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单词 say
verb uk/seɪ/ us/seɪ/ said | said
A1 [ T ]说;讲;陈述;表达;说明
to pronounce words or sounds, to express a thought, opinion, or suggestion, or to state a fact or instruction
Small children find it difficult to say long words. 小孩子觉得长词不好说。
She said goodbye to all her friends and left. 她跟所有的朋友道别后就离开了。
Ben never forgets to say "Please" and "Thank you". 本从来不忘说“请”和“谢谢”。
How do you say "goodbye" in French? “法语里的‘再见’怎么说?”
I'm sorry, what did you say? 对不起,你刚才说什么?
Do you know what she said to him? 你知道她对他说了什么吗?
What did they say about the house? 关于这座房子他们怎么说?
[ + speech ] "I'm going out this evening," she said. “今晚我要出去,”她说。
He said to himself (= thought), "This will never work." 他自言自语道:“这怎么也行不通。”
[ + (that) ] The doctors say (that) it will take him a few weeks to recover. 医生说他需要几周时间才能康复。
[ + question word ] She didn't say whether she was coming. 她没说来不来。
Did she say (= tell you) why she wasn't coming? 她告诉你为什么不来了吗?
[ + to infinitive ] informal He said (= told me) to meet him here. 他说(让我)在这里和他见面。
I've got something to say to you. 我有些事要跟你讲。
The offer was so good that I couldn't say no (= couldn't refuse). 报价太令人满意了,我无法拒绝。
    More examples
  • He said he was coming.
  • I said she should give him a call.
  • Did she say why she left so early?
  • He said that he'd already tried it.
  • What did she say about the cost?
B1 [ I or T ]认为;相信
to think or believe
[ + (that) ] People/They say (that) he's over 100. 人们/他们都说他已经100多岁了。
"It's going to be a very hot summer." "So they say (= that is what people believe)." “今年夏天将会很热。”“大家都这么说。”
She is a firm leader, too firm, some might say (= some people believe that she is too firm). 她是一个严格的领导,有人可能会认为她太严格了。
B1 [ I or T ]发表意见表达观点
to give (as) an opinion or suggestion about something
"Who do you think will get the job?" "I'd rather not say." “你认为谁会得到这份工作?”“我宁愿不发表意见。”
What are you saying, exactly? (= What do you mean?) 你到底是什么意思?
[ + (that) ] We've been driving all day - I say (that) we start looking for a motel now. 我们已经开了一整天车——我觉得我们现在应该找一家汽车旅馆了。
informal What do you say we sell the car? (= What do you think about selling it?) 你觉得我们把车卖了怎么样?
[ T ]表明;体现;显示
to show what you think without using words
[ + (that) ] The look on his face said (= showed) (that) he knew what had happened. 他脸上的表情说明他知道发生了什么事情。
B2 [ T always passive ]据说,据信
When something or someone is said to be a particular thing, that is what people think or believe about it, him, or her.
[ + (that) ] It is said (that) Latin is a difficult language to learn. 据说拉丁语是一种很难学的语言。
[ + to be + noun/adj ] He's said to be over 100. 据说他100多岁了。
    More examples
  • I don't know him personally but they say he's very nice.
  • They're saying house prices are going to fall.
  • Soya is meant to be very good for you, or so they say.
  • It is said that babies look like their fathers at birth.
  • They say you should eat at least five portions of fruit or vegetables a day.
B1 [ T ]说明;指示
to give information in writing, numbers, or signs
My watch says three o'clock. 我的表是3点钟。
Can you read what that sign says? 你能看见那个指示牌上写着什么吗?
[ + (that) ] It says in the paper (that) they've found the man who did it. 报上说他们找到了做那件事的人。
[ + to infinitive ] It says on the bottle to take three tabletsa day. 瓶子的标签上写着一日服用三片。
    More examples
  • The recipe says to use six eggs.
  • It said in the paper that over a thousand people had attended.
  • It should say on the label how often to take the medicine.
  • What did that sign say?
  • Let's see what the instructions say.
before you can say Jack Robinsonidiom old-fashioned informal 转瞬间,一眨眼
used to say that something happens very quickly
Before you could say Jack Robinson, she'd jumped into the car and driven away. 一眨眼的功夫,她已经跳上汽车开走了。
does what it says on the tinidiom UK informal 说到做到;实际功能(或服务等)与声称的相符
If something does what it says on the tin, it does exactly what it is intended to do.
The hotel does exactly what it says on the tin and offers customers a relaxing break. 这家旅馆果然能兑现承诺,让客人轻轻松松地享受假期。
have a lot to say for yourselfidiom informal disapproving 自吹自擂
to talk too much and seem to have a high opinion of yourself
have nothing to say for yourselfidiom informal 不愿交谈,不愿表态
to not be willing to take part in conversations or express your opinions
having said thatidiom 尽管如此,话说回来
despite what has just been said
He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remembers my birthday. 他总忘事,不过,他一直记得我的生日。
I must sayidiom UK or old-fashioned US 我得说,我得承认
I must admit
I must say, I don't think much of her dress. 我得承认,我觉得她的穿着不怎么样。
I'm not saying..., but...idiom informal (一种礼貌或幽默地表达观点的方式)
used as a polite or humorous way of making a comment or criticism
I'm not saying it was your fault. I just think you could have checked. 我不是说这是你的错,我只是说你应该检查一下。
I'm not saying it's perfect, but it's pretty close. 我不是说这是完美的,但也差不多了。
I wouldn't say noidiom informal (表示想要某物)好的
used to say that you would like something that is offered to you
"Would you like another drink?" "I wouldn't say no." “再来一杯吗?”“好吧。”
I'll say!idiom informal 当然!的确如此!
used to show that you agree very strongly with what has been said
"Does he eat a lot?" "I'll say!" “他吃得很多吗?”“当然!”
it goes without sayingidiom B2 不言而喻,不言自明,不用说
used to mean that something is obvious
Of course, it goes without saying that you'll be paid for the extra hours you work. 当然,不用说,你加班是有报酬的。
More idioms
it says a lot for someone/somethingidiom 充分说明,很能说明
used to show how much of a particular quality someone or something has
It says a lot for her determination that she practises her cello so often. 她如此频繁地练习大提琴,这很能说明她的决心。
(do you) know/see what I'm saying?idiom informal (also if you know/see what I'm saying)(用来询问对方是理解或同意,尤其是在未能表述清楚的情况下)你明白我的意思吗?
used to ask if someone understands or agrees with you, especially if you have not expressed yourself very clearly
It's just the best feeling, know what I'm saying? “这是最好的感觉。你明白我的意思吗?”
You have to do the job back-to-front, if you see what I'm saying. “你得从后往前做这项工作。你明白我的意思吗?”
not say booidiom US informal什么也没说,一言未发
to say nothing
You didn't say boo to me about going to your mother's this weekend. 你从没和我提起过这个周末要去你母亲家的事情。
US informal (also be afraid to say boo); (UK not say boo to a goose)非常胆小
to be very nervous and easily frightened
not to sayidiom 虽不能说即使说不上
and possibly even
It would be unwise, not to say stupid, to leave your first job after only six months. 第一份工作才干6个月就辞掉,这虽说不上愚蠢,但也不明智。
(let's) sayidiom (用于引出建议或举例)
used to introduce a suggestion or possible example of something
Try and finish the work by, let's say, Friday. 我建议尽量在星期五前完成这项工作。
Say/Let's say (= if we accept) (that) the journey takes three hours, then you'd be there by two o'clock. 假定这段路程需要3小时的话,你们最晚将在两点钟到达。
say your pieceidiom 直抒胸臆,直言不讳
to say what you are obviously wanting to say
Just say your piece and then go. 只管说你想说的话,然后走开。
say goodbye to somethingidiom 不再拥有得不到
to accept that you will not have something any more or that you will not get it
Once you have kids, you can say goodbye to going out every weekend. 一旦有了孩子,就别想每个周末外出了。
say no moreidiom mainly UK 知道了,不用再讲了
said to show that you understand exactly what the other person is suggesting
"I saw him coming out of her flat." "Say no more!" “我看见他从她的公寓里出来。”“明白了,不要再说了!”
say the wordidiom 吩咐一下,说一声,表示一下
used to tell someone that you will do what they want at the time they ask you
You only have to/Just say the word, and I'll come and help. 你只要说一声,我就会来帮忙。
say this/that much for someone/somethingidiom 为…说好话,为…美言
to say something good about someone or something considered to be bad
I'll say this much for Kay, she always agrees to help whenever we ask her. 我要为凯美言几句,只要我们提出来,她总是愿意帮助我们。
say uncleidiom US informal 承认失败,认输
to admit failure
say whenidiom (为人倒酒时跟对方说的话)斟够了请说一声
said when you are pouring a drink for someone and you want them to tell you when to stop pouring
says who?idiom informal(在争执时表示不同意或不接受对方的说法)谁说的?
used when you are arguing with someone, to show that you do not accept or agree with what they say
You're the best? Says who? “你最好?谁说的?”
says something about someone/somethingidiom (also says a lot about someone/something) 说明表明(某人或某物的个性特质、真正面貌)
to show what a particular person or thing is like
The way he drives says a lot about his character. 他开车的方式很能说明他的性格。
that is to say ...idiom 更确切地讲;也就是说
or more exactly
Our friends, that is to say our son's friends, will meet us at the airport. 我们的朋友,更确切地讲是我们儿子的朋友,将在机场接我们。
That's not saying much.idiom 没什么特别的没什么不同寻常的
used to show that you do not think what someone has said is special
there's little to be said for somethingidiom 不利;没有好处
said to mean that something has disadvantages
Personally, I think there's little to be said for such a policy. 我个人认为这样的政策没有什么好处。
there's something to be said foridiom (also there's a lot to be said for) 有利,有好处
said to mean that something has advantages
There's a lot to be said for living alone. 自己住有很多好处。
to say nothing of ...idiom C2 更不用说而且还
and in addition there is
It would be an enormous amount of work, to say nothing of the cost. 工作量会很大,更不用说费用了。
to say the leastidiom C1 至少可以说
used to show that what you are describing is in fact much more serious or important than you have suggested
It's going to be awkward, to say the least. 至少会很棘手。
what someone says, goesidiom informal 某人怎么说就得怎么做服从某人的命令
said to mean that you must do whatever a particular person says
Around here, kid, what I say, goes! 老兄,在这里,我怎么说就得给我怎么做!
what do you have to say for yourself?idiom 你还有什么好说的?你如何解释?
used to ask someone to explain why they have done something bad
Well, you've ruined my car - what have you got to say for yourself? 噢,你把我的车弄坏了——你想怎么解释?
when all is said and doneidiom 说到底,归根到底
said when you are about to tell someone the most important fact they should remember in a situation
When all is said and done, you can only do your best. 归根到底,你只能尽力而为。
who can say?idiom 谁能说得准?谁会知道?
no one knows
"Is it possible?" "Who can say?" “这可能吗?”“谁知道?”
you can say that again!idiom 你说得很对!一点没错!
used to show that you completely agree with what someone has said
you can't say fairer than thatidiom UK informal 出价再公道不过了协议的条件已很优厚了
used to say that you think an offer or arrangement is good
you don't say!idiom informal (表示惊讶)不会这样吧!不至于吧!(幽默且不太客气地表示并不惊讶)我就知道!
used either to express surprise or lack of surprise in a humorous and slightly unkind way
"He's lost his job." "You don't say!" “他丢掉了工作。”“不会吧!”
you said it!idiom informal 你说对了!正是如此!没错儿!
used to say that you agree with what has just been said
"How stupid of me to lend him that money!" "You said it!" “我把钱借给他可真傻。”“没错儿!”
exclamation old-fashioned uk/seɪ/ us/seɪ/
used to express surprise or pleasure, or to attract attention to what you are about to say
US Say, that's really good of you! 哎呀,你真好!
US Say, how about going out tonight? 嗨,今晚出去玩吧!
UK I say, what a splendid hat you're wearing! 呀,你的帽子真漂亮!
noun [ S or U ] uk/seɪ/ us/seɪ/
(the right to give) an opinion about something
Keep quiet for a minute and let me have my say. 你不能安静一会儿让我发表一下意见吗?
The judge usually has the final say. 法官通常拥有最终的决定权。
have a, some, etc. say in somethingidiom 在…方面有发言权
to be involved in making a decision about something
When he's 18, he'll begin to have a/some say in the running of the family business. 等他到了18岁就可以在家族企业的经营中拥有发言权。
The employees had little/no say in the restructuring of the company. 职员们在公司重组过程中几乎没有/完全没有发言权。




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