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单词 strike
verb uk/straɪk/ us/straɪk/ struck | struck
B2 [ I ]罢工
to refuse to continue working because of an argument with an employer about working conditions, pay levels, or job losses
Democratization has brought workers the right to strike and join a trade union. 民主化赋予工人罢工和加入工会的权利。
We're striking for better pay and improved safety standards. 我们举行罢工,要求加薪并提高安全标准。
    More examples
  • Despite the exhortations of the union leaders the workers voted to strike.
  • The only option available to us is to strike.
  • They are threatening to strike if their demands are not met.
  • There's a very real possibility that they might strike.
  • If the management wouldn't listen to their demands, they would have to force the issue by striking.
C2 [ I or T ]突然侵袭使受折磨使遭受重创
to cause a person or place to suffer severely from the effects of something very unpleasant that happens suddenly
I have a life insurance policy that will take care of my family if disaster strikes. 我有人寿保险,这样即使灾难降临,我的家人也会有保障。
The disease has struck the whole community, sometimes wiping out whole families. 疾病袭击了整个社区,有时整个家庭都无一生还。
They predict that a large earthquake will strike the west coast before the end of the decade. 他们预测这个10年内西海岸就会发生一场大地震。
    More examples
  • Tragedy struck when several people were crushed to death in the crowd.
  • Everything was going smoothly until suddenly disaster struck.
  • This is the second time in ten years that a major earthquake has struck in this region.
  • Halfway through the flight, disaster struck.
  • Tragedy then struck for this family of six.
B1 [ I or T ]击,打;撞击;碰撞;攻击
to hit or attack someone or something forcefully or violently
Her car went out of control and struck an oncoming vehicle. 她的汽车失控,撞上了迎面开来的一辆车。
The police have warned the public that the killer could strike again. 警方提醒公众,杀手可能会再次下手。
The autopsy revealed that his murderer had struck him on the head with an iron bar. 尸体解剖显示,杀手用一根铁棍猛击了他的头部。
Have you ever been struck by lightning? 你被闪电击中过吗?
My golf was terrible today - I just didn't strike the ball well. 我今天高尔夫打得很糟糕——我就是击不好球。
B1 [ I or T ]用力踢足球
to kick a football, especially hard so that it travels a long distance
Beckham struck the ball with precision. 贝克汉姆精确地大力踢球。
[ I or T ]时钟)敲,鸣,报时
When a clock strikes, its bells ring to show what the time is.
The clock was striking ten as we went into the church. 我们走进教堂时响起了10点的报时钟声。
[ I ]时间鸣报
When a particular time strikes, a clock's bells ring to tell people what time it is.
Midnight had just struck when I went upstairs to bed. 我上楼睡觉时时钟刚刚敲过午夜12点。
C2 [ T ]擦,划(火柴
If you strike a match, you cause it to burn by rubbing it against a hard rough surface.
She struck a match and lit another cigarette. 她划了根火柴,又点燃了一支香烟。
He bent and struck a match on the sole of his boot. 他俯下身,在靴底上擦亮了一根火柴。
[ T usually + adv/prep ] formal(正式从文件中)删除,取消
to remove something officially from a document
Please strike my name from your mailing list immediately. 请立即将我的名字从你的邮件列表中删除。
Several unreliable dealers have been struck off our list of authorized suppliers. 几个不可靠的供应商已从我们的许可供应商名单中去除掉了。
strike camp (离开营地时)拆除帐篷
to take down your tents in preparation for leaving the place where you have been camping
We woke up late and it was ten o'clock before we struck camp. 我们起晚了,撤营离开时已经10点钟了。
C2 [ T ]发现,探测到(地下石油、天然气或黄金矿藏)
to discover a supply of oil, gas, or gold underground
The first person to strike oil in the US was Edwin Laurentine Drake. 第一个在美国发现石油的人是埃德温‧劳伦廷‧德雷克。
[ T ]达成,制定(协议
to reach or make an agreement
Do you think the government should try to strike a deal with the terrorists? 你认为政府应该尝试与恐怖分子达成协议吗?
B2 [ T ]给人以…感觉;让…觉得;使产生…想法
to cause someone to have a feeling or idea about something
Doesn't it strike you as odd that he never talks about his family? 他从来都不谈他的家人,难道不让你感到奇怪吗?
I was immediately struck by the similarities between the two murders. 我当即感到这两起谋杀案有相似之处。
So how does my proposition strike you? (= What do you think of it?) 那你觉得我的建议如何?
[ + (that) ] It strikes me (that) you'd be better off working for someone else. 我觉得你换个老板处境会好些。
B2 [ T ](想法或主意)突然闪现在…的脑海;猛然意识到
If a thought or idea strikes you, you suddenly think of it.
[ + that ] It's just struck me that I still owe you for the concert tickets. 我突然想起来,音乐会的票钱我还没给你呢。
Sitting at her desk, she was struck by the thought that there had to be something more to life. 她坐在书桌前,突然意识到生活一定还意味着更多的东西。
strike a pose/attitude 摆出姿势
to move your body into a particular position
She may be 67, but she can still strike a sexy pose. 虽然都67岁了,但她仍然能摆出非常性感的姿势。
Bainbridge struck the pose of a fearless sea captain. 班布里奇摆出一副无所畏惧的远洋轮船船长的架势。
[ T ]铸造;压出,冲制
to make a metal disc-shaped object such as a coin with a machine that quickly presses a picture into a piece of metal
When was the first pound coin struck? 第一枚1英镑的硬币是何时铸造的?
A special medal has been struck to celebrate the end of the war. 为纪念战争结束铸造了一枚特殊的纪念章。
be struck dumbidiom 震惊得哑口无言
to be so surprised by something that you cannot say anything
We were struck dumb when she announced she was pregnant. 她宣布怀孕的消息时,我们都惊得目瞪口呆。
strike a balanceidiom C1 (在争论中)找到折中办法,求得平衡
If you strike a balance between two things, you accept parts of both things in order to satisfy some of the demands of both sides in an argument, rather than all the demands of just one side.
It's a question of striking the right balance between quality and productivity. 问题在于要在产品质量和生产率之间求得适当的平衡。
strike a blow against/at somethingidiom 严重伤害,沉重打击
to do something that harms something severely
Her resignation has struck a blow against the company's plans for expansion. 她的辞职对于公司的扩张计划是个沉重的打击。
strike a blow for somethingidiom 维护,支持,捍卫
to do something that supports or defends something
The judge's ruling has struck a blow for racial equality. 法官的裁决捍卫了种族平等。
strike a chordidiom 引起共鸣,得到赞同
If something strikes a chord, it causes people to approve of it or agree with it.
Their policy on childcare has struck a responsive chord with women voters. 该党在儿童保育设施方面的政策赢得了女性选民的热情支持。
Her speech struck a sympathetic chord among business leaders. 她的演讲博得了商界领袖们的共鸣。
If something strikes a chord, it causes people to remember something else because it is similar to it.
strike a noteidiom 表达看法,传达感觉
to express and communicate a particular opinion or feeling about something
I find it really difficult to strike the right note when I'm writing job applications. 我发现写求职信时很难说到点子上。
At the end of her speech, she struck a note of warning about the risks involved in the project. 演讲的最后,她就这个项目包含的风险发出了警告。
strike at the heart of somethingidiom 攻击…的要害,沉重打击
to damage something severely by attacking the most important part of it
By its nature, terrorism is designed to strike at the heart of our democratic values. 从本质上讲,恐怖主义意欲破坏我们民主价值观的核心。
strike an attitude/attitudesidiom UK 装腔作势装模作样
to speak or act in a particular way to try and make other people believe particular things about you, although this may not be sincere
Some politicians prefer to strike attitudes on the world stage rather than deal with problems in their own countries. 一些政治家喜欢在国际舞台上装腔作势,而不是处理他们本国的问题。
strike fear/terror into someoneidiom 使某人极度恐惧
to make someone extremely frightened
The brutal military regime has struck terror into the whole population. 残暴的军事政权使全体民众惊恐万分。
strike goldidiom literary (在体育比赛中)夺金
to win a gold medal in a sports competition
She is the favourite to strike gold in the 400 metres hurdles. 她是400米跨栏的夺金热门选手。
to make large profits or to become rich
A few lucky people have struck gold by investing in this company. 少数幸运儿投资这家公司赚了大钱。
More idioms
strike homeidiom 命中预定目标;达到预期效果
to hit the intended place or have the intended effect
The laser guidance system dramatically increases the likelihood that the missile will strike home. 激光制导系统大大增加了导弹的命中率。
The government's message about the dangers of smoking seems to have struck home. 政府对吸烟有害健康的宣传似乎达到了预期效果。
strike it luckyidiom (UK also strike lucky) 突然意外交好运
to suddenly have a lot of unexpected luck
What would you do if you struck it lucky in the national lottery? 如果你在全国彩票抽奖中交了好运,你打算做什么?
strike it richidiom 一夜暴富,发横财
to become rich suddenly and unexpectedly
His father struck it rich in the diamond business. 他父亲做钻石生意发了大财。
strike while the iron is hotidiom 趁热打铁
to take advantage of an opportunity as soon as it exists, in case the opportunity goes away and does not return
He doesn't often make such offers - I'd strike while the iron is hot if I were you. 他不常主动提出这样的提议——我要是你的话就趁热打铁。
within striking distanceidiom 距离很近
We live within striking distance of both Baltimore and Washington. 我们家离巴尔的摩和华盛顿都很近。
very near to getting or achieving something
His victory in the Brazilian Grand Prix puts him within striking distance of the world championship. 他在巴西汽车大奖赛上获胜,使他距离世界冠军只有一步之遥。
Phrasal verbs
strike back 反击,回击
to attack someone who has attacked you
strike someone down 使某人)猝然死去;使(某人)病倒
If someone is struck down, they die suddenly or start to suffer from a serious illness.
It's a tragedy that these young people were struck down in their prime. 这些年轻人英年早逝真是令人痛心。
He was struck down by polio when he was a teenager. 他十几岁时患上了脊髓灰质炎。
strike something down 裁定(某法律条文)非法
to rule that a law is illegal and should not be obeyed
The courts struck down local segregation laws because they violated the federal constitution. 法庭裁决当地的隔离法非法,因为该隔离法违反宪法。
strike someone off (something) 取消(医生、律师等)的执业资格
If someone with a responsible job such as a doctor or lawyer is struck off, they are officially not allowed to continue in that work because of having done something seriously wrong.
A solicitor who insulted two officials from the Law Society was struck off for abusive behaviour. 一名诉讼律师辱骂了律师公会的两位官员,该行为导致他被取消了执业资格。
strike on/upon something 发现想起
to discover or think of something
She struck on the idea for her novel while she was travelling in Russia. 她在俄罗斯旅行途中萌生了该小说的创作灵感。
strike out (somewhere) 毅然出发,坚定地启程
to start on a long or difficult journey in a determined way
In heavy rain, we struck out across the valley. 我们在大雨中毅然动身穿过峡谷。
She struck out for the opposite bank. 她奋力向对岸游去。
strike out 独立开创新事业;自立谋生
to start doing something new, independently of other people
After working for her father for ten years, she felt it was time to strike out on her own. 她在为父亲工作了10年之后,感觉到是该自己独立开创一番事业的时候了。
US informal失败,砸锅
to be unsuccessful
I really struck out with her - she wouldn't even kiss me good night. 我确实把她得罪了——她连吻我道声晚安都不肯。
strike (someone) out (在棒球赛中)使某人三击不中出局
to fail three times to hit the ball successfully in baseball and therefore to lose one of your team's chances to score, or to cause someone to do this
The pitcher struck out all three batters in the ninth inning and saved the game. 投手在第9局使两名击球手三击不中出局,挽救了比赛。
strike out (at someone/something) 某人);试图打(某人
to hit, or try to hit, someone
He turned around and struck out at the man behind him. 他转过来打他身后的那个男人。
to criticize someone or something in a public way
She struck out at her husband's family in her famous TV interview. 在那个著名的电视采访中,她抨击了她丈夫的家庭。
strike something out/through formal划掉,删去(文件中无关或错误之处)
to draw a line through text in a document to show that it does not relate to you or is not correct
Please strike out whichever option does not apply to you. 请将不适用于你的选项划掉。
Synonym: cross something out
More phrasal verbs
strike up (something) 开始演奏;开始唱
to start to play or sing something
When the applause had died down, a band struck up the national anthem. 掌声平息之后,军乐队奏响了国歌。
strike up something 建立关系);开始(交谈
to start a relationship or conversation with someone
He gets really jealous if his girlfriend strikes up a friendship with another man. 如果他的女友和另外的男人建立友谊的话,他会很嫉妒。
It can be difficult to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger. 和完全陌生的人攀谈会是件很困难的事。
noun [ C ] uk/straɪk/ us/straɪk/
B2 罢工
a period of time when workers refuse to work because of an argument with an employer about working conditions, pay levels, or job losses
After last year's long and bitter strike, few people want more industrial action. 经历了去年那场漫长而艰苦的罢工之后,没什么人再希望有罢工行动了。
They had to play three games with replacement players after the NFL Players Association called a strike. 在全国棒球联盟球员协会号召球员罢工之后,他们在三场比赛中不得不派替补球员上场。
Some miners were calling for a nationwide strike. 一些矿工呼吁举行全国性的罢工。
They have voted to stage lightning (= sudden and short) strikes in pursuit of their demands. 为了使自己的要求得到满足,他们表决通过举行闪电式罢工。
We've voted to stage a series of one-day strikes. 我们已表决通过举行一系列为期一天的罢工。
A wave of strikes swept the country. 罢工风潮席卷全国。
Union leaders threatened strike action over the changes. 工会领袖威胁发动罢工反对这些变化。
The result of the strike ballot will be known tomorrow morning. 罢工投票的结果明天早上就能知道。
on strike(UK also out on strike) 参与罢工
taking part in a strike
The city's bus drivers have been on strike for three weeks. 城里的公交车司机已经进行了3个星期的罢工。
go on strike 开始罢工,举行罢工
to start to strike
All 2,500 employees went on strike in protest at the decision to close the factory. 2500名雇员全部参加了罢工,以抗议关闭工厂的决定。
    More examples
  • In the event of a strike, the army will take over responsibility for firefighting.
  • Volunteers would fill in for teachers in the event of a strike.
  • The company is putting up wages in an attempt to head off a strike.
  • A strike is imminent.
  • Many airline passengers face lengthy delays because of the strike.
a sudden and powerful hit or attack
Lightning conductors protect buildings and tall structures from lightning strikes. 避雷针保护大楼和高层建筑物免遭雷击。
See also: strike force
a hard kick of a football, especially one that makes it travel a long distance
Garner scored with a 30 -yard strike in the 89th minute. 伽纳在第89分钟的30码外大力踢球入网得分了。
a sudden, short military attack, especially one by aircraft or missiles
The United Nations has authorized the use of air strikes. 联合国授权采取空中打击。
The violence is unlikely to stop without military strikes against terrorist bases. 不对恐怖分子的基地采取军事打击,暴力袭击就不可能休止。
Would you support a nuclear strike to bring an end to a war? 你支持采用核打击来结束战争吗?
We have no intention of launching a pre-emptive strike, but we will retaliate if provoked. 我们无意发动先发制人的攻击,但若遇挑衅,我们定会还以颜色。
    More examples
  • He ordered a sustained series of air strikes on the city.
  • Immediate military strikes had been averted.
the discovery underground of a valuable substance
The population and settlement of Colorado expanded after the gold strike of 1858. 1858年发现黄金后,科罗拉多的人口和定居户数大幅增长。
(in baseball) a ball that has been thrown by the pitcher and not been hit successfully when it should have been
A batter is out after three strikes. 击球手三击不中出局。
a failure, mistake, or disadvantage
California's "three strikes and you're out" bill means that from now on criminals found guilty of three crimes are jailed for life. 加利福尼亚的“三击不中出局”的法案意味着:从现在起罪犯若3次被判有罪,就会被终身监禁。
One strike against him as a candidate is his perceived lack of charisma. 他作为候选人的一个不利之处在于人们认为他缺乏个人魅力。




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