随便看 |
- 如來
- 如假包换
- 如假包換
- 如其所好
- 如出一轍
- 如出一辙
- 如初
- 如厕
- 如同
- 如坐針氈
- 如坐针毡
- 如堕五里雾中
- 如堕烟雾
- 如墮五里霧中
- 如墮煙霧
- 如夫人
- 如实
- 如實
- 如履薄冰
- 如廁
- 如影随形
- 如影隨形
- 如意
- 如意套
- 如意算盘
- intuitiveness
- in two shakes (of a lamb's tail)
- Inuit
- inundate
- inundation
- inure someone to something
- invacuate
- invacuation
- invade
- land someone with something
- land tenure
- land up
- lane
- langostino
- langoustine
- language
- language lab
- language laboratory
- languid
- languidly
- languish
- languor
- languorous
- languorously
- langur
- “WSI”是“Weatherly Systems, Incorporated”的缩写,意思是“Weatherly系统公司”
- “WSI”是“Washington Square Institute”的缩写,意思是“华盛顿广场研究所”
- “WSI”是“Weather Services International”的缩写,意思是“国际气象服务”
- “SHBC”是“Spanish Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation”的缩写,意思是“西班牙拉美裔广播公司”
- “WSHQ”是“WestSide HeadQuarters”的缩写,意思是“西侧总部”
- “WSHF”是“West Sleepy Hollow Farms”的缩写,意思是“西沉睡中空农场”
- “WSHF”是“Washington Square Health Foundation”的缩写,意思是“华盛顿广场健康基金会”
- “WSHE”是“Western Skies Horse Emporium”的缩写,意思是“西天马商场”
- “WSHC”是“West Suburban Health Care”的缩写,意思是“西郊卫生保健”
- “WSHC”是“Whittier Street Health Care”的缩写,意思是“惠蒂尔街医疗保健”
- “MCC”是“Master Control Center”的缩写,意思是“主控中心”
- “NR”是“Normal Recommended retail price”的缩写,意思是“正常建议零售价”
- “NFS”是“Nuclear Fuel Services”的缩写,意思是“核燃料服务”
- “HPP”是“High Performance Package”的缩写,意思是“高性能封装”
- “WSHA”是“Westsphere Asset Corporation”的缩写,意思是“威斯特伯勒资产公司”
- “WSHB”是“Windows Script Host Bazaar”的缩写,意思是“Windows脚本宿主Bazaar”
- “WSGT”是“Workout Sports & Gyms in Tayside”的缩写,意思是“泰西德运动健身中心”
- “WSGR”是“Wilson Sonsini Goodrich Rosati, technology law”的缩写,意思是“Wilson Sonsini Goodrich Rosati,技术法”
- “WSGL”是“Workout Sports & Gyms in London”的缩写,意思是“伦敦运动健身中心”
- “WSGI”是“Woodside Summit Group, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“伍德赛德峰会集团有限公司”
- “WSGI”是“Wintech Staffing Group, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“Wintech Staffing Group,Inc.公司”
- “WSGI”是“WindStar Group, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“Windstar集团公司”
- “WSGH”是“Weingarten, Schurgin, Gagnebin, & Hayes”的缩写,意思是“Weingarten, Schurgin, Gagnebin, & Hayes”
- “WSGL”是“Weingarten, Schurgin, Gagnebin, & Lebovici, L. L. P.”的缩写,意思是“Weingarten, Schurgin, Gagnebin, & Lebovici, L. L. P.”
- “SMB”是“Summit Media Broadcasting, L. L. C.”的缩写,意思是“萨米特媒体广播公司”