noun uk/eər/ us/er/
A2 [ U ]空气
the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and that we breathe
I went outside to get some fresh air. 我到室外呼吸一下新鲜空气。
You should put some air in your tyres - they look flat to me. 你该给这些轮胎打气了——它们看上去都瘪了。
the airB2 [ S ] 空中,天空
the space above the ground, especially high above the ground
The air was filled with the scent of roses. 空气中弥漫着玫瑰的芳香。
Throw your gun down and put your hands in the air. 扔掉枪,举起手来。
The police fired into the air to clear the demonstrators from the streets. 警察对天鸣枪以驱散街上的示威者。
- More examples
- It's the dampness in the air that is bad for your lungs.
- He let the air out of the balloon.
- The mountain air was wonderfully pure.
- There was a rush of air as she opened the door.
- Stricter controls on air pollution would help to reduce acid rain.
- Warm air rises by the process of convection.
A2 [ U ]乘坐飞机;航空
travel in an aircraft
I don't travel much by air. 我不常坐飞机。
an air crash/disaster 飞机失事/空难
air travel 乘飞机旅行
- More examples
- The air force counterattacked and repelled the invasion.
- Human error has been blamed for the air crash.
- Will the goods be sent by air or sea freight?
- The resort is easily accessible by road, rail, and air.
- The policy of charging air travellers for vegetarian meals proved unpopular and has already been rescinded.
C2 [ S ]神态,样子;风度
manner or appearance
She has an air of confidence about her. 她一副自信的样子。
- More examples
- He had a slight air of menace which I found unsettling.
- He retains an almost professorial air.
- I just assumed he owned the place - he had a proprietary air about him.
- The company operates out of modern offices and expensive hotel suites to create an air of respectability.
- He glared at me with an air of accusation.
be on/off (the) airC1 正在/停止播出
If a programme or a person is on/off (the) air, they are/are not broadcasting on radio or television.
The radio station is on air from 6 a.m. 广播电台早晨6点开始播音。
As soon as the war started, any broadcasts with a military theme were taken off the air. 战争一爆发,所有有关军事主题的节目都停止播出了。
[ C ]曲调,旋律
a simple tune
Bach's Air on a G String 巴赫的《G弦上的咏叹调》
airs and gracesidiom 装腔作势,摆架子;矫揉造作
false ways of behaving that are intended to make other people feel that you are important and belong to a high social class
He was always putting on airs and graces. 他总是装腔作势,故作姿态。
She's got no reason to give herself airs and graces. 她没有理由摆架子。
be walking/floating on airidiom 欢天喜地;得意洋洋
to be very happy and excited because something very good has happened to you
Ever since she met Mark, she's been walking on air. 自打遇到马克那天起,她每天都是喜气洋洋的。
in the airidiom 即将发生;可被感觉到;被人们意识到
If something is in the air, you feel that it is happening or about to happen.
Love/Change/Spring is in the air. 爱意萌动/变革在即/春意盎然。
up in the airidiom 悬而未决
If a matter is up in the air, it is uncertain, often because other matters have to be decided first.
The whole future of the project is still up in the air. 这个项目前途未卜。
verb uk/eər/ us/er/
[ T ]说出,公开,亮出(观点等)
to make opinions or complaints known to other people
Putting a complaint in the suggestions box is one way of airing your grievances. 有什么怨言写出来放在意见箱里,这是一种发泄不满的方式。
He'll air his views on the war whether people want to listen or not. 不管人们是否愿意听,他都要说出他对战争的看法。
[ I or T ](使)晾干,(使)风干;(使)烘干;(使)通风
to become dry and/or fresh, or to cause to become dry and/or fresh
My mother always airs the sheets before she makes the beds. 我妈妈在铺床之前总是先把床单烘干。
Leave the windows open to let the room air a bit. 开着窗户,让房间通通风。
[ I or T ] US广播,播出,播送
to broadcast something or be broadcast on radio or television
The game will be aired live on CBS at 7.00 tonight. 今晚7点,哥伦比亚广播公司将现场直播这场比赛。
The interview with the president will air tomorrow morning. 对总统的采访将在明天早晨播出。