noun uk/ˈsɜː.vɪs/ us/ˈsɝː.vɪs/
B1 [ C ]公共服务系统;公共事业
a government system or private organization that is responsible for a particular type of activity, or for providing a particular thing that people need
the postal service 邮政系统
US the National Park Service 国家公园服务系统
UK the National Health Service 国民保健系统
UK the ambulance/prison service 救护车/监狱系统
I've worked in public health services throughout my career. 我的整个职业生涯是在公共医疗服务系统中度过的。
B1 [ C or U ]系统的运行
the fact that a system is working
There is a very limited bus service on Sundays. 星期天公共汽车班次有限。
We hope to be operating a normal service as soon as possible. 我们希望能尽快使服务恢复正常运营。
services[ plural ] UK (主干道旁的)服务站
a place at the side of a large road at which fuel, food, drink, and other things that people want on their journey are sold
We stopped at the services to get fuel. 我们在服务站停下来加油。
- More examples
- the intelligence service
- the probation service
- the British secret service
- the prison service
B1 [ U ]接待;招待;服务
the act of dealing with customers in a shop, restaurant, or hotel by taking their orders, showing or selling them goods, etc.
The only trouble with this café is that the service is so slow. 这家咖啡馆唯一的缺点就是服务太慢。
You should leave a generous tip to reward good service. 你的小费应该给得大方一点,奖励优质服务。
B2 [ U ]服务费
an amount of money charged for serving a customer in a restaurant, often paid directly to the waiter
There is a ten percent service charge included in the bill. 账单包括10%的服务费。
- More examples
- If the service was so bad why didn't you complain to the manager?
- The food was bad and the service was dreadful.
- It really annoys me when people expect me to tip as well as pay a service charge in a restaurant.
- Restaurant-goers ought to complain more about bad food and service.
- Tax and service are included in the bill.
C1 [ C or U ]服务时间;上班时间
work that someone does or time that someone spends working for an organization
These teenagers all do community service in their free time. 这些青少年都在业余时间为社区服务。
She was given the award for a lifetime of public service. 她一生为公众服务,因此获得奖励。
her service on a jury 她担任陪审员的服务
[ C ]提供服务的业务
a business that offers a particular type of help or work
Why don't you call the babysitting service? 为什么不给提供照看孩子服务的公司打个电话呢?
a laundry/ironing service 洗衣/熨衣服务
B2 [ C ]政府机构;公务部门
a government department that is responsible for a particular area of activity
the diplomatic service 外交部门
the security services 安全部门
services[ plural ] formal (可提供的)技术服务
the particular skills that someone has and can offer to others
I may be needing the services of a surveyor soon, as I'm buying a house. 我不久可能需要一名房屋鉴定人,因为我想买房。
in service 在服役;在使用中
in use
The battleship has been in service since 1965. 1965年以来,这艘战舰一直在服役。
be in serviceUK old-fashioned 当佣人,当仆人
to be employed as a servant
Her mother was in service. 她母亲曾经给人当佣人。
B2 [ C or U ]服兵役;军队
(work in) the armed forces
He joined the air force in 1964 and spent ten years in the service. 他1964年参加空军,服役10年。
All men under 35 were told to report for military service. 所有35岁以下的男子都被要求服兵役。
Service personnel are subject to the Official Secrets Act. 军事人员要遵守《国家保密法》。
the servicesB2 [ plural ] 军队,部队
the army, navy, and/or air force
a career in the services 军旅生涯
on active service 在战斗
fighting in a war
He was the first member of his regiment to die while on active service. 他是他们团第一个阵亡的人。
- More examples
- He did his military service after leaving college.
- He joined the army on leaving school and spend the next 20 years in the service.
[ C ]礼拜仪式;祈祷仪式
a formal religious ceremony
A memorial service is being held on Sunday for victims of the explosion. 星期天将为爆炸事件中的罹难者举行一个追悼仪式。
- More examples
- a church service
- a remembrance service
- a funeral service
- a marriage service
in sports such as tennis, the act of hitting the ball to the other player to start play
She has a very fast service. 她发出的球速度很快。
Synonym: serve
[ C ]一套餐具
a set of objects such as plates, cups, or other things that are used in providing and eating food
a 24-piece dinner service 24件套的餐具
a tea service 一套茶具
[ C ] mainly UK(汽车或机器的)定期维修
a check and repair of a vehicle or machine that is done after regular periods
She took the car in for a service yesterday. 她昨天把车送去检修了。
be of service (to someone)idiom 帮助(某人);(为某人)帮忙
to help someone
"Thank you so much for that." "I'm glad to have been of service." “谢谢你帮了我的大忙”“很高兴能帮上你。”
do someone a serviceidiom formal 帮助(某人)
to do something to help someone
You've done me a great service - thank you. 你已经帮了我的大忙——太谢谢了。
verb [ T ] uk/ˈsɜː.vɪs/ us/ˈsɝː.vɪs/
to examine a machine and repair any damaged parts
I'm taking the car in to have it serviced this afternoon. 我今天下午把车开来检修一下。
to make payments to pay back a debt
The country is still spending $3 million a week servicing debt. 国家依然每星期要花3百万美元还债。
noun [ U ] uk/ˈsɜː.vɪs.ɪŋ/ us/ˈsɝː.vɪs.ɪŋ/
Bryce has taken the car in for servicing. 布赖斯把车送去检修了。