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单词 bracket
noun uk/ˈbræk.ɪt/ us/ˈbræk.ɪt/
B2 [ C usually plural ]括号
either of two symbols put around a word, phrase, or sentence in a piece of writing to show that what is between them should be considered as separate from the main part
Biographical information is included in brackets. 括号里给出了作者的个人信息。
UK You should include the date of publication in round brackets after the title. 你应该在题目后面的圆括号里注明出版日期。
See also: parentheses
Compare: square brackets
    More examples
  • The country's initials are given in brackets after the figure.
  • She'd put brackets around the clause.
  • What does the figure in brackets refer to?
C1 [ C ]等级;段;档次
a group with fixed upper and lower limits
They were both surgeons in a high income bracket. 他俩都属于高收入阶层的外科医生。
Most of our students are in the 18–22 age bracket. 我们大多数的学生都属于18至22岁这个年龄段。
Her pay rise brought her into a new tax bracket. 她薪水的增加使她进入了新的纳税等级。
[ C ](通常呈L形、固定在墙上的)托架,支架,小壁架
a piece of metal, wood, or plastic, usually L-shaped, that is fastened to a wall and used to support something such as a shelf
[ C ] US赛程表
a diagram (= drawing) showing a series of games played in a tournament (= sports competition)
In some tournaments, the full bracket is determined before the first game. 有些锦标赛的总赛程表在第一场比赛前就已经确定好了。
verb [ T ] uk/ ˈbræk.ɪt/ us/ˈbræk.ɪt/
to put brackets around words, phrases, numbers, etc.
I've bracketed the parts of the text that could be omitted. 我已把文章可省略的部分用括号括起来了。
If you bracket two or more things or people, you consider them to be similar or connected to each other.
He's often bracketed with the romantic poets of this period although this does not reflect the range of his work. 人们常常把他与这个时期的浪漫诗人相提并论,尽管这并不能反映出他的作品的涉猎范围。




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