noun [ U ] UK uk/ˌɒfˈrəʊ.lɪŋ/ us/ˌɑːfˈroʊ.lɪŋ/
a practice in which a school removes students from its roll (= official list of students), especially difficult or under-achieving students, in order to make the school seem more successful
A quarter of teachers have seen off-rolling happening in their schools. 有四分之一的教师曾目睹过学校开除纪律或成绩不佳的学生以提升总体表现的做法。
The government has made it clear that it considers off-rolling unacceptable. 政府已经明确表示,开除纪律或成绩不佳的学生以提升学校总体表现这种做法是不可接受的。
- More examples
- Off-rolling has recieved a lot of interest in the press recently.
- Children who have a low education level or do not speak English as their first language are more likely to be at risk of off-rolling.
- Off-rolling is hugely damaging to our most vulnerable young people.