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a cog in a/the machine acolyte a commanding position a commanding position/view a commanding view
a conflict of interest a contradiction in terms acorn a couple of shakes acoustic
acoustically acoustic neuroma acoustic neuroma acoustics acqhire
acquaintance acquaintanceship acquainted acquaint someone/yourself with something acquiesce
0800 number 0898 number 101 10-4 12A
12th man 12th man 15 18 180
18-yard box 18-yard box 20/20 vision 20/20 vision 2:1
2:2 .22 2 3 5 24/7 24/7
24-hour clock 24-hour clock 3-D 3-D 3-D printer
3D printer 3-D printing 3D printing 3G 3G
3Ws 404 4 3 2 1 4 4 2 .45
4 5 1 4G 4WD 4x4 4×4
5G $64,000 question 7/7 78 800 number
900 number 9/11 911 999 a
A A A2 A3 A4
A5 A, a AA AAA aah
aah AAMI AAPI AAPI aardvark
AB AB aback a backward step abacus
a bad workman blames his tools abaft abalone abandon abandoned
abandonment abandonware a banner year/season/month/week a baptism of/by fire a barrage of something
abase abasement abash abashed abate
abatement abatement notice abatement order abattoir abattoir
abaya abbess abbey abbot abbreviate
abbreviated abbreviation ABC abdicate abdication
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