well organized is to keep things in their correct positions.
a place in the sunidiom 好位置;显要的位置
a good or lucky position
He certainly earned his place in the sun. 他确实得到了一个令人艳羡的位置。
put someone in their placeidiom C2 使(某人)明白自己的位置;使(某人)有自知之明
to tell or show someone that they are less important than they thought
When he tried to take charge, she soon put him in his place. 当他试图发号施令时,她很快让他明白说了算的不是他。
take first/second placeidiom 第一/第二(重要的事)
to be the most important thing/a less important thing
Work takes second place. 工作是第二位的。
verb uk/pleɪs/ us/pleɪs/
B2 [ I or T ]放置,安放,摆
to put something in a particular position
She placed the letter in front of me. 她把信放在我面前。
She placed her name on the list of volunteers. 她把自己的名字列入志愿者的名单里。
I'd place him among the ten most brilliant scientists of his age. 我会把他列入他那个时期最杰出的10位科学家之列。
[ + obj + adj ] The horse was placed first/second/third in its first race (= finished the race in first/second/third position). 那匹马在首场比赛中获得第一/二/三名。
place an advertisement, bet, order, etc.C1 登广告/打赌/下订单等
to arrange to have an advertisement, bet, order, etc.
We placed the order for the furniture six weeks ago. 我们6个星期前订购了这件家具。
They were placing bets (= gambling) on who would win. 他们在为谁能赢而打赌。
place emphasis, importance, etc. on somethingC2 强调;重视
to give something emphasis, importance, etc.
She placed the emphasis on the word "soon" in order to make sure was understood. 她强调说要“很快”,确保每个人都明白她的意思。
He placed importance on a comfortable lifestyle (= it was important to him). 他看重舒适的生活方式。
[ T ]安排;任命
to find someone a job
The students are placed in/with companies for a period of work experience. 学生们被安排在公司里实习一段时间。
- More examples
- We placed saucepans on the floor to catch the drops of water coming through the roof.
- The chairs were placed in a semi-circular arrangement.
- His penalty kick placed the ball decisively in the back of the net.
- Please place your questionnaire in the box when you've finished.
- She placed the vase of flowers carefully in the centre of the table.
[ T ]确切地回忆起;辨认出
to recognize someone or remember where you have seen someone and how you know them
She looks familiar but I can't place her - did she use to work here? 她看上去面熟,但我记不起来了——她过去在这工作过吗?
how are you placed for...?idiom informal 你的…情况如何?你觉得…怎么样?
used to ask someone if they have enough money, time, etc.
How are you placed for money? 你经济状况如何?
How are you placed for Tuesday night? (= Are you busy then?) 你星期二晚上方便吗?