preposition ukstrong /fɔːr/ weak /fər/ usstrong /fɔːr/ weak /fɚ/
A1 (表示给予的对象)给
intended to be given to
There's a phone message for you. 你有一条电话留言。
I'd better buy something for the new baby. 我最好给刚出生的宝宝买些东西。
There's a prize for the fastest three runners in each category. 每个组别跑得最快的前3名将会获得奖品。
- More examples
- We're having a collection for Tom's retirement present.
- Your shoes will be repaired and ready for you to collect on Thursday.
- A young girl came up to me and asked for money.
- There's a letter for you on the table.
- There'll be a prize for the best entry.
A2 为了
having the purpose of
There's a sign there saying "boats for hire". 告示牌上写着“小船出租”。
This pool is for the use of hotel guests only. 这个游泳池只供酒店客人使用。
I'm sorry, the books are not for sale. 对不起,这些书不卖。
They've invited us for dinner on Saturday. 他们已邀请我们星期六去吃晚饭。
Everyone in the office is contributing money for his leaving present. 为了送他一份离职礼物,办公室里每个人都出了钱。
I need some money for tonight. 我今晚需要些钱用。
Which vitamins should you take for (= in order to cure) skin problems? 治疗皮肤病应该服用哪种维生素?
Put those clothes in a pile for washing (= so that they can be washed). 把那些衣服堆在一起,准备拿去洗。
- More examples
- I need some money for tonight.
- There are several plots of land for sale.
- We had some friends round for lunch yesterday.
- The polish is not for use on wooden surfaces.
- Don't take the game too seriously, it's just for fun.
A2 因为,由于;作为…的结果
because of or as a result of something
I'm feeling all the better for my holiday. 因为要去度假,我感觉好多了。
"How are you?" "Fine, and all the better for seeing you!" “你好吗?”“我很好,见到你就更好了!”
She did 15 years in prison for murder. 她因为谋杀罪坐了15年牢。
I don't eat meat for various reasons. 我不吃肉,原因很多。
I couldn't see for the tears in my eyes. 我眼睛里满是泪水,什么都看不见。
The things you do for love! 你出于爱所做的这些事!
He's widely disliked in the company for his arrogance. 因为傲慢自大,在公司里大家都讨厌他。
She couldn't talk for coughing (= she was coughing too much to talk). 她咳得说不出话来。
Scotland is famous for its spectacular countryside. 苏格兰的乡村景色壮丽,远近闻名。
He's best remembered for his novels. 他的小说最为知名。
I didn't say anything for fear of (= because I was frightened of) offending him. 因为怕冒犯他,所以我什么都不敢说。
if it wasn't/weren't for (also if it hadn't been for) (如果)没有,要不是
If it wasn't for the life jacket, I would have drowned. 如果没有这件救生衣,我就淹死了。
If it wasn't for their support, we wouldn't have been able to continue.
I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Bruce.
We would not have been able to fund the program if it weren't for the grant.
If it hadn't been for that doctor, my father probably wouldn't have survived.
- More examples
- The pitcher is famous for the speed of his delivery.
- He decided to forsake politics for journalism.
- Coppola garnered several Oscar awards for 'The Godfather'.
- I think he's trying to get back at her for those remarks she made in the meeting.
- She was publicly acclaimed for her contribution to the discovery.
A1 (用来表示时间或距离)达,计
used to show an amount of time or distance
We walked for miles. 我们步行了数英里。
She's out of the office for a few days next week. 她下周会有几天不来上班。
I'm just going to lie down for an hour or so. 我就上床睡个把小时。
I haven't played tennis for years. 我已经有好多年没打网球了。
- More examples
- We get cut-rate electricity for six hours each night.
- Mr Black has been a client of this firm for many years.
- The network will be down for an hour for routine maintenance.
- I feel like I've been cooped up in this flat for days.
- It feels like we've been walking for miles.
A2 在(某一场合或时间)
on the occasion of or at the time of
What did you buy him for Christmas? 圣诞节你给他买了什么?
I'd like an appointment with the doctor for some time this week. 我想这周预约个时间看医生。
We're having a party for Jim's 60th birthday. 我们要举办聚会庆祝吉姆的60岁生日。
I've booked a table at the restaurant for nine o'clock. 我已经在餐馆订了9点的桌位。
- More examples
- They planned a special celebration for her homecoming.
- They're making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding.
C1 (用于同类事物的比较)就…而言
used for comparing one thing with others of the same type
She's very mature for her age. 就她的年龄而言,她非常成熟。
For every two people in favour of the law there are three against. 这项法律支持者和反对者的比率为2:3。
The winter has been unusually cold for Florida. 在弗罗里达,今年冬天尤其寒冷。
It was a difficult decision, especially for a child. 这是困难的决定,尤其是对一个孩子来说。
For a man of his wealth he's not exactly generous. 对像他这样身价的人来说,他一点儿都不大方。
- More examples
- She's rather immature for her age, don't you think?
- For every two people in favour of the law there are three against.
- For a man of his wealth he's not exactly generous.
- He plays very well for a beginner.
- Can I swap this t-shirt for another one?
C1 (用于表达谁应该)为(某一事件负责)
used to say whose responsibility something is
She knew the driver of the other car was not responsible for her son's death. 她知道另一辆车的司机不应该为她儿子的死亡负责。
B2 支持,拥护;赞同
in support of or in agreement with
I voted for the Greens at the last election. 上次大选我投了绿党的票。
Those voting for the motion, 96, and those voting against, 54. 这一动议96票赞成,54票反对。
Most of the Republicans voted for the measure. 大部分共和党人投票支持这项提案。
So let's hear some applause for these talented young performers. 那么,让我们为这些有才华的年轻表演者鼓掌吧。
Who's for (= who wants to play) tennis? 谁想打网球?
be all for something 完全赞同;全力支持
to approve of or support something very much
I've got nothing against change - I'm all for it. 我不反对改变——我完全赞成。
I'm all for gender equality, but I think the most qualified person should get the job. 我完全支持男女平等,但我认为最具备所有条件的人应该得到这个工作。
I mean, I'm all for cycling, but sometimes the car is the only viable option.
I'm all for protecting the environment.
He's all for supporting local businesses.
We're all for equality - we believe it's something we should all work towards.
- More examples
- I'm all for making changes to the system.
- Are you for or against the new proposals?
- Who will you be voting for at the next election?
- Three cheers for the winner!
- Anyone for coffee?
B1 为了帮助(某人)
in order to help someone
Let me carry those bags for you. 让我帮你拿那些包。
Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,我能为你做些什么?
My sister will take care of the dog for us while we're away. 在我们外出期间,我的姐姐会帮我们照顾狗。
in relation to someone or something
Her feelings for him had changed. 她对他的情感发生了变化。
He felt nothing but contempt for her. 他对她只有蔑视。
I've got a lot of admiration for people who do that sort of work. 我十分敬佩做那种工作的人。
He's quite good-looking but he's too short for me. 他长得很帅,但是对我来说有点太矮了。
The ice-cream was a little bit sweet for me. 我觉得这冰激凌有点儿太甜了。
That jacket looks a little big for you. 那件外套你穿显得有点儿大。
Jackie's already left and, as for me, I'm going at the end of the month. 杰基已经离开了,而我要呆到这个月底。
Luckily for me (= I was lucky), I already had another job. 幸运的是,我已经找到了另一份工作。
How are you doing for money/time (= do you have enough money/time)? 你手头/时间还宽裕吗?
for allC2 尽管
For all her qualifications, she's still useless at the job. 尽管她有种种资历,她还是不能胜任这项工作。
For all his many faults, it has to be said he was a good father.
Andrew, for all his academic brilliance, could sometimes make very questionable business decisions.
I still think it was Rachel's decision, for all her complaining about the outcome.
For all her bravado, I could tell she was nervous.
- More examples
- The children had a lot of respect for their teacher.
- Her feelings for him had changed.
- Police are still looking for clues in their search for the missing girl.
- He had a deep affection for his aunt.
- She was afraid for her children.
A2 以…为交换,以…为代价
(getting) in exchange
How much did you pay for your glasses? 你配这副眼镜花了多少钱?
I've sponsored her £1 for every mile that she runs. 她每跑1英里我就捐助1英镑。
She sold the house for a lot of money. 她这栋房子卖了一大笔钱。
The mechanic said he'd repair my car for £300. 修理工说修好我的车要花300英镑。
- More examples
- How much did you pay for the tickets?
- I've got £20 000 worth of cover for the contents of my house.
- £4 for an orange juice? That's just daylight robbery!
- A collector would pay $500 for a mint copy.
- The company pays £220 a week for people to act as couriers.
B1 受雇于;代表
being employed by or representing a company, country, etc.
She works for a charity. 她为一家慈善机构工作。
He swam for the United States in the 2000 Olympics. 他在2000年的奥运会上代表美国参加了游泳比赛。
- More examples
- He plays for Manchester United.
- Many people in the town used to work for the steel company.
- She's been capped for Scotland nine times.
- I've been out canvassing for the Labour Party every evening this week.
- Do you still work for the government?
A2 往,向
towards; in the direction of
They looked as if they were heading for the train station. 他们看上去像是朝火车站去了。
Just follow signs for the museum. 跟着指向博物馆的标志牌走就行了。
This time tomorrow we'll be setting off for the States. 明天这个时候我们将会动身去美国。
It says this train is for (= going to stop at) Birmingham and Coventry only. 上面写着这列火车只在伯明翰和考文垂两站停车。
- More examples
- Follow the signs for the train station.
- They were running for the bus.
- The roads were busy with people heading for the coast.
- The team was on course for victory.
- The alarm sent people scrambling for the exits.
A2 意思是,表示
showing meaning
What's the Spanish word for "vegetarian"? 西班牙语中 vegetarian(素食主义者)这个词怎么说?
What does the "M.J." stand for? Maria José? M.J.代表什么?代表 Maria José 吗?
- More examples
- What's that symbol for?
- LCD stands for liquid crystal display.
- We had to learn chemical formulae at school, but I can only remember H2O for water.
- The green light is for go.
- Alpha is used for the letter A.
A2 为得到,为获取
in order to get or achieve
I hate waiting for public transport. 我讨厌等公交。
I had to run for the bus. 我得去赶公交车了。
Did you send off for details of the competition? 你去函索取介绍竞赛详情的资料了吗?
I've applied for a job with another computer company. 我已向另一家计算机公司求职。
- More examples
- He wrote off for more information.
- The film was nominated for an Academy Award.
- I've applied for several jobs since leaving university.
- You have to get there early for the best seats.
- 50 percent is needed for a pass.
the duty or responsibility of
As to whether you should marry him - that's for you to decide. 至于你该不该嫁给他,这得由你自己决定。
It's not for me to tell her what she should do with her life. 不该由我来告诉她应该过什么样的生活。
"How many people should I invite to the party?" "It's not really for me to say." “我应该请多少人来参加聚会?”“这好像不该由我来说。”
for it UK informal (mainly US in for it) 有麻烦
in trouble
You'll be for it when she finds out! 等她查出来你就麻烦了!
You'll be for it when she sees what a mess you've made!
If there's so much as a scratch on that car, he'll be for it!
If she's late a second time this week, she'll be for it!
I tell you what, if your father finds out what you did last night, you'll be for it!
James has been looking for you. You'll be for it, my girl!
for all someone cares/knowsidiom informal 对…来说无所谓,对…来说不重要
said to show that something is not important to someone
You could be the Queen of England, for all I care - you're not coming in here without a ticket. 你就算是英格兰女王我也不管——没有票,你就别想进来。
that/there's ... for youidiom disapproving …就是这样
used to say that you think something is a typical example of something bad
You spend two hours cooking a meal and they say "it's disgusting" - that's children for you! 你花两个小时做了顿饭,他们却说“难吃死了”——孩子就是这样!
what ... for?idiom 为什么
What did you do that for? 你为什么那么做?
What are you emptying that cupboard for? 你为什么把那个橱柜里的东西都拿出来?
conjunction old-fashioned or literary ukstrong /fɔːr/ weak /fər/ usstrong /fɔːr/ weak /fɚ/
because; as
She remained silent, for her heart was heavy and her spirits low. 由于心情沉重情绪低落,她一直沉默不语。