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单词 cast
noun uk/kɑːst/ us/kæst/
B2 [ C, + sing/pl verb ](一部电影、戏剧或演出的)全体演员
the actors in a film, play, or show
After the final performance the director threw a party for the cast. 最后一场演出过后,导演为全体演员举办了一场聚会。
Part of the movie's success lies in the strength of the supporting cast (= the actors who were not playing the main parts). 影片的成功部分归功于强大的配角阵容。
[ C ]铸件,铸造品
an object made by pouring hot liquid into a container and leaving it to become solid
[ C ]石膏绷带,石膏夹
a plaster cast
in a cast (UK also in plaster) 打着石膏
If a part of your body is in a cast, it has a plaster cast around it to protect it while a broken bone repairs itself.
My leg was in a cast for about six weeks. 我的腿打了6周左右的石膏。
He'd broken his wrist and it was in a cast.
Her forearm will be in a cast for five weeks.
He's expected to be in a cast for the next two months.
The cartilage tore and she was in a cast for four weeks.
One of his front paws was in a cast.
How long will he be in a cast?
verb uk/kɑːst/ us/kæst/ cast | cast
C2 [ T ]分配…扮演(某角色),为…选派演员
to choose actors to play particular parts in a play, film, or show
He was often cast as the villain. 他经常演反面角色。
In her latest movie she was cast against type (= played a different character than the one she usually played or might be expected to play). 在最近拍的电影中,她改变了戏路。
figurative They like to cast the opposing political party as (= to say that they are) the party of high taxes. 他们喜欢把敌对政党说成是征收高额税收的政党。
See also: typecast
    More examples
  • They cast a group of schoolchildren in the roles.
  • He always seemed to be cast as the villain.
  • The cast all lined up on stage to take their bow.
  • His latest movie featured an all-star cast.
  • It's one of those old Hollywood epics with a cast of thousands.
  • The cast were in overdrive, rehearsing for the first performance.
  • The movie's all-star cast should give it a lot of pull.
C2 [ T usually + adv/prep ](光或阴影)投向;投射
to send light or shadow (= an area of darkness) in a particular direction
The moon cast a white light into the room. 皎洁的月光洒进房间里。
The tree cast a shadow over/on his face. 树影投在他的脸上。
figurative Her arrival cast a shadow over/on the party (= made it less pleasant). 她的到场给聚会投上了一丝阴影。
cast light on something 使更易理解;有助于说明
to provide an explanation for a situation or problem, or information that makes it easier to understand
The discovery of the dinosaur skeleton has cast light on why they became extinct. 恐龙骨架的发现使人们对于恐龙灭绝的原因有了一些认识。
The documentary aims to cast light on a subject that is too often shrouded in mystery.
Two recently published articles cast new light on these questions.
The government, she claimed, had stifled attempts to cast light on events leading up to the war.
With his research, he hopes to cast light on how humans make decisions.
cast a look, glance, smile, etc. 看一眼(瞅一眼,冲…一笑等)
to look, smile, etc. in a particular direction
She cast a quick look in the rear mirror. 她迅速看了一眼后视镜。
Throughout the whole of the evening, he didn't once cast a glance in my direction.
She cast a look behind her to make sure they weren't following her.
Some people hadn't been quite so forgiving, she remarked, casting a glance at her mother.
He cast a smile at Lucy and observed that it wasn't returned.
cast an/your eye over something 迅速地看;匆匆浏览
to look quickly at something
Could you cast an eye over this report for me? 你能帮我看一眼这份报告吗?
If you could cast your eye over the conclusion sometime, I'd be really grateful.
Would you mind casting an eye over the beds at the front to see whether any of the plants need watering?
"It's not at all like I thought it would be," he said, casting an eye over the room.
Have you had a chance to cast your eye over that list I gave you?
[ T + adv/prep ] literary扔;投;抛;掷
to throw something
The knight cast the sword far out into the lake. 骑士将剑远远地扔进湖中。
[ I or T ](钓鱼时)抛,扔(渔线);撒(
(in fishing) to throw something, such as a line, into the water to catch fish with
He cast the line to the middle of the river. 他把渔线抛向河中央。
cast doubt/suspicion on someone/somethingC2 使对…产生怀疑
to make people feel less sure about or have less trust in something or someone
New evidence has cast doubt on the guilty verdict. 新的证据让人们对判罚有罪的裁决产生了怀疑。
The irregularities were serious enough to cast doubt on the validity of the results of the election.
Economists have cast doubt on the reliability of the numbers in the report.
DNA evidence has cast doubt on these claims.
It's extremely unfortunate that cases like these tend to cast suspicion on similar endeavours.
cast aspersions on someone/something formal 诽谤;诋毁
to criticize or make damaging remarks or judgments about someone or something
His opponents cast aspersions on his patriotism. 反对者诋毁他的爱国精神。
Several former friends and allies have come forward to cast aspersions on his character.
It's interesting that she chose this moment to cast aspersions on his ability as a coach.
You shouldn't cast aspersions on him before you've gotten to know him.
I wouldn't like to cast aspersions on the quality of his work.
cast your mind backC2 回想;追忆
to try to remember
If you cast your mind back, you might recall that I never promised to go. 回想一下,你或许会记得我从未答应过要去。
If you cast your mind back, you'll remember that it was your idea to invite Lena and not mine.
He cast his mind back to his first meeting with her in London.
Cast your mind back to that evening at Charlie's place and tell me who was there.
She cast her mind back over the last conversation she'd had with Oliver.
cast a/your voteC2 投票
to vote
All the votes in the election have now been cast and the counting has begun. 这次选举的投票现已全部结束,计票工作已经开始。
Many waited in the cold for hours to cast their vote.
When I cast my vote in an election, I feel I'm doing my part.
The public will then be able to cast a vote online.
A total of 27 million votes were cast in the referendum.
In these areas, over 70 percent of votes were cast for the president.
[ T ](用熔化的金属等)浇铸,铸造
to make an object by pouring hot liquid, such as melted metal, into a shaped container where it becomes hard
cast a spellC2 施魔法,念咒语;使…入魔
to use words thought to be magic, especially in order to have an effect on someone
The old woman cast a spell on the prince and he turned into a frog. 老太婆对王子施了魔法,他变成了一只青蛙。
The wizard cast a spell on her that turned her to stone.
The good fairy cast a spell that sent the princess to sleep.
The sprite casts a spell so that no one can remember what happened in the woods.
figurative When I was 17, jazz cast its spell on me (= I started to like it very much). 我17岁的时候对爵士乐着了迷。
[ T ]
If a snake casts its skin, the outer layer of old skin comes off its body.
cast someone adriftidiom 抛下某人|让某人随波逐流
to stop supporting someone, or to leave someone without any support or purpose
The company was absorbed into a large conglomerate and most of its employees cast adrift. 这家公司被一家大型企业集团并购,而其大部分员工遭到遣散。
While the government does not have the power to remove him, the damaging claims may persuade them to cast him adrift. 虽然政府无权罢免他,但这些破坏性的指控可能会促使其收回对他的支持。
cast someone/something adriftidiom 使小船或船上的人随波逐流、漂流无定
to leave something such as a small boat, or the people in it, moving on water without being controlled by anyone
They plotted to get rid of the Duke by casting him adrift on the ocean in a tiny boat. 为了除掉公爵,他们密谋将他丢在船上任其漂流。
be cast awayidiom (船难的幸存者)漂流到远离市镇和人群的地方(例如一座无人居住的岛屿)
to be left somewhere such as on an island that is far from any towns or people, after escaping from a ship that has sunk
If you were cast away on a desert island, what would you miss most? 如果你漂流到一座荒岛上,你会最想念什么?
See also: castaway
be cast in the same mouldidiom 如出一辙非常相似
to be very similar in character to someone else
Everyone who works for that firm seems to be cast in the same mould. 为那家公司工作的人好像都是从一个模子里造出来似的。
cast your net wideidiom 撒开大网,广泛搜罗
to include many people or things when you are looking for something
cast pearls before swineidiom 把有价值的东西给不识货的人;明珠暗投,对牛弹琴
to offer something valuable or good to someone who does not know its value
I'm afraid you're casting pearls before swine with your good advice - he won't listen. 恐怕你给他忠告就好比对牛弹琴——他不会听的。
Phrasal verbs
cast around 四处寻找
to look around for something
Fashion editors are always casting around for words to describe colours. 时尚杂志的编辑总是挖空心思找字眼来描述各种颜色。
cast someone/something aside/away/off 抛弃;摆脱;把…丢在一旁
to get rid of someone or something
You must cast aside all thoughts of revenge. 你必须打消所有报复的念头。
Barriers to women in sport are being cast away. 妇女参与体育的障碍正在被消除。
cast off 解缆启航
If a boat casts off, it leaves the shore.
The ship was scheduled to cast off at 8 p.m. 这艘船定于晚上8点启航。
fabrics specialized(编织时)收针
in knitting, to use special stitches to finish the thing you are making
cast on (编织时)起针,放针
in knitting, to make special stitches to start the thing you are making
cast someone/something out 把…赶走;驱逐
to get rid of someone or something, especially forcefully
Cast out by his family, he was forced to fend for himself. 他被家里人赶了出来,不得不自谋生计。




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