noun [ U ] uk/ˈwet.nəs/ us/ˈwet.nəs/
the state of containing or being covered with water or another liquid
The wetness of the land they crossed made travelling difficult. 他们经过的陆地很湿,使旅行十分艰难。
The cold wetness she felt on her brow was sweat, not blood. 额头上她感觉到的冷湿是汗水,不是血。
Farther east, a narrow band of wetness extended from the Ozark Plateau into the Northeast. 再往东,一条狭窄的湿润带从欧扎克高原延伸到东北部。
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- Now, physicists in Germany and Italy have proposed an explanation for how even slight wetness can cut road-to-rubber friction.
- He tried to wipe the wetness from his mouth using the back of his hand.
- Wetness accompanied cool conditions in many areas today.
the fact of a person having a weak character
Edmund, her secret love, could never be suspected of wetness. 她的暗恋埃德蒙永远不会被怀疑是软骨头。
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- His perceived wetness - in the schoolboy sense of lacking fire in the belly - is widely discussed.
See: wet