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单词 swag
noun uk/swæɡ/ us/swæɡ/
[ U ] old-fashioned slang赃物,偷来的物品
stolen goods
The cartoon showed a picture of a robber carrying a bag with "swag" written on it. 这幅漫画画的是一个强盗背着一个上面写着“赃物”的袋子。
[ U ] US(在活动中等)收到的赠品
free things that you are given, for example at an event
The bag was full of swag from the conference: coupons, samples, pens, etc. 袋子里装满了会议赠品:优惠卷、样品、笔等等。
[ U ] Australian English old-fashioned(流浪汉的)包袱,行囊
possessions wrapped in a cloth and carried by a person who does not have a home or a job, but walks around from place to place
[ U ] slang(外貌或举止)时髦自信
a fashionable and confident appearance or way of behaving
That girl's got swag. 那个女孩显得时髦自信。
[ C ](挂于窗户上方的)装饰性布幔
a piece of material hung above a window as a decoration
The dining room has curtains with swags. 餐厅里的窗帘上方挂着布幔。
[ C ](一串花、叶、果等做成的)垂挂装饰物,垂彩
a chain of flowers, leaves, fruit, etc. hung as a decoration
a mantelpiece decorated with swags of holly 饰有垂彩的壁炉台




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