goal difference
noun [ U ] uk/ˈɡəʊl ˌdɪf.ər.əns/ us/ˈɡoʊl ˌdɪf.ɚ.əns/
mainly UK(足球比赛的)净胜球数(球队进球总数与失球总数之差,用来决定两支积分相同球队的名次)
the amount by which the total number of goals a football team scores is greater than the total number of goals scored against it, used as a way of deciding the position of teams with the same number of points
After their 2-0 win on Saturday, City lead the title race on goal difference. 在星期六以二比零获胜之后,城队以净胜球优势名列联赛榜首。