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单词 show
verb uk/ʃəʊ/ us/ʃoʊ/ showed | shown
A1 [ T ]给…看;出示显示
to make it possible for something to be seen
[ + two objects ] Let me show you this new book I've just bought. 给你看看我刚买的这本新书。
On this map, urban areas are shown in grey. 在这张地图上,城区用灰色表示。
You ought to show that rash to your doctor. 你应该让医生看看那些皮疹。
[ + obj + question word ] Why won't you show me what's in your hand? 为什么不让我看你手里的东西?
[ + obj + -ing verb ] The secretly filmed video shows the prince and princess kissing. 秘密拍摄的录像中出现了王子和王妃接吻的画面。
These photographs show the effects of the chemical on the trees. 这些照片显示了这种化学品对树木的影响。
He began to show signs of recovery. 他开始出现了好转的迹象。
"This is a Victorian gold coin." "Is it? Show me (= allow me to see it)." “我这里有一枚维多利亚时代金币。”“真的吗?让我看看。”
    More examples
  • Cracks began to show in his facade of self-confidence.
  • She was asked to show her press credentials.
  • Mum dug out some old family photos to show me.
  • Let me show you Pat's embroideries.
  • Shall I show you my new dress?
B1 [ T ]记录,显示(数字或测量值)
to record or express a number or measurement
The right-hand dial shows the temperature, and the left-hand one shows the air pressure. 右面的刻度盘显示温度,左面的刻度盘显示气压。
The company showed a loss of $2 million last year. 该公司去年亏损了200万英镑。
The latest crime figures show a sharp rise in burglaries. 最新的犯罪数据表明,入室盗窃案急剧增加。
    More examples
  • It's important to show some consistency in your work.
  • Early vote counts show Mr Adams in the lead.
  • Recently published figures show a divergence from previous trends.
  • This screen shows the route the ship is taking.
  • The graph shows population increase.
B1 [ T ](通过演示、示范)解释,说明
to explain something to someone, by doing it or by giving instructions or examples
[ + question word ] Can you show me how to set the DVD player? 你能教我如何设置DVD播放机吗?
This dictionary contains many examples that show how words are actually used. 这本词典包括许多说明单词实际用法的例子。
Could you show me the way to the bus station? 你能告诉我去公共汽车站怎么走吗?
    More examples
  • For a small consideration, madam, I'll show you the way there myself.
  • Can you show me how to turn the computer on?
  • Zoe will show you what you need to do.
  • These diagrams show you how to fix the child seat in the car.
  • Shona showed me how to make a great omelette.
B2 [ T ]证明表明
to prove something or make the truth or existence of something known
She has shown herself (to be) a highly competent manager. 她已经证明了自己是一个非常有能力的管理者。
His diaries show him to have been an extremely insecure person. 他的日记表明他一直是一个极不自信的人。
[ + (that) ] The diaries show (that) he was very insecure. 日记表明他曾经极不自信。
Show me (that) I can trust you. 证明给我看,让我可以相信你。
[ + question word ] Our research has shown (us) how little we know about this disease. 我们的研究表明,我们对这种疾病知之甚少。
    More examples
  • Does the market research show that the product will succeed commercially ?
  • The opinion polls show the three election candidates in a dead heat (with each other).
  • These facts alone show that he's not to be trusted.
  • Empirical studies show that some forms of alternative medicine are extremely effective.
  • Surveys show that animal welfare has recently become a major concern for many schoolchildren.
B2 [ T ]表达表现
to express ideas or feelings using actions or words
He finds it difficult to show affection. 他发现表达爱意很难。
She showed enormous courage when she rescued him from the fire. 她把他从火里救出来时,表现出了极大的勇气。
[ + two objects ] You should show your parents more respect/show more respect to your parents. 你应该对你的父母更尊重一些。
    More examples
  • The new daytime soap opera has yet to show signs that it's clicking with the television audience.
  • I was hoping she might show a little compassion.
  • Could you turn your music down and show a little consideration for the neighbours!
  • We need to show a bit of cunning if we want to trick the enemy.
  • We are demonstrating to show our anger and disgust at the treatment of refugees.
C1 [ I ]显眼;容易看到(或注意到)
to be easy to see or notice
"Oh no, I've spilled red wine on my jacket!" "Don't worry, it doesn't show." “啊,不好,我把葡萄酒洒到夹克上了!”“没事儿,看不出来。”
Whatever she's thinking, she never lets it show. 不管她在想什么,她都从不表现出来。
I've painted over the graffiti twice, but it still shows through. 我已把这些涂鸦粉刷过两遍了,可是仍然能看出来。
The drug does not show up in blood tests because it is effective in very small quantities. 血液检验不会发现这些药物,因为只需极小的剂量它就能发挥作用。
When we moved in, the house hadn't been decorated for 20 years, and it showed. 我们搬进去时,那房子已有20年没有装修过了,这能看得出来。
See also: show up
show your age 显出老态;显出真实年龄
to look as old as you really are
Recently, he's really starting to show his age. 最近,他真的开始显出老态了。
    More examples
  • I was really angry, but I hope it didn't show.
  • The stains don't really show on the brown carpet.
  • He's been doing much more piano practice and it really shows.
  • The ink shows through the paper.
[ T ]展出,展览,陈列(艺术作品
to make an artist's work available for the public to see
Our aim is to make it easier for young unknown artists to show their work. 我们的目的是方便不知名的年轻艺术家展出他们的作品。
[ I or T ]放映;播出;演出
If a cinema or television station shows a film or programme, or if a film or programme is showing somewhere, you can see it there.
It's the first time this movie has been shown on television. 这是该电影首次在电视上播出。
Now showing at a cinema near you! 各大影院正在上映!
[ I ] mainly US到达;露面(同 show up)
to show up informal
[ T usually + adv/prep ]给…带路,带领
to take someone somewhere by going there with them
Could you show Dr Sanchez into the living room? 你能领桑切斯博士去起居室吗?
The waiter showed us to our table. 服务员领我们到餐桌前。
[ T ]露出,显露
to fail to hide something, or to make it possible to see or know something that is not intended to be seen or known
Your shirt's so thin that it shows your bra. 你的衬衫太薄,里面的胸罩都透出来了。
Light-coloured carpets show the dirt. 浅色地毯不耐脏。
[ + question word ] His failure in the exams shows (up) just how bad his teachers are. 他考试未获通过,这恰恰表明他的老师们有多么糟糕。
[ T + obj + question word ]指明指出
to make someone understand something by directing their attention to it
Can you show me where it hurts? 你能指给我看哪里疼吗?
Show me which one you want. 指给我看你想要哪一个。
have something/nothing to show for somethingidiom 从…中受益/一无所获
If you have something/nothing to show for your work or effort, you have/have not won any advantage from it.
I worked for two weeks, and $50 was all I had to show for it. 我工作了两星期,所得到的酬劳只有50美元。
I've been trying to write this essay all day and I have nothing to show for it. 我一整天都在努力写这篇文章,可是没什么进展。
show your faceidiom 露面,出现,现身
to appear somewhere when you are not expected to because you have done something bad
How dare you show your face in here after saying all those awful things! 说了那么些难听的话之后,你竟然还敢在这里露面!
show your handidiom 摊牌;表明自己的意图
to allow people to know about intentions that you had previously kept secret
Keep the names of the team secret - don't show your hand until the day of the game. 球队的名称要保密——比赛那天再宣布。
show someone the dooridiom 赶走某人);请(某人)离开;给(某人)下逐客令
to make it obvious that you do not want someone to be present and that they should leave
When I told my bank that I wanted to borrow $100,000 they showed me the door. 我告诉银行我想借10万美元时,他们直接让我走人。
show (someone) the wayidiom (为某人)指明方向;(为某人)树立榜样
to do something original that others are likely to copy
Sweden has shown the way forward on energy efficiency. 瑞典在提高能效方面做出了典范。
that will show someoneidiom informal 某人等着瞧
said of an action that you intend as a punishment for someone who has done something wrong
The next time she's late home, I'll throw her dinner away. That'll show her! 下一次她再晚回家的话,我会把她的晚餐给扔了。她就等着瞧吧!
Phrasal verbs
show someone around (something)B1 某人参观
to go with someone to all parts, or the main parts, of a place that they have not visited before, so that they can see what it is like or learn about it
Let me know when you're coming to Cambridge and I'll show you around. 你来剑桥时请通知我,我会带你四处参观一下。
A guide showed us around the exhibition. 一位导游带我们参观了展览。
show offB2 炫耀,卖弄
to behave in a way that is intended to attract attention or admiration, and that other people often find annoying
She only bought that sports car to show off and prove she could afford one. 她买那辆跑车只是为了炫耀她能买得起。
He's always showing off to his classmates. 他老是在同学面前炫耀。
show something/someone off 炫耀;夸耀
to show something or someone you are proud of to other people, so that they will admire it, him, or her
She likes to wear short skirts to show off her legs. 她喜欢穿短裙以炫耀她的双腿。
show someone out 客人出门
to go to the door of the building with someone who does not live or work there, when they are leaving
If you come this way, I'll show you out. 请往这边走,我送您出去。
show yourself out 自己离开
to leave a building in which you do not live or work, without anyone going to the door with you
Don't get up - I'll show myself out. 不用起来——我自己走。
show someone over something 某人)参观,带(某人)看;带(某人)察看
to lead someone around a place that they are visiting in a formal or official way, while telling them about it
After lunch the VIPs will be shown over the new Arts Centre. 午餐后,将会带贵宾们参观新艺术中心。
show someone round (something)B1 某人参观
→  show someone around (something)
show upB1 (尤指迟些时候或出其不意地)到达,露面
to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, especially late or unexpectedly
I invited him for eight o'clock, but he didn't show up until 9.30. 我请他8点钟来,可他直到9点半才露面。
We were expecting 30 people to come, but half of them never showed up. 我们以为会来30人,但有一半人根本没露面。
show someone up 使某人)难堪,使(某人尴尬
to behave in a way that makes someone you are with feel ashamed or embarrassed
I wish you wouldn't show me up in front of my parents by getting so drunk. 我希望你不要醉成这样,让我在我父母面前难堪。
noun uk/ʃəʊ/ us/ʃoʊ/
A2 [ C ]演出;节目
a theatre performance or a television or radio programme that is entertaining rather than serious
a radio/television/stage show 电台节目/电视节目/舞台演出
a quiz/game show 智力竞赛/游戏节目
Why don't we go to London on Saturday and see a show? 我们星期六为什么不去伦敦看场演出呢?
We had to raise £60,000 to stage the show. 我们得筹集6万英镑来上演该剧。
We had a puppet show for Jamie's birthday party. 我们在杰米的生日聚会上看了一场木偶戏。
See also: roadshow
    More examples
  • People came from afar to see the show.
  • She comperes that awful game show on Saturday night.
  • A crowd congregated around the entrance to the theatre, hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars of the show.
  • The Circus has been described as the greatest show on earth .
  • We can either eat now or after the show - it's up to you.
B2 [ C ]展出,展览
an event at which a group of related things are available for the public to look at
a fashion/flower show 时装/花卉展
There were some amazing new cars at the motor show. 车展上展出了一些令人惊叹的新车型。
They put on a retrospective show of his work at the National Museum of American Art. 他们在美国国家艺术博物馆为他举行了一次作品回顾展。
See also: airshowpeepshowroadshowshowjumpingsideshow
on showC1 在展出
Something that is on show has been made available for the public to look at.
Her sculptures will be on show at the museum until the end of the month. 她的雕塑作品将会在博物馆中展览至月底。
    More examples
  • His dog won best of breed at the show.
  • The climax of the air show was a flying display.
  • She was doing a flower arrangement for the village show.
  • There is a show of local painters' work in the village hall.
  • There was an exhibition of sheep shearing at the county show.
[ C ]表达表现显示
an action that makes other people know what your feelings, beliefs, or qualities are
In a show of solidarity, the management and workers have joined forces to campaign against the closure of the factory. 管理层和工人们团结一致,共同反对关闭工厂。
Over 100 military vehicles paraded through the capital in a show of strength. 100多辆军车列队驶过首都以展示实力。
a good, poor, etc. show 良好/不好(等等)的表现
an activity or piece of work that appears to be done with great, little, etc. effort
She may not have won, but she certainly put up a good show. 尽管她没有获胜,但的确表现不俗。
[ C ]装出的样子;假象
an appearance of something that is not really sincere or real
Despite its public show of unity, the royal family had its share of disagreements just like any other. 尽管在公众面前表现得很团结,实际上王室和其他家庭一样也存在着分歧。
They put on a show of being interested, but I don't think they really were. 他们假装很感兴趣,但我认为其实并非如此。
for show 装装门面作为摆设
Something that is for show has no practical value and is used only to improve the appearance of something else.
Do the lights on this phone have any useful function or are they just/only for show? 电话上的灯是有什么实际用处呢,还是仅仅作为装饰?
[ U ] informal活动事务机构
an activity, business, or organization, considered in relation to who is managing it
Who will run the show when Meg retires? 梅格退休后谁来负责此事?
The wedding is their show - let them do it their way. 婚礼是他们的事——让他们按自己的方式办吧。
[ C ] medical specialized(分娩时的)见红,血先露
a small amount of blood and mucus (= thick liquid) that comes out of the vagina at the start of labour (= the process of giving birth)
the bloody show 见红
get the/this show on the roadidiom informal 开始行动,开始着手;出发
to begin an activity that has been planned
Come on, let's get this show on the road or we'll be late. 快一点儿,咱们赶快出发吧,否则就来不及了。
the show must go onidiom saying 戏还得照演;事情还得继续干下去
said to encourage someone to continue with what they are doing, even if they are experiencing difficulties




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