verb [ I ] disapproving uk/ˈwɒf.əl/ us/ˈwɑː.fəl/
to talk or write a lot without giving any useful information or any clear answers
If you don't know the answer, it's no good just waffling (on) for pages and pages. 假如你不知道答案,一页接一页地乱写也没用。
US (UK dither)犹豫不决,难下决心
to be unable to make a decision
I waffled a lot before finally deciding to take the job. 我犹豫了很久,最后决定接受这份工作。
noun uk/ˈwɒf.əl/ us/ˈwɑː.fəl/
[ C ](尤指美国和加拿大的)蛋奶烘饼,华夫饼
a type of bread or cake made from batter (= a thin mixture of milk, flour, and egg) cooked in a special pan whose surface forms a pattern of raised squares
[ U ] UK disapproving胡扯;含糊其词
talk or writing that uses a lot of words but does not give any useful information
"What did he say?" "Oh, it was a load of waffle - nothing important at all." “他说了些什么?”“噢,一堆废话──根本没什么重要的。”