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单词 play
verb uk/pleɪ/ us/pleɪ/
A1 [ I ](尤指儿童)玩,玩耍
When you play, especially as a child, you spend time doing an enjoyable and/or entertaining activity.
The children spent the afternoon playing with their new toys. 孩子们下午在玩自己的新玩具。
My daughter used to play with the kids next door. 我女儿过去常跟隔壁的孩子们玩。
    More examples
  • Children were playing on the village green.
  • I'm not playing with him, he's not nice to me!
  • Erik needed a good wash after playing in the garden all day.
  • I asked Sophie if she wanted to come round and play with Isabel.
  • It's nice to hear children playing in the street.
A1 [ I or T ]参加(游戏、比赛等)
to take part in a game or other organized activity
Do you want to play cards/football (with us)? 你想(和我们)打牌/踢球吗?
Irene won't be able to play in the tennis match on Saturday. 艾琳星期六不能参加网球比赛。
Which team do you play for? 你为哪支球队效力?
Luke plays centre-forward (= plays in that position within the team). 卢克踢中锋。
B1 [ T ]与…比赛
to compete against a person or team in a game
Who are the Giants playing next week? 下星期巨人队和哪个队比赛?
[ T ]),击打(
to hit or kick a ball in a game
He played the ball back to the goalkeeper. 他把球踢回给守门员。
A good pool player takes time deciding which shot to play. 一个优秀的台球选手会从容考虑击哪个球。
[ T ]
(in a card game) to choose a card from the ones you are holding and put it down on the table
She played the ace of spades. 她出了一张黑桃 A。
    More examples
  • The children had an argument about what game to play.
  • I usually play football with some of my mates from the office on Saturdays.
  • We need a minimum of ten people to play this game.
  • She was picked to play for the team.
  • Susan is playing golf every day to try to improve her game.
B1 [ I or T ]扮演,演出
to perform an entertainment or a particular character in a play, film, etc.
Scottish Opera played to full houses every night. 苏格兰歌剧院每晚演出都爆满。
I didn't realize that "Macbeth" was playing (= being performed) at the festival. 我没想到《麦克白》正在艺术节上演。
In the movie version, Branagh played the hero. 在电影版中,布拉那扮演主人公。
[ T ]假装,装扮
to behave or pretend in a particular way, especially in order to produce a particular effect or result
to play dead/dumb 装死/哑巴
Would you mind playing host (= entertaining the guests)? 你来招待客人好吗?
play a joke/trickB2 开玩笑;搞恶作剧
to deceive someone to make them laugh or in order to get an advantage over them
She loves playing practical jokes on her friends. 她喜欢对她的朋友们搞恶作剧。
play a partB2 (在…中)起作用
to help to achieve something
My thanks to everyone who has played a part in saving the hospital. 我向参与拯救这家医院的每一个人表示感谢。
    More examples
  • Vargas plays the part of treacherous aristocrat who betrays his king and country.
  • In the movie, he plays a concerned and sensitive father trying to bring up two teenage children on his own.
  • She plays the part of the sexy blonde waitress.
  • In British pantomimes a man dresses up as the Dame and a woman plays the part of the young hero.
  • Not so long ago Viviana was a little-known actress playing in a provincial theatre.
A2 [ I or T ]演奏,弹拨,吹奏(乐器);播放
to perform music on an instrument or instruments
He learned to play the clarinet at the age of ten. 他10岁就开始学习吹奏单簧管。
[ + two objects ] Play us a song!/Play a song for us! 给我们奏支曲子吧!
On Radio London they play African and South American music as well as rock and pop. 伦敦广播电台不仅播放摇滚和流行音乐,还播放非洲和南美洲的音乐。
They could hear a jazz band playing in the distance. 他们可以听到远处的爵士乐队在演奏。
A2 [ I or T ]使)演奏;(使播放
to (cause a machine to) produce sound or a picture
Play the last few minutes of the video again. 把录像带的最后几分钟再放一遍。
See also: playback
    More examples
  • Jean plays the guitar and her brother is on percussion.
  • Suddenly, cymbals crashed and the orchestra began playing.
  • I'm playing in a concert at the church hall next weekend.
  • I've asked them not to play their music so loudly, but they're not being very cooperative.
  • The family all play instruments - they're all very musical.
[ I or T ]使发射(或喷射、照射)
to direct or be directed over or onto something
Firefighters played their hoses onto the base of the fire. 消防队员把水龙头对准火源。
A fountain was playing (= sending out water) in the courtyard outside. 外面院子里有个喷泉在喷水。
[ I + adv/prep ](光等)快速移动,闪现,浮现
(of something you see, such as light) to move quickly or be seen for a short time
A smile played across/over/on his lips. 他的唇角闪过一丝微笑。
[ T ]赌,投机
to risk money, especially on the results of races or business deals, hoping to win more money
He plays the horses/the stock market. 他玩赌马/炒股。
be playing at somethingidiom UK 乱搞,瞎弄
If you ask what someone is playing at, you are angry because they are doing something stupid.
What on earth/the hell were you playing at? - You could have got us all killed! 你到底在瞎搞什么?你差点把我们都害死了!
go play with yourself!idiom offensive 滚蛋!
a rude way of telling someone to go away and stop annoying you
Oh, go play with yourself! 嘿,滚蛋!
have something to play withidiom informal (…时间或金钱)可供支配
If you have a particular amount of time or money to play with, that amount is available for you to use.
Having only $800 to play with, they bought a second-hand piano. 他们只有800美元可用,就买了一架二手钢琴。
play someone at their own gameidiom UK 以其人之道治其人用某人的方法打败某人
to try to get an advantage over someone by using the same methods as they use
If women want to succeed in business, they have to play men at their own game. 如果女人想在业务上取得成功,她们必须用男人的方法和男人周旋。
play your cards rightidiom 办事高明,处理得当
to behave in a way that gives you an advantage or allows you to succeed at something
If you play your cards right, you could make quite a lot of money out of this. 如果经营得法,你会从中赚很多钱。
play (something) by earidiom C2 凭记忆演奏一曲音乐
to play a piece of music by remembering the notes
He did not need sheet music. He could play the piece by ear. 他不需要曲谱,他可以凭记忆演奏那首曲子。
play it by earidiom C2 见机行事
to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops, rather than acting according to plans made earlier
We can't make a decision yet. Let's just play it by ear. 我们还不能做出决定,让我们见机行事。
play (merry) hell with somethingidiom informal 破坏毁坏损害;给…制造麻烦
to seriously damage or confuse something
The power cuts played hell with our computers. 停电使我们所有的电脑受损。
play (it) safeidiom 谨慎行事,不冒险
to be careful and not take risks
To play safe, I'd allow an extra ten minutes, just in case. 谨慎起见,我会再多留出10分钟,以防万一。
play a joke/trick on someoneidiom 迷惑;捉弄
to confuse someone or cause problem for them
I thought I heard something - my ears must have been playing tricks on me. 我好像听到了什么声音——我的耳朵一定是在捉弄我。
Fate played a cruel trick on him when he was injured in his first game. 命运与他开了一个残忍的玩笑,他在第一场比赛中就受了伤。
More idioms
play ballidiom informal (与…)合作
to agree to work with or help someone in the way they have suggested
The family wanted him to be taken care of at home, but the insurance company refused to play ball. 家里人希望他留在家里并得到照顾,但保险公司拒绝合作。
play both ends against the middleidiom 使对立双方相争以从中得利;使鹬蚌相争
to try to get opposing people or groups to fight or disagree so that you will get an advantage from the situation
play fairidiom 办事公正合理行为光明正大
to act in a fair and honest way
It wasn't really playing fair not to tell her the job was already filled. 不告诉她这份工作已有人选了,对她来说是不公平的。
play footsieidiom 在桌底下(与某人)碰脚调情
to touch someone's feet with your own under the table, usually in order to show sexual interest in the person
She kicked off her shoes and started playing footsie with him. 她踢掉鞋,用脚在桌子底下和他调情。
play for timeidiom 拖延时间
to delay until you are ready
We can't sign the agreement yet - we'll have to play for time. 我们现在还不能签协议——我们得采用拖延战术。
play gamesidiom C2 欺骗,耍花招
to try to deceive someone
Don't play games with me! 别跟我耍花招!
play Godidiom 扮演上帝的角色表现得好像是全权在握
to act as if you are in total control of something
Genetic engineers should not be allowed to play God, interfering with the basic patterns of Nature. 不应该允许遗传工程学家充当上帝,随便去干预自然的基本格局。
play hard to getidiom (尤指恋爱之初)故作冷淡装出矜持之态
to pretend that you are less interested in someone than you really are as a way of making them more interested in you, especially at the start of a romantic relationship
Why won't you call him back? Are you playing hard to get? 你为什么不给他回电话?你是在故作矜持吗?
play hardballidiom mainly US informal 采取强硬方式
to be firm and determined in order to get what you want
He's a nice guy, but he can play hardball when he needs to. 他是一个和气的人,但在必要时他也会变得很强硬。
play it coolidiom 故意装作无所谓,故作洒脱
to behave in a calm, controlled way, often intentionally appearing not to be interested in the thing that you very much want to get
Play it cool - don't let them know how much you need the money. 要故意装作无所谓——别让他们知道你很缺钱。
play possumidiom 装死;装睡
to pretend to be dead or sleeping so that someone will not annoy or attack you
I don't think he's really asleep. He's playing possum. 我认为他并没有睡,他只是在装。
play second fiddleidiom 居于次要地位
to be less important or in a weaker position than someone else
I'm not prepared to play second fiddle to Christina any more - I'm looking for another job! 我再也不愿意给克里斯蒂娜当副手了——我要另找一份工作!
play silly buggersidiom UK slang 干蠢事
to behave in a silly, stupid, or annoying way
There'll be a serious accident sooner or later if people don't stop playing silly buggers. 如果人们继续干蠢事,迟早要发生严重事故。
play the fieldidiom 兴趣广泛;(尤指)乱搞男女关系,滥交情人
to hold an interest in a number of people or things, especially to become romantically or sexually involved with a number of partners
Becky's not ready to settle down with one man - she enjoys playing the field too much. 贝姬不愿意专情于某一个男人——她太喜欢同时和几个人谈情说爱了。
play the gameidiom 办事公正为人正直
to behave fairly
You should have told them - it wasn't playing the game to keep it secret. 你早该告诉他们——对这件事保密是不公道的。
play the systemidiom disapproving 钻系统(或制度)的空子
to use the rules of a system to get an advantage for yourself, in a way that is wrong or dishonest
There are some really powerful people who are in it for self-interest, who kind of play the system for personal and institutional gain. 有一些非常有权势的人为了自身利益而参与其中,他们为了个人和所属机构能得到好处而钻系统的空子。
play to the galleryidiom 哗众取宠
to behave in a way intended to make people admire or support you
Politicians these days are more interested in playing to the gallery than exercising real influence on world events. 现在的政客更关心的是如何哗众取宠,而不是怎样才能对全球大事施加实质性的影响。
play to the whistleidiom 继续比赛直到裁判哨响(足球比赛中,当球员认为裁判应该判罚时,不应停下来等待,而应继续比赛,直到裁判吹哨暂停比赛)
used to say that a football player should continue playing until the referee blows the whistle, rather than stop playing because he or she thinks the referee will award a foul, throw-in, etc.
You always have to play to the whistle. 你必须总是继续比赛直到裁判哨响。
Phrasal verbs
play along 假意顺从
to do what someone asks you to do, for a limited period of time
I know you don't like Jack's idea, but just play along with him for a while. 我知道你不喜欢杰克的想法,但就暂且假装同意吧。
play around informal (UK also play about)乱搞,瞎闹
to behave in a silly way
Stop playing around and get on with your homework! 别瞎闹了,抓紧做你的家庭作业吧!
I wish you wouldn't play about with that - you'll break it. 我希望你不要瞎弄那个东西了——你会把它弄坏的。
informal disapproving (UK also play about)搞不正当性关系;(同…)乱来
If someone who is married or has a serious relationship plays around, they have sex with another person or people.
If she finds out he's been playing around with his secretary, there'll be trouble. 如果她发现他一直在和秘书乱搞的话,那就麻烦了。
play around with something 试验,尝试(不同的方法或事物)
to try out different methods or different things, before deciding which one to choose
We've been playing around with ideas for a new TV show. 我们一直在尝试制作一个新的电视节目。
Why don't you play around with the different fonts on the computer and see which one you want to use? 你为什么不在电脑上试试各种不同的字体,看看你想用哪一种?
play at something 假扮…玩;玩,做(通常指游戏)
to pretend to be a particular person or to do a particular thing, usually as a game
The children were playing at Batman and Robin. 孩子们在玩《蝙蝠侠与罗宾》的游戏。
to do something for enjoyment or interest, or without much care and effort, rather than in a serious way or as a job
She's only playing at being an actress - she's going off to law school next year. 她当演员只是玩玩而已——明年她就要上法学院了。
play something back 放,播放,放送(录音或录像)
If you play back something that has been recorded, you put it through a machine so that you can listen to it or watch it.
The message I recorded for the answering machine sounded terrible when I played it back. 我为电话答录机录制的留言播放出来后听起来糟糕透了。
play something down 对…作低调处理;淡化…的重要性(或糟糕程度)
to make something seem less important or less bad than it really is
Military spokespeople tried to play down the seriousness of the disaster. 军方发言人竭力淡化灾难的严重程度。
play off (集体项目比赛中)加赛一场以决胜负
to play a game, in a team sport, to decide which side will win
United and Rangers are playing off for the championship. 联队和流浪者队将加赛决定冠军归属。
play someone/something off against someone/something (为渔利而)使相斗,挑拨离间
to encourage one person or group to compete or argue with another, hoping to gain some advantage from this situation
Management policy seemed to be to play one department off against another. 管理层的政策似乎在有意激起各部门之间的竞争。
play on/upon something 利用感情
If you play on/upon someone's feelings, you encourage and make unfair use of these feelings in order to give yourself an advantage.
I hate marketing strategies that play on people's fears and prejudices. 我讨厌那些利用人们的恐惧和偏见的营销策略。
play something out 宣泄情绪
to pretend that an imaginary situation or event is really happening
In the psychotherapy group, patients were free to play out their fantasies. 在心理治疗小组里,病人可以尽情地沉浸于自己的幻想中。
More phrasal verbs
play itself out 耗尽;逐渐式微;逐渐减弱
If a situation plays itself out, it develops until nothing more can happen, and it is no longer very important.
We were forced to stand back and let the crisis play itself out. 我们被迫置身局外,让危机自行消退。
play out 发生出现
When a situation plays out, it happens and develops.
The debate will play out in the media over the next week or two. 近一两个星期内,辩论将通过媒体播出。
play something up (通常指为个人利益而)强调;提升…的重要性;大肆宣传
to emphasize a particular quality or part of something, or make it seem more important than it really is, usually for your own advantage
The official report plays up the likely benefits of the plan, but glosses over the costs. 这份官方报告过分强调这项计划可能带来的好处,却掩盖了所要付出的代价。
play (someone) up 使某人痛苦
to cause someone pain
His knee's been playing him up again. 他的膝盖又疼起来了。
My stomach was playing up so I had to go home. 我的胃很难受,所以只得回家。
play up UK孩子)调皮不听话,惹麻烦
When children play up, they behave badly.
The boys have been playing up at school again. 这些男孩子又在学校里调皮捣蛋了。
If a machine plays up, it does not work as it should.
The starter motor was playing up again. 启动马达又出故障了。
play up to someone 讨好,巴结(某人
to try to make someone like you and treat you well by behaving in a way you think will please them
Julia knows how to play up to the supervisors - she can always get time off work when she wants it. 朱莉娅懂得如何讨好上司——这样她随时都能请假。
play with something 考虑(想法或计划)
to consider an idea or plan
Patricia and I were playing (around) with the idea/possibility of moving to Glasgow. 帕特里夏和我正在考虑/是否有可能搬到格拉斯哥去。
to keep touching and moving something around with no purpose or interest
Stop playing with your hair! 不要再摆弄你的头发了!
She was just playing with her food - she didn't eat a mouthful. 她只是一个劲地摆弄她的那份食物——她一口也没吃。
play with yourself 手淫,自慰
→  masturbate
noun uk/pleɪ/ us/pleɪ/
A2 [ C ]剧本;戏剧
a piece of writing that is intended to be acted in a theatre or on radio or television
a radio play 广播剧
"Did you see the play (= the performance of the play) on Thursday?" "No, I went on Wednesday night." “你星期四去看的那出戏吗?”“不,我星期三去的。”
    More examples
  • He's got a small part in the school play.
  • In Shakespeare's play 'Twelfth Night', Duke Orsino falls in love with the disguised Viola.
  • During certain scenes of the play there isn't any script and the actors just improvise.
  • The play will be performed first in London, and will then tour the rest of the country.
  • His latest play has delighted theatre audiences and theatre critics alike.
[ U ]比赛
the activity of taking part in a sport or a game
Rain stopped play during the final of the National Tennis Championship. 下雨使全国网球锦标赛的决赛中断了。
[ C ] US打法比赛中的动作
a plan or a small set of actions in a sport
The new pitcher made a great play on that throw to first base. 新投手向一垒投出了精彩的一球。
in/out of play )处于可/不可比赛状态,在非死球/死球区域
If a ball is in/out of play, it is/is not in a position where it can be hit, kicked, or thrown.
The ball had gone out of play. 这个球成了死球。
She managed to keep the ball in play. 她成功地把球救了回来。
    More examples
  • By the end of the day's play Davies had a lead of three points.
  • There was some truly magnificent play in the third set of the match.
  • Play will resume here at Wimbledon at 2 p.m. tomorrow.
  • Could it be that the champion is allowing his personal problems to affect his play?
  • We've seen some very untidy play from both teams since half-time.
B2 [ U ]玩,玩耍
activity that is not serious but done for enjoyment, especially when children enjoy themselves with toys and games
The kids don't get much time for play in the evenings. 孩子们晚上没有多少时间玩。
We watched the children at play in the park. 我们看着公园里玩耍的孩子们。
[ U ]移动,活动;变幻;闪现
the play of moonlight across the water 水面上月光闪烁
the play of emotion across/on his face 他面部表情的变化
[ U ](尤指小幅度的)伸缩余地间隙活动空间
the fact that a rope or a structure is free to move, especially a small distance
Aircraft wings are designed to have a certain amount of play in them. 飞机的机翼设计得有一定的弹性空间。
come into playidiom (also bring something into play) 开始活动;投入使用;起作用
If something comes into play, it starts to have a use or an effect in a particular situation, and if it is brought into play, it is given a use or an effect.
In the summer months a different set of climatic factors come into play. 在夏季的几个月中,一系列不同的气候因素开始起作用。
All the resources and staff available were brought into play to cope with the crisis. 所有可用的资源和人力都被投入进来应对这场危机。
give/allow something full playidiom (also give/allow full play to something) 充分发挥
to develop and use emotions or ideas completely
The move from stage to movies allowed Gildit to give full play to his sense of the fantastic. 从舞台转到电影界,吉尔迪可以充分发挥他的幻想灵感。
make a play for something/someoneidiom 想方设法得到某物);千方百计追求某人
to try to get something, or start a relationship with someone, sometimes by using a plan
I wouldn't have made a play for him if I'd known he was married. 我如果知道他已结婚的话,就不会苦苦追求他。
play on wordsidiom 文字游戏
a humorous use of a word with more than one meaning or that sounds like another word
The name of the shop - "Strata Various" - is a play on words, because it sounds like Stradivarius, the famous violin maker. 商店的名字 Strata Various 是一个文字游戏,因为它听起来像著名的小提琴制作师 Stradivarius 的名字。




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