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单词 hit
verb uk/hɪt/ us/hɪt/ hitting | hit
A2 [ T ]击,打
to move your hand or an object onto the surface of something so that it touches it, usually with force
Teachers are not allowed to hit their pupils. 不允许教师打学生。
This type of glass won't shatter no matter how hard you hit it. 这种玻璃无论你怎么敲击都不会碎。
She hit her thumb with the hammer. 她用锤子砸到自己的拇指。
B1 [ T ]碰撞
to touch something with sudden force
They were going about 60 kilometres an hour when their car hit the tree. 他们的车撞到树上时正以约每小时60公里的车速行驶。
One journalist was hit in the leg by a stray bullet. 一名记者被流弹击中了腿部。
That new shelf in the bathroom is too low - I just hit my head on it. 浴室里的那个新架子太低——我的头刚刚撞在上面了。
    More examples
  • I've got a bruise where I hit my leg against the corner of the table.
  • A stone hit the window and cracked the glass.
  • I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out at me and hit me in the face.
  • The car skidded off the road, hit a tree and overturned.
  • Just try to concentrate on hitting the ball.
B2 [ T ]产生不良影响打击
to have an unpleasant or negative effect on a person or thing
Production has been badly hit by the strike. 罢工严重影响了生产。
Demand for transatlantic flights has been hit by fears of terrorist attacks. 由于害怕遭遇恐怖袭击,人们对飞越大西洋航班的需求受到了影响。
C2 [ T ]忽然意识到
If an idea or thought hits you, you suddenly think of it.
That's when it hit me that my life would never be the same again. 那一刻我忽然明白我的人生再也不会和过去一样了。
    More examples
  • She opened the window and I was hit by an icy blast of air.
  • Small businesses have been worst hit by the recession.
  • These new tax arrangements will hit everyone, but especially middle-income families.
  • I've been having lots of short nights lately and today the lack of sleep has suddenly hit me.
  • He tries to pretend nothing has happened, but then reality hits him and it's very hard.
[ T often passive ]射击;轰炸
to shoot at or bomb a place or person, causing damage or injury
Two schools were hit during the air raid. 空袭中有两所学校遭到了轰炸。
He was hit in the neck by a bullet from a sniper. 他被一名狙击手射出的子弹击中了颈部。
Try to hit the middle of the target. 要尽量打中靶心。
    More examples
  • The bullet hit him and he crumpled into a heap on the floor.
  • Three soldiers were killed by friendly fire when a mortar bomb hit their truck.
  • 90 percent of the projected missiles will hit their target.
  • He was hit by a ricochet from a stray bullet.
  • I had four shots but I didn't even hit the target.
C1 [ T ]到达
to arrive at a place or position
If we turn left at the next junction, we should hit the main road after five miles or so. 如果在下一个路口左转弯,走5英里左右后我们就会抵达大路。
C1 [ T ]达到,实现
to succeed in reaching or achieving something
Our profits hit an all-time high of $20 million last year. 去年我们的盈利达到了2000万英镑的最高纪录。
I just can't hit (= sing) those high notes like I used to. 我就是不能像过去一样把那些高音唱上去。
    More examples
  • The dollar has hit an all-time low against the Japanese yen.
  • It should be about six o'clock when we hit Birmingham.
  • The prime minister's opinion poll ratings have hit rock bottom.
  • Madonna's new single hit the charts today at number 3.
  • If you keep going in this direction, you will hit the coast eventually.
hit it offinformalB2 (与某人)相处得好,合得来
to like someone and become friendly immediately
I didn't really hit it off with his friends. 我和他的朋友们并不怎么合得来。
Jake and Sue hit it off immediately. 杰克和苏一见如故。
[ T ] mainly US slang杀死
to kill someone
Three drug dealers were hit in the city over the weekend. 周末有3名毒贩在该市被击毙。
hit someone between the eyesidiom 使某人)大为震惊;使某人)大受影响
to shock someone or have a sudden strong effect on someone
hit someone where it hurtsidiom 刺到(某人)的痛处,碰到(某人)的敏感之处
to do or say something to someone that will upset them as much as possible
He's always worrying about his weight, so if you want to hit him where it hurts, tell him he's looking a bit fat. 他一直在担心自己的体重,如果你想刺到他的痛处,就说他有点胖。
hit homeidiom 使充分意识到(情况有多糟糕或困难)
to cause you to realize exactly how unpleasant or difficult something is
The full horror of the war only hit home when we started seeing the television pictures of it in our living rooms. 在家中客厅里看到电视上的图片后,我们才充分意识到这场战争有多恐怖。
hit the booksidiom mainly US and Australian English informal 学习;做功课
to study
I can't go out tonight. I need to hit the books. 我今晚不能出门,我得做功课。
hit the bottleidiom informal 开始酗酒
to start to drink too much alcohol
hit the ceiling/roofidiom informal 暴跳如雷,极其恼火
to become extremely angry
Dad'll hit the ceiling when he finds out I've left school. 爸爸要是发现我离开了学校一定会暴跳如雷的。
hit the deckidiom informal 快速卧倒
to lie down quickly and suddenly so that you are hidden from view or protected from something dangerous
hit the ground runningidiom informal 雷厉风行;一举成功
to immediately work hard and successfully at a new activity
hit the hay/sackidiom informal 上床睡觉
to go to bed in order to sleep
I have a busy day tomorrow, so I think I'll hit the sack. 明天我会很忙,所以我看我该睡觉了。
hit the headlinesidiom 突然成为媒体头条,受到媒体强烈关注
to appear in the news suddenly or receive a lot of attention in news reports
He hit the headlines two years ago when he was arrested for selling drugs to the mayor's nephew. 两年前他因向市长的侄子出售毒品而被捕,这使他突然受到媒体强烈关注。
More idioms
hit the jackpotidiom 突然得到(或赢得)一大笔钱
to suddenly get or win a lot of money
hit the nail on the headidiom 说中要害,说到点子上
to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem
I think Mick hit the nail on the head when he said that what's lacking in this company is a feeling of confidence. 米克说这家公司缺乏的是一种自信,我认为他说到点子上了。
hit the roadidiom 离开,出发
to leave a place or begin a journey
I'd love to stay longer but I must be hitting the road. 我很想多呆一段时间,可我必须要走了。
hit the spotidiom 正是所需要的
to be exactly what is needed
That bacon sandwich really hit the spot! 那个熏肉三明治正是我想要的!
not know what hit youidiom 过度惊吓而无法反应,惊呆了
to feel shocked or confused because something bad has happened to you suddenly when you were not expecting it
Phrasal verbs
hit back 反击,反攻
to attack or criticize someone who has attacked or criticized you
In tonight's speech, the minister is expected to hit back at critics who have attacked her handling of the crisis. 一些批评家曾攻击部长对这一危机的处理方式,在今晚的讲话中,她预计会对此加以反击。
hit on someone 某人调情
to show someone that you are sexually attracted to them
Some guy hit on me while I was standing at the bar. 我在吧台边上站着的时候,有个家伙过来和我调情。
hit on/upon something 突然想到;碰巧想出
to think of an idea when you didn't expect or intend to, especially one that solves a problem
When we first hit on the idea, everyone told us it would never work. 当我们第一次想到这个主意时,所有人都跟我们说这行不通。
hit out 猛烈批评,严厉抨击
to criticize something or someone strongly
The Medical Association yesterday hit out at government cuts in healthcare services. 昨天,医疗协会猛烈抨击了政府削减医疗保健开支的措施。
hit someone up 某人索要
to ask someone for something
She hit me up for $20. 她向我要20美元。
noun [ C ] uk/hɪt/ us/hɪt/
B1 非常受欢迎的人(或事);非常成功的人(或事)
a thing or person that is very popular or successful
The Beatles had a string of number-one hits in the 1960s. 20世纪60年代甲壳虫乐队推出了一系列排行榜冠军曲目。
Your cake was a real hit at the party - everyone commented. 聚会上你的蛋糕真是棒极了——每个人都在谈论。
They've just released an album of their greatest hits (= their most successful songs). 他们刚刚发行了一张他们的上榜歌曲精选。
    More examples
  • The Beatles' first hit was 'Love Me Do'.
  • Her last film was a surprise box-office hit.
  • The new album contains some carefully-wrought new songs and a number of familiar hits.
  • He had a string of top-20 hits during the 80s.
  • We'll take a nostalgic look at the musical hits of the 60s.
B2 (对因特网网页的)点击
a request to use a web page on the internet that is then counted to calculate the number of people looking at the page
Our page had 243 hits this week. 我们的网页本周的点击数为243次。
the act of hitting something or someone, or an occasion when something or someone hits you
She gave him a hit on the head which knocked him flying. 她击中了他的头部,打得他眼冒金星。
in baseball, when the batter (= person trying to hit the ball) safely reaches first base after hitting the ball
an occasion when something that has been thrown, dropped, shot, etc. at a place or object reaches that place or object
The rebel headquarters took a direct hit from a bomb during the attack. 在这次进攻中,一颗炸弹直接击中了叛军的总部。
I scored a hit on my second shot. 我的第二枪击中了靶心。
mainly US slang杀人,谋杀
an act of murder
He was the victim of a mafia hit. 他是被黑手党谋杀的。
be a hit with someoneidiom informal (UK also make a hit with someone) 某人)留下很好的第一印象;使(某人)一见钟情
If you are a hit with someone, that person likes you a lot from the time that they first meet you.
You were a big hit with my dad - he hasn't stopped talking about you. 我爸爸对你的第一印象很好——他一直在不停地谈论你。




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