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- the apple never falls far from the tree
- the apple of someone's eye
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- “DNPL (CFSAN)”是“Division of Nutrition Programs and Labeling (Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition)”的缩写,意思是“营养计划和标签司(食品安全和应用营养中心)”
- “DNRD”是“Division of Nonprescription Regulation Development”的缩写,意思是“非处方药监管发展处”
- “DNCE (CDER)”是“Division of Nonprescripton Clinical Evaluation (CDER)”的缩写,意思是“非处方临床评价处”
- “DNDLC”是“Division of New Drugs and Labeling Compliance”的缩写,意思是“新药与标签合规司”
- “DNT (NCTR)”是“Division of Neurotoxicology (NCTR)”的缩写,意思是“神经毒性学(NCTR)科”
- “DNP (CDER)”是“Division of Neurology Products (Center for Drug Evaluation and Research)”的缩写,意思是“神经病学产品司(药物评价和研究中心)”
- “DNP (CFSAN)”是“Division of Natural Products (Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition)”的缩写,意思是“天然产品部(食品安全和应用营养中心)”
- “DMA (CDER)”是“Division of Monoclonal Antibodies (CDER)”的缩写,意思是“单克隆抗体(CDER)的划分”
- “DME (NCTR)”是“Division of Molecular Epidemiology (NCTR)”的缩写,意思是“分子流行病学司”
- “DMB (CFSAN)”是“Division of Molecular Biology (CFSAN)”的缩写,意思是“分子生物学司”
- “DMD (CDRH)”是“Division of Microbiology Devices (CDRH)”的缩写,意思是“微生物装置司”
- “DM (NCTR)”是“Division of Microbiology (NCTR)”的缩写,意思是“微生物学司”
- “DM (CFSAN)”是“Division of Microbiology (CFSAN)”的缩写,意思是“微生物司”
- “DMS (CFSAN)”是“Division of Microbiological Studies (CFSAN)”的缩写,意思是“微生物研究司”
- “DMEP (CDER)”是“Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products (CDER)”的缩写,意思是“代谢和内分泌产品司”
- “DMIRDP (CDER)”是“Division of Medical Imaging and Radiopharmaceutical Drug Products (CDER)”的缩写,意思是“医学影像和放射性药物产品司”
- “DMIHP (CDER)”是“Division of Medical Imaging and Hematology Products (CDER)”的缩写,意思是“医学影像和血液学产品部”
- “ULA”是“Ultra-Large Airship”的缩写,意思是“超大型飞艇”
- “DMETS (CDER)”是“Division of Medical Errors and Technical Support (CDER)”的缩写,意思是“医疗差错和技术支持司”
- “DM (CFSAN)”是“Division of Mathematics (CFSAN)”的缩写,意思是“数学系(CFSAN)”
- “DMST (CFSAN)”是“Division of Market Studies (CFSAN)”的缩写,意思是“市场研究司”
- “DMT (CVM)”是“Division of Manufacturing Technologies (CVM)”的缩写,意思是“制造技术部”
- “DMPQ (CDER)”是“Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality (CDER)”的缩写,意思是“制造和产品质量部”
- “DMPQ (CBER)”是“Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality (CBER)”的缩写,意思是“制造和产品质量部(CBER)”
- “BHAE”是“Blumenstiel, Huhn, Adams, & Evans, L.L.C., attorneys”的缩写,意思是“Blumenstiel, Huhn, Adams, & Evans, L.L.C., attorneys”