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单词 accent
noun [ C ] uk/ˈæk.sənt/ us/ˈæk.sənt/
B1 口音,腔调;土音
the way in which people in a particular area, country, or social group pronounce words
He's got a strong southern/Boston accent. 他说话带有很重的南方/波士顿口音。
She's French but she speaks with an impeccable English accent. 她是法国人,但说话却是地道的英国腔。
He speaks with a broad/heavy/strong/thick Yorkshire accent. 他说话带有很重的约克郡口音。
I thought I could detect a slight Canadian accent. 我想我可以听得出来一点轻微的加拿大口音。
    More examples
  • At university he affected an upper-class accent.
  • He took elocution lessons to try to make his accent sound more genteel.
  • A woman with a very posh accent phoned for him earlier.
  • Many celebrities develop a working class accent to increase their street-credibility.
  • She speaks English without the slightest trace of an accent.
B2 (标在字母上的)发音符号
a mark written or printed over a letter to show you how to pronounce it
a grave accent 沉音符
There's an acute accent on the e of "café". café 这个词中字母 e 上面有个尖音符号。
    More examples
  • There's an acute accent on the e in blé, which is the French word for corn.
  • Pay attention to the accents on the words, because they show you how to pronounce them.
  • Françoise is spelled with an accent - a cedilla - on the 'c'.
  • There is an accent called an umlaut in the German word 'Gebaüde', which means 'building'.
  • They use quite a lot of accents in Turkish writing, don't they?
language, music specialized重音
a special emphasis given to a particular syllable in a word, word in a sentence, or note in a set of musical notes
The accent falls on the final syllable. 重音在最后一个音节上。
the accent is on something 着重点在于…;注重…;强调…
great importance is given to a particular thing or quality
This season the accent is definitely on long, flowing, romantic clothes. 毫无疑问,本季的服装以修长飘逸、充满浪漫情调为主要特点。
verb [ T ] uk/əkˈsent/ us/ˈæk.sent/
to emphasize something
In any advertising campaign, you must accent the areas where your product is better than the competition. 在广告宣传中,必须突出你的产品优于竞争对手的方面。
specialized Accent the first note of every bar. 突出每一小节的第一个音符。




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