on the side idiom
C2 兼职
in addition to your main job
He makes a little money on the side by cleaning windows in his spare time. 他靠业余时间兼职清洗窗户赚些零用钱。
I think he has another woman on the side (= a relationship with a woman who is not his wife). 我认为他还有别的女人。
mainly US(餐馆中的食物)装在另一个盘子里;作为配菜
(of food in a restaurant) served on another plate, or on the side of the plate
I'd like a salad with the dressing on the side (= with the dressing served separately from the salad), please. 我要一盘色拉,调味汁单独盛盘,谢谢。
I'll have a omelette with fries on the side, please. 我要一个煎蛋,另要一盘炸薯条,谢谢。