verb [ I or T ] offensive uk/fʌk/ us/fʌk/
to have sex with someone
Phrasal verbs
fuck around 瞎胡闹;闲混
to behave stupidly, or to waste time doing things that are not important
Stop fucking around! 别瞎闹了!
fuck someone around UK浪费(某人)的时间;粗暴对待(某人)
to treat someone badly by wasting their time or causing problems for them
I'm warning you, don't fuck me about! 我警告你,别浪费我的时间!
fuck off 滚开,走开
to leave or go away, used especially as a rude way of telling someone to go away
Just fuck off and leave me alone! 滚开,让我一个人呆一会儿!
He's fucked off somewhere and left me to do all the work. 他滚到别的地方去了,留下我一个人干所有的活儿。
fuck someone off UK惹恼(某人);使(某人)心烦意乱
to annoy or upset someone very much
You speak to me as if I'm stupid and it really fucks me off. 你那样跟我说话,就好像我是个蠢货,真把我气坏了。
fuck (something) up 毁掉;伤害;使苦恼;搞砸
to damage, harm, or upset someone or something, or to do something very badly
Her parents' divorce really fucked her up. 她父母的离婚使她很苦恼。
I fucked up the interview. 我把面试搞砸了。
The exam was a disaster - I really fucked up. 那次考试真是场灾难——我考得一塌糊涂。
exclamation offensive uk/fʌk/ us/fʌk/
used when expressing extreme anger, or to add force to what is being said
Fuck - the car won't start! 妈的——这破车打不着火了!
Shut the fuck up! 你他妈的给我闭嘴!
Who the fuck does she think she is, telling me what to do? 妈的她觉得自己是老几呀,对我指手画脚的?
fuck you/them/itidiom offensive (用冒犯性的方式表示不喜欢、尊重或在意某人或某事)妈的,去死
an offensive way of saying that you do not like, respect, or care about someone or something
"I won't do it." "Fuck you, then." “我不会这样做的。”“那就去死吧。”
noun offensive uk/fʌk/ us/fʌk/
[ C ]性交
an act of having sex
[ C ]性伙伴,性交对象
a sexual partner