verb [ I, T + adv/prep ] disapproving uk/ˈwiː.dəl/ us/ˈwiː.dəl/
to try to persuade someone to do something or give you something by praising them or being intentionally charming
She's one of those children who can wheedle you into giving her anything she wants. 她这个孩子,可以用甜言蜜语哄得你给她任何她想要的东西。
She wasn't invited, but somehow she managed to wheedle her way in. 她没有被邀请,可她不知怎么连哄带骗地混了进来。
I tried different approaches - I wheedled, threatened, demanded, cajoled. 各种办法我都试过了——连哄带骗、威逼利诱、强烈要求、甜言蜜语。