随便看 |
- 栗樹鴨
- 栗然
- 栗耳凤鹛
- 栗耳短脚鹎
- 栗耳短腳鵯
- 栗耳鳳鶥
- 栗耳鵐
- 栗耳鹀
- 栗背伯劳
- 栗背伯勞
- 栗背奇鶥
- 栗背奇鹛
- 栗背岩鷚
- 栗背岩鹨
- 栗背短翅鶇
- 栗背短翅鸫
- 栗背短脚鹎
- 栗背短腳鵯
- 栗腹䴓
- 栗腹文鳥
- 栗腹文鸟
- 栗腹歌鴝
- 栗腹歌鸲
- 栗腹矶鸫
- 栗腹磯鶇
- discolored
- discolour
- discolouration
- discoloured
- discombobulate
- discombobulation
- discomfit
- discomfiture
- discomfort
- disco nap
- disconcert
- disconcerted
- disconcerting
- disconcertingly
- disconnect
- disconnected
- disconnection
- disconsolate
- disconsolately
- discontent
- discontented
- discontentedly
- discontentment
- discontinuance
- discontinuation
- “WOC”是“Wyoming Outdoor Council”的缩写,意思是“怀俄明州户外委员会”
- “WOC”是“Women Of Color”的缩写,意思是“色彩女性”
- “WGOL”是“AM-920, Russellville, Alabama”的缩写,意思是“AM-920, Russellville, Alabama”
- “LEA”是“Language Educator Awareness”的缩写,意思是“语言教育者意识”
- “WOBT”是“Western Oklahoma Building & Construction Trade Unions”的缩写,意思是“俄克拉荷马州西部建筑工会”
- “WOBS”是“Women Of the Beaumont Society”的缩写,意思是“博蒙特妇女协会”
- “WOBS”是“Workshop on Optical Burst Switching”的缩写,意思是“光突发交换研讨会”
- “WOBP”是“Witch of Blackbird Pond”的缩写,意思是“黑鸟池女巫”
- “WOB”是“Way Off Broadway”的缩写,意思是“离百老汇很远”
- “WOBP”是“Way Off Broadway Players”的缩写,意思是“离百老汇球员很远”
- “PRSH”是“Pittsburgh Radio Supply House”的缩写,意思是“匹兹堡广播公司”
- “WOAI”是“AM-1200, San Antonio, Texas”的缩写,意思是“德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市AM-1200”
- “WOAG”是“Waterfront Opportunities Advisory Group”的缩写,意思是“滨水机会咨询小组”
- “WOAE”是“World Association of Online Education”的缩写,意思是“世界在线教育协会”
- “WOAC”是“Women of the American Church”的缩写,意思是“美国教会妇女”
- “WOAB”是“West Ottawa Academic Boosters”的缩写,意思是“西渥太华学术支持者”
- “WOAA”是“Women Out and About in Albuquerque”的缩写,意思是“阿尔伯克基到处都是女人”
- “WOAA”是“Wisconsin Organization for Asian Americans”的缩写,意思是“威斯康星州亚裔美国人组织”
- “CSVF”是“Church of Saint Vincent Ferrer”的缩写,意思是“圣文森特费雷尔教堂”
- “WOA”是“World Overpopulation Awareness”的缩写,意思是“世界人口过剩意识”
- “WWWT”是“World Wide Worship Team”的缩写,意思是“世界礼拜队”
- “WWWO”是“FM-93.5, Hartford City, Indiana”的缩写,意思是“FM-93.5, Hartford City, Indiana”
- “WWWN”是“World Wide Wrestling News”的缩写,意思是“世界摔跤新闻”
- “WWWM”是“FM-105.5, Sylvania/ Toledo, Ohio”的缩写,意思是“FM-105.5,西尔瓦尼亚/托莱多,俄亥俄州”
- “WWWC”是“World Wide Web Conference”的缩写,意思是“万维网会议”