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- 摸爬滾打
- 摸牌
- 摸着石头过河
- 摸石头过河
- 摸石頭過河
- 摸索
- 摸脈
- 摸脉
- 摸著石頭過河
- 摸象
- 摸魚
- 摸鱼
- 摸黑
- 摹
- 摹仿
- 摹写
- 摹声词
- 摹寫
- 摹拟
- 摹擬
- 摹画
- 摹畫
- 摹聲詞
- 摺
- 摺
- keep a clean sheet
- keep a cool head
- keep a cool head
- keep a diary, an account, a record, etc.
- keep a firm hand on something
- keep a lookout for someone
- keep a lookout for something
- keep a lookout for something/someone
- keep a low profile
- keep an appointment
- keep a secret
- keep a straight face
- keep a/the lid on something
- keep a tight rein on someone
- keep a tight rein on someone/something
- keep a tight rein on something
- keep at something
- keep away
- keep-away
- keepaway
- keep a weather eye on something
- keep a weather eye open
- keep a weather eye out
- keep body and soul together
- keep count
- “RSB”是“Regulator Of Sigma B”的缩写,意思是“西格玛B调节器”
- “WOCN”是“Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurse”的缩写,意思是“伤口、造口和失禁护士”
- “WOCN”是“Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society”的缩写,意思是“创伤、造口和自制护士协会”
- “WOCA”是“Wisconsin Ovarian Cancer Alliance”的缩写,意思是“威斯康星卵巢癌联盟”
- “PGD”是“Proliferative Gill Disease”的缩写,意思是“增殖性腮病”
- “STAR”是“Short Terms Advance Rehabilitation”的缩写,意思是“短期提前康复”
- “PRM”是“Patient Relationship Management”的缩写,意思是“患者关系管理”
- “AORN”是“Association Of Operating Room Nurses”的缩写,意思是“手术室护士协会”
- “WOC”是“World Orthopaedic Concern”的缩写,意思是“世界骨科关注”
- “CHCW”是“Community Health Charities of Wisconsin”的缩写,意思是“威斯康星州社区卫生慈善机构”
- “ECFA”是“Evangelical Child and Family Agency”的缩写,意思是“福音派儿童与家庭机构”
- “BCRF”是“Blood Center Research Foundation”的缩写,意思是“血液中心研究基金会”
- “WOB”是“Wisdom Of the Body”的缩写,意思是“身体的智慧”
- “WO”是“Wound Ostomy”的缩写,意思是“创口造口术”
- “WOA”是“Wisconsin Optometric Association”的缩写,意思是“Wisconsin Optometric Association”
- “WOA”是“Western Orthopaedic Association”的缩写,意思是“西方骨科协会”
- “WOA”是“Web Of Addictions”的缩写,意思是“成瘾网络”
- “WWWP”是“Wisconsin Well Woman Program”的缩写,意思是“威斯康星州井妇女项目”
- “WWVH”是“Standard Time And Frequency Station, 2.5 Mhz, 5 Mhz, 10 Mhz, 15 Mhz, Kekaha, Kauai, Hawaii”的缩写,意思是“标准时间和频率站,2.5兆赫、5兆赫、10兆赫、15兆赫、Kekaha、Kauai、夏威夷”
- “WWVC”是“Wild West Veterinary Conference”的缩写,意思是“西部野生兽医会议”
- “WWVB”是“Standard Time And Frequency Station, 60KHz, Fort Collins, Colorado”的缩写,意思是“标准时间和频率站,60kHz,科罗拉多州柯林斯堡”
- “WWV”是“Standard time and frequency station, 2.5 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, 20 MHz, Fort Collins, Colorado”的缩写,意思是“标准时间和频率站,2.5兆赫、5兆赫、10兆赫、15兆赫、20兆赫,科罗拉多州柯林斯堡”
- “WWUK”是“Wolf Watch United Kingdom”的缩写,意思是“英国沃尔夫手表公司”
- “HFL”是“High Frequency Lysogenization”的缩写,意思是“高频溶出”
- “SADR”是“Standard Ambulatory Data Record”的缩写,意思是“标准动态数据记录”